Health, Preparations
Medicinal preparation "Vizin": instruction
The drug "Vizin" is described as a drug used to relieve redness, edema of the conjunctiva. It is these symptoms that appear with allergies, exposure to chemical, physical factors (chlorinated water, dust, smoke, contact lenses, cosmetic products). The medicine is available in the form of eye drops, packaged in plastic bottles. These tanks are equipped with drip devices and screw caps. There is a large number of analogues of the drug (including the solution "Vizin temetishen"), which differ in their pharmacological properties and therapeutic effect. This medication represents a colorless, clear solution.
The drug "Vizin". Instruction: composition, pharmacokinetics, pharmacodynamics
The drug contains the active substance - tetrisisoline hydrochloride, and the auxiliary components include benzalkonium chloride, sodium chloride, boric acid, sodium tetraborate, edetate disodium and purified water.
When using this pharmaceutical agent, the effect comes in a few minutes after it is instilled and lasts up to eight hours. With topical use, the medication is not absorbed.
The active substance of the drug is a symptom that stimulates specific alpha-adrenergic receptors related to the sympathetic nervous system. It has a vasoconstrictive effect, reduces swelling of tissues.
Medicinal product "Vizin". Instruction: method of administration, dosage, side effects
The drug is buried in the affected eye for one or two drops during the day. The use of this medication for more than four days is not recommended. The drug "Vizin" in the nose should not be digested. This can cause a sharp increase in blood pressure.
Among the side effects marked redness of the eyes, the appearance of burning sensation, blurred vision, dilated pupil, irritation of the conjunctiva. If these symptoms occur, you should immediately call your doctor.
Medicinal product "Vizin". Instruction: contraindications, special instructions
Allocate the following contraindications:
- age up to two years;
- hypersensitivity to individual or all components of the drug;
- presence of closed-angle glaucoma.
The medicine is used with care in the treatment of patients who have severe cardiovascular diseases (arterial hypertension, ischemic heart disease) receiving powerful monoamine oxidase inhibitors or other drugs capable of increasing blood pressure.
Before instilling eyes, you should always remove contact lenses, you can put them only after fifteen minutes.
The use of the drug is advisable in case of mild irritation. If the condition does not improve after two days, the symptoms persist or worsen, then you should immediately seek medical advice.
If redness, irritation is associated with severe eye diseases (infections, foreign bodies, chemical injuries of the cornea), it is prohibited to use the drug.
In periods of lactation, pregnancy, the drug can be used in cases where the benefit for the expectant mother exceeds the risk for the growing fetus.
In some cases, after instillation of drops, the pupil is dilated, blurred vision, which can become the main cause of disruption of the ability to manage dangerous mechanisms, vehicles.
The drug "Vizin". Instruction: overdose
If the drug enters the gastrointestinal tract, the following symptoms of overdose may occur:
- nausea;
- cyanosis;
- dilated pupil;
- tachycardia;
- convulsions;
- fever;
- arterial hypertension;
- cardiac arrest ;
- Arrhythmia;
- violation of mental activity, respiratory function.
To remove them wash the stomach, prescribe activated charcoal, inhalation with oxygen, anticonvulsant, antipyretics. For normalization of arterial pressure, the drug "Fentolamin" is shown on physiological solution intravenously.
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