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How to calculate ovulation?

You can think about the meaning of life and the purpose of man as much as you like, but it is hardly possible to challenge the fact that a woman is bequeathed by nature to be a mother. Pregnancy adorns the girl, makes her happy and allows her to fulfill an important mission - to give life.

The attitude towards pregnancy among modern girls and women is somewhat different from that of our mothers and grandmothers. It is unlikely that our ancestors asked themselves questions such as "how to calculate ovulation to get pregnant" (most likely, the term would cause them sincere surprise), but a rare family had only one child.

The current youth strives to act reasonably: you need to immediately prepare the ground for a happy life (home, car, etc.), make a career and, of course, find the right partner in life. The way to achieve all this is long enough, and therefore pregnancy is relegated to the background. To birth of a baby does not become a burden and cause of dissatisfaction with life, it is important to know on which days of the cycle the possibility of conception is minimal.

Conversely, if a couple wants the baby's birth, you need to know when it is possible to become pregnant with high probability.

Orientation in both cases is ovulation. What it is? Ovulation refers to the release from the follicle of an ovum that is capable of fertilization. If during this time the ovum meets the sperm (they retain their viability for about seven days), then conception is likely to come. A woman can become pregnant in a ten-day period, the countdown of which is from the date preceding ovulation for 2-3 days. Theoretically on other days a woman can not become pregnant, since there is no egg that can be fertilized.

That is why the period for ovulation is considered a guide for conception .

How do you know when the right moment comes? How to calculate ovulation?

To understand the calendar of ovulation, it is not necessary to be a student at a medical university. There are several ways that will help determine the time of maturation of the egg and its release from the follicle:

1. Calculation of the menstrual calendar.

2. Use of the test for ovulation.

3. Measurement of basal body temperature.

4. Ultrasound control of egg maturation.

· (1) How to determine ovulation at home? An excellent assistant in this situation will be the calendar of the menstrual cycle, which should be for every girl. This method is suitable only for those girls whose cycle is stable. From the first day of menstruation count down 14 days, so we find the most likely day of ovulation; Two days before this date and the next two days are also at risk, that is, the opportunity to become pregnant during this period is very high.

· (2) For a more accurate calculation of the date of ovulation, you can use the test. It is a strip with a luteinizing hormone indicator. Lowering the test in a container with urine, you can determine whether ovulation (two strips) has occurred or not.

On ordinary days, the content of luteinizing hormone (LH) in the body of a woman is small, before ovulation, a splash of LH is observed, the highest point - at the time of the exit from the follicle of the egg.

For the test, which allows to determine when ovulation occurs, it is best to use morning urine (but not the first dose).

With an irregular menstrual cycle, the date of ovulation can not be calculated with complete certainty, such calculations will be, rather, a game reminiscent of Russian roulette. Women, whose cycle can not be called stable, it is better to use the following methods:

· (3) The basal temperature should be measured (rectally) daily. The disadvantage is that (in addition to the prohibition of sudden movements on awakening and the prohibition to get out of bed before the measurement), it will take about two to three months to build a scale of temperature measurements where the jumps characteristic of the desired period will be noticeable.

· (4) Probably, there is no more accurate way how to calculate ovulation than the ultrasound control of egg maturation. This method allows you to accurately observe the ripening of the follicle, its movement from the appendages to the fallopian tubes and, of course, the process of rupture of the follicle and the release of the egg, ready for fertilization. However, this is also the most troublesome method: several procedures (7/8 day of the cycle, 12 day of the cycle + one / two ultrasound for the diagnosis) will be needed.

Knowing how to calculate ovulation, you can control the ability of your body to procreate and influence the process of conception, using "profitable" days. Do not be sad if you do not get pregnant at first. Repeat attempts, and your patience will be rewarded with the birth of a tiny creature, for which you will be ready for anything.

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