Sports and FitnessBody-building

The front squadron. Technique of execution

Training in the hall Oriented to the formation of a healthy and beautiful body. To achieve this goal, various exercises are used and front squats are one of the most effective.

The essence of the exercise

A frontal squat with a bar is nothing more than squats, during which the bar is not behind the back, as is customary for many, but in front - on the upper part of the pectoral muscles. More specifically, the burden is fixed between the front beam of the deltas and the clavicle. The hands are also in front of the trunk and are bent "on themselves."

This exercise can not be called easy. Many of those who attend training in the hall do not do this exercise because they consider it extremely inconvenient. But if you master this technique of squats, then with its help you can effectively influence the top of the quadriceps, as a result of which it is noticeably manifested and the thigh acquires a beautiful curved shape.

It should be taken into account the fact that qualitatively loading the top of the quadriceps is not an easy task, since this part of the muscle is noticeably denser and stiffer than its bottom or middle.

Another advantage that this squatting technique has in itself is a reduction in the load on the lower back and waist in comparison with the classic squats with a bar. Moreover, the front squat develops explosive power and helps to increase overall muscle growth. Therefore, this exercise clearly deserves attention.

How to make a front squat

Before you start squats, you need to properly set the bar (the height of the pillars). The shoulder level will be optimal. This will allow you to reliably fix the burden after the exercise.

Squatting technique Begins with the fact that the standing position is engaged, and the bar is placed on the front part of the deltoid muscles. In this case, it is important to tighten the burden on yourself. The legs should stand on the width of the shoulders, and the feet should be aligned to the width of the hips. The back should be kept exactly, this is important. It is from this position that the frontal squat begins.

In order to fix the bar during the exercise, you must put your hands on it while crossing them. It is important to monitor the position of the elbows - they must be parallel to the floor. That is, if properly seized, they will not look down, but forward.

When these conditions are met, the frontal frontman himself begins. Having removed the bar from the pillars of the frame, it is necessary to move 1-2 steps back, but not farther. This is also worth paying attention, since when working with large weights it will be extremely difficult to move, especially after the completion of the exercise. To leave it is necessary so that racks did not interfere during squats. At the same time, the legs remain shoulder-width apart.

Further, from the starting position, securely fixing the bar with your hands, you need to do squatting, and as deep as possible. It is desirable that the angle between the calves and the upper leg is less than 90 °. In this case, if there is no experience, do not be too zealous. During squatting, too, take a leisurely breath. It is important to remember that the front squat should be performed with the correct posture. Stop in the process of squats can not be torn from the floor. Also, do not bend your head.

When the bottom point is reached, it is necessary to take a short pause and strain the muscles of the legs, including the quadriceps, to push your body up with the bar, taking the initial position as a result.

Practical tips

A frontal frontier is an exercise that can be carried out in the absence of a bar, although its use is a priority. It is replaced by dumbbells, which need to be taken with an ordinary grip, without crossing arms. In this case, the shoulders should be spread slightly wider. The palms should be pointed upwards and the elbows on the sides should not be bent.

It makes sense to perform this exercise in front of the mirror, so it's easier to practice squatting. And on it (technology) you need to make a special accent, because from the competent performance of squats directly depends on the result.

At the final stage of the exercise, while jerking up, do not fully extend the knees in standing position. This will lift the load from the hip and transfer it to the joints. Therefore, at the maximum point of recovery, it is necessary to leave the knees slightly bent, keeping the load on the muscles.

As for the number of repetitions, they should be counted individually. But if we talk about the average standards, we can start with 3 approaches for 6-12 repetitions, depending on the state of health.

How is the load distributed?

One of the very first questions that can be asked by those who perform a frontal squat is - which muscles work during this exercise?

Here is the list of muscles that are loaded with this form of squats:

1. The front of the thigh is a quadriceps.

- medial muscle;

- lateral;

- Straight;

- an intermediate wide part of the thigh.

2. Back of the thigh.

- hamstrings (biceps);

- semimembranous muscle ;

- Semitendinous.

3. Large gluteus muscle.

As you can see, the front squats help to load the legs qualitatively.

How to increase the load

For those who have not previously had to practice the front squat, it is better to increase the load not by weeks, but by months. It is not worth chasing a lot of weight, because it will ruin the technique of execution. This is especially true in the case of newcomers.

If you approach the process of forming a figure correctly, then it is necessary to include in the pattern of training usual squats, not focusing only on the front squats. These exercises need to be alternated. For example, when the maximum squeeze is reached in a usual squat, it is necessary to change it to the front squad and perform it within two to three months. Then again go back to the classics.

Such alternations will fully load all the muscles of the legs and significantly more quickly achieve new strengths.

Common Errors

The first mistake that can be made by inexperience is to look up or down during the exercise. As mentioned above, you need to look straight. Otherwise, there is a risk of losing balance and falling. As a result, in addition to psychological discomfort, you can damage your knees, since you will have to fall forward.

To lose a bar during exercise is possible and because of uneven back. When it is indirect, the load is distributed incorrectly and there is a risk of injury or falling.

The reduction of the squat amplitude can also interfere with the desired effect. Some beginners, trying to reduce the load, squat not deeply enough. As a result, the quadriceps do not receive a full load. But in this case, initially there is no sense in doing such an exercise. It is necessary to squat deeply - this is an uncompromising rule.

Who is interested in front squats

This exercise will be very useful for those who have a lot of growth and, consequently, have difficulty with the development of leg muscles. For best effect it is worth using the maximum permissible width of the rack.

This type of squats is relevant for those who aspire to pump their feet, but has a back injury behind them and struggles with pain in the lower back. But to avoid complications, especially without the experience of training, you need to use small weights and pay the main attention to the technique.

Obviously, front squats are a useful and relevant exercise, which one should not forget about those who intend to have a beautiful figure.

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