
Preparation "Vizin": instructions for use

Today it is considered economically advantageous to advertise medicinal products on television. The most common example of such advertising is "Vizin", a drug that is recommended for any discomfort in the eyes. At gullible spectators after watching the video involuntarily (this is the essence of good advertising) there is a desire to buy drops and quickly use them. But can this be done?

Drops "Vizin" (the instruction on application is applied to the preparation) belong to the group of alpha-adrenomimetics - medical preparations combining anti-edema and vasoconstrictive effect. The effect of the use of the medicine comes in a few minutes. Mucous eyes become more moist, a sensation of burning, itching, "sand" in the eyes disappears. This "works" tetrosolin, the main therapeutic substance of the drug "Vizin". It removes swelling, removes redness, inflammation.

However, the drug "Vizin", the instruction for use notes this fact, causes a strong and rapid addiction. This means that if the drops are used improperly, their validity (usually from 4 to 8 hours) will become shorter. The patient, who has independently prescribed the treatment with "Vizin" drops, will either have to shorten the intervals between the procedures, or increase the dose of the drug. And this is the direct way to side effects or overdose.

What harm does the mod can cause to misuse the "Vizin" drug? Instructions for use warns that some people after the instillation of the product may have an allergy, itching, dry eyes. When an overdose occurs sudden pressure surges, pulmonary edema, malfunctioning of the heart. Quite often there is nausea, confusion, excitement or persistent, poorly removable dilatation of the pupil.

Moreover, there are patients who have the drug "Vizin" (contraindications are detailed in the instructions) is prohibited. These include children or adults suffering from glaucoma.

Why is the medicine so often advertised so dangerous? What is included in the drug "Vizin"? The composition of the drug is: together with the active substance tetrosolin it includes boric acid, disodium edetate, benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, sodium tetraborate. Each of these substances has its own side effects, and all together with uncontrolled application they can cause very serious harm.

So who is treated with the drug "Vizin"? Instruction for use specifies when it is assigned:

  • To eliminate edema with contact or allergic conjunctivitis.
  • To eliminate the edema of the nasopharyngeal mucosa.
  • Patients who use contact lenses.

This group of people should dig in the medicine no more often than 4 times a day, and the maximum course of treatment is 4 days.

The medicine should be immediately discontinued if it caused an allergic reaction. It is also canceled if there is no improvement in two days. The opened sterile vial is not stored for longer than 25 days.

If someone does decide to use Vizin drops without the permission of a doctor, he must remember that the product line is constantly expanding. For today there are:

  • "Vizin" is classic.
  • Drops of "Vizin. Clean tear", intended more for the removal of eye fatigue, dry mucous.
  • Gel "Vizin night". It best removes swelling and dry eyes.

And side effects, and contraindications are the same for the entire line of medicine. They are distinguished by auxiliary components.

If, for some reason, the drug "Vizin" is not available, it can be replaced by analogues. These include:

  • Vidisik (Germany).
  • "Hilo chest of drawers" (Germany).
  • "Likontin" (Russia).
  • "Systemin" (Spain).
  • "Ottagel" (Germany).
  • "Natural Tear" (Belgium).

However, these drugs, just like "Vizin", must be prescribed by a doctor.

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