Education, The science
Sociology of law - history and reality
As you know, the period of ambiguous process of economic transformation in the country is a difficult time, including in the field of legal development of individuals in a particular social group. Given the fact that any society in its development, of course, goes through certain stages, the sociology of law in this society is being adjusted. It is clear that each of these stages has its own peculiarities and subtleties, which in many ways deform the general laws of formation. However, there is the possibility of some classification of the state of legal consciousness, both of the society as a whole, and of its individual representatives.
The system of social values in the USSR
However each of us belongs to the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, this is our history, which allows us to understand and evaluate processes in various spheres of life, both the state and citizens. Modern Russian sociology of law is no exception. It is worth recalling that the basic socio-political principle, at least, declared, was the principle of the dictatorship of the proletariat. This fact largely determined the understanding of the right of a citizen and, accordingly, regulated the issues of social policy of the state itself. Thus, the sociology of law in the USSR was aimed at excluding, if possible, all social risks.
New Russian Federation
The fundamental changes that sociology underwent in modern Russia have their origins in the relatively far 80s of the last century. It is at this moment that the fundamental aspect of the state's social policy is not the collective, as the unit of reference, but the individual, which has largely changed not only the legal system in the country, but also the people's sense of justice. All these processes were even more active in the 1990s, after the collapse of the Soviet Union. In this period, the problems of the state played an enormous role in the legal consciousness of citizens, both in the economy and in the political system. The system of priorities has collapsed, creating a rather serious vacuum, which to some extent contributed to distorting the understanding of the legal norms of the population. Not the least role in this process was played by the fact that social institutions practically did not fulfill their functions, and such a concept as the sociology of law did not have time or, as they say, forces. It can be said that 1994 was the bottom in this fall, when, in the end, the state was adopted in the sphere of social policy. In this case, special attention was paid directly to the fundamental aspects of the life of social groups, such as social partnership, the formation of the labor market (including the projection of unemployment), the stabilization of the standard of living. It should be noted that the last priority, which is considered by modern Russian sociology of law, came to replace the distribution system, the so-called public consumption funds.
Modern realities - new challenges
It is clear that time does not stand in one place. As a result, the sociology of law must move forward in its development. Moreover, the current conditions for the development of society form new tasks and functions of the state in social policy. First of all, we are talking about strengthening, so-called, targeted support for all needy and poor citizens. Secondly, forced migrants and other migrant groups are, without a doubt, a serious problem that sociology in modern Russia must to some extent solve. Naturally, their adaptation to society and sufficient social support is necessary.
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