
Luteinizing hormone and its role in the human body

Luteinizing hormone is by nature a glycoprotein. It is secreted by the pituitary gland located in the human brain. Regulation of the amount of this hormone in the blood is carried out, the so-called hypothalamic-pituitary system. In addition, there is an inverse relationship between the pituitary gland and the amount of sex hormones in the human body.

Luteinizing hormone and its role in the human body . Luteinizing hormone belongs to the group of gonadotropic hormones and is important for the normal functioning of both male and female reproductive systems. In the male body, this hormone stimulates the release of testosterone in specialized testicular cells, which in turn leads to the complete maturation of spermatozoa.

As for the female body, here again the luteinizing hormone plays a very important role. He takes part in the synthesis of progesterone, stimulates the release of estrogen, and also takes part in the processes of formation of the yellow body.

The level of this hormone in women is constantly changing, and such fluctuations are directly related to the period of the menstrual cycle. The highest level of this hormone is observed during the release of the oocyte from the follicle. After that, the amount of LH usually falls. That's why this hormone is so important for fertilization. For example, the results of tests can accurately determine the moment of ovulation, as well as identify some diseases that interfere with normal fertilization or the process of pregnancy.

To whom is the analysis of the LH level indicated? Luteinizing hormone is a very important substance that provides normal processes of ovulation, sperm maturation and fertilization. That is why, with certain problems, patients are often prescribed special tests. For example, such a study shows a woman with infertility or failure to endure and give birth to a child.

In addition, such tests are performed with suspicion of pituitary insufficiency, with ovarian insufficiency, as well as too early, or vice versa, too late puberty. The same study is shown with a strong unexplained decrease in sexual desire, erectile dysfunction, growth retardation, anorexia.

Analysis of luteinizing hormone - some rules . In men, blood samples can be taken at any convenient time. Quite a different picture for women, because everything here depends on the day of the monthly cycle. The most suitable days are 3 - 5 and 19 - 22 days. Within 3 - 4 days before taking blood, a person is strongly contraindicated in physical activity. Two hours before the analysis you can not smoke, and immediately before the procedure it is recommended to calm down. Blood is taken only on an empty stomach.

What do I testify the results of the tests? Luteinizing hormone is elevated in women immediately before ovulation, as well as in uterine endometriosis and polycystic ovaries. In addition, luteinizing hormone may increase in the so-called ovarian depletion syndrome.

There are several other diseases that can cause a sharp jump in the amount of this hormone in the blood. For example, it can be primary amenorrhea, dysgenesis of the seminiferous tubules, renal failure, as well as menopause, severe starvation and intense sports training. Sometimes an increase in the level of this hormone can signal the atrophy of male gonads as a result of inflammation of the testicles in mumps or after gonorrhea.

Luteinizing hormone is below normal levels when smoking, as well as in obese people. In addition, low rates may indicate atypical polycystic ovaries, secondary amenorrhea. On the other hand, such fluctuations in indicators can be caused by frequent stresses and emotional stresses. In some cases, the amount of the hormone decreases after surgery.

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