Spiritual development, Mystic
Denis: the meaning of the name and character
The meaning of the name Denis goes back to the ancient Greek god Dionysus, the patron of winemaking and fun. This name is spread all over the world: from Asia, Europe to Latin America. At the same time, Denis, whose meaning is related to the beautiful god, is his servant. That is why its carriers have an unstable nervous system, which is prone to frequent stresses and depressions.
The personality of a person is very complex and contradictory. In cases, the owners of this name are creative enough, often submit ideas and embody them. Very skillfully can select assistants. But often, in order to finish the business started, this man may need control from the outside. At the same time, Denis, whose meaning imposes his very emotional character on the name, can not always be able to cope with the overwhelmed flow of feelings. These men rush from one business to another, while in love they are rather timid. Nevertheless, the significance of the name Denis gives his owner extraordinary creative talents. These men absolutely do not tolerate criticism and may fall into a rage.
The person who is called Denis, the meaning of the name defines as a "free artist", is inclined to choose different creative professions, because it is the creative approach that helps him in solving absolutely all problems. At the same time, Denis excellently understands people, in fact, at first glance, defining the characteristics of each. A beautiful fantasy helps solve almost all the problems. But the moral framework for Denisov as for creative people, as a rule, is blurred. But when communicating with friends, the bearers of the name often act as a person-holiday. In addition, such men are very often lucky, winning in all sorts of lotteries. Denis, whose name means a cheerful god, is very amorous and sexy. But to the choice of a spouse, the bearers of a name always approach very responsibly. Often, they are characterized by late unions. In marriage, he is very caring, very fond of his wife and children. But his impulsive character very often leads to the emergence of various dislocations.
Denis is under the auspices of Taurus and the planet of Venus. The man's talisman is a sapphire, and a totem plant is a lily of the valley. Very often Denis among the huge selection of pets give their preference to dogs. Men born in the winter have a very quick temper and unbalanced character. "Autumn" representatives of this name are much more resolute and sensible. Born in the summer can very easily be succumbed to someone else's influence and are prone to frequent depressions. And the appearance of a spring in the spring makes the man resentful and windy. Often, Denis's health is very strong, only an unstable nervous system is affected.
Secret name Denis is often given to loving men, not constrained by moral and ethical prejudices. But at the same time such people do not like to talk about their adventures, preferring to wear the mask of a respectable person and family man.
The carriers of this name are, as a rule, positive personalities. This helps them build around themselves the happy world of the surrounding people.
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