
Testosterone in women: the norm, raised or lowered, what to do in these cases? How to test the testosterone level?

Testosterone is the hormone responsible for the formation, development of sexual characteristics of the secondary type, the growth of bones and muscles. In the male body, the production takes place in the cells of the testes. Adrenal glands and ovaries produce testosterone in women. The hormone level in men is much higher than that of women. The change in the concentration of the compound in the body in both one and the second gender group can mean the presence of a pathological condition or the onset of the development of a serious disease. It should be said that testosterone in women, the norm of which ensures the stable activity of many body systems, can go beyond the minimum and maximum limits. The hormone is responsible for the maturation in the ovaries of the follicle. Thanks to its activity, the sebaceous glands and bone marrow are stable.

When should I take the test? What is the norm of testosterone?

In women, the concentration is 0.45-3.75 nmol / l, in men it is 5.76-28.14 nmol / l. Diagnosis of the presence or absence of changes in the content of the hormone begins with the laboratory analysis of blood serum. Emotional disorders, disturbances in metabolic processes, a decrease in muscle activity, when in an insufficient amount of testosterone in women are noted. The norm is achieved by taking additional medications. Hormone therapy is prescribed by a doctor. Insufficient level of testosterone in women is also manifested by a sleepy, languid, tearful state, a sense of depression. Such changes are most often characteristic of the postpartum period. When prescribing therapy, it is necessary to provide control over the concentration of the hormone. This will achieve the average concentration in which testosterone should be present in women. Symptoms of the pathological condition will be completely eliminated. The specialist should ensure that the hormone content does not exceed the maximum allowed limits.

High testosterone in women

It should be said that in men the main problem with age is the decrease in the content of the hormone in the blood. In the fair sex, another problem is its too much. High testosterone in women is manifested primarily externally. If the concentration of the hormone is outside the upper permissible limit, the hair on the body begins to grow actively, the face according to the male type. The increase in the hormone content is typical for the period of gestation. However, during pregnancy, the concentration in which testosterone is found in women is normal. In this case, the hormone in the body of a future mother can be four times more than before the beginning of gestation. This fact is not a dangerous deviation in this condition. In many other cases, excess testosterone in women can lead to abnormalities in the functioning of the reproductive system, adversely affect the menstrual cycle (bleeding becomes irregular or ceases altogether). As a result, serious difficulties may arise with the conception of a child, and for some, bearing fruit until birth is not possible. In this regard, during the planning of pregnancy, you need to undergo all necessary examinations, pass the necessary tests. If necessary, a specialist will prescribe medications that will reduce the level of testosterone. In women, except for external manifestations, the content of the hormone in large quantities is also manifested by the dryness of the skin, a change in the physique. The voice becomes rough, the hair begins to fall out, and their fat content also increases (due to increased activity of the sebaceous glands). Among other symptoms that accompany the pathological condition, it should be noted increased excitability, sexual desire, physical activity, causeless aggression, rudeness, irritability. Along with this, the risk of developing such serious diseases as an ovarian tumor or Cushing's syndrome increases . With the development of any of the above manifestations, it is necessary to consult a specialist as soon as possible. The earlier a woman visits a doctor, the more likely it is to correct the situation with the least loss.

Causes of increased concentration

In women, the most common predisposing factors include first of all an improperly formulated diet. With the problem of excessive content of the hormone in the blood most often encounter those ladies who adhere to strict diets. Among other reasons, hereditary predisposition should be noted, too long a series of medications that affect the hormonal background in general and the content of individual hormones in particular, as well as high physical activity. Testosterone may also increase in the case of tumors. To the temporary and not having significant clinical significance, the reasons, as mentioned above, are pregnancy.

Treatment with increased concentration of the hormone

First of all, experts recommend eliminating the errors in the diet. In daily nutrition, you need to add juices (freshly squeezed), a small amount of salt and sugar, white bread, honey bees, caffeine, dairy products with normal fat content, vegetable oils, fried foods. For more serious reasons, appropriate treatment can be prescribed, including medications. Take medication without consulting a doctor is strictly prohibited. In addition to hormonal drugs, lowering the testosterone level can help medicinal herbs. In particular, evening primrose, dried-up berries, kloponogi and other plants are very effective. Often recommend a comprehensive therapy, which includes both traditional and folk methods. Hormonal drugs are prescribed only if the high content of testosterone is a woman's health hazard. As a rule, in the appointment of such treatment, in addition to stabilizing the concentration, the functions of many systems that have failed are normalized. For example, the weight comes in norm, the sweating decreases, the arrhythmia is eliminated. Many patients get rid of insomnia.

Additional tests

Of no less importance is the content in which free testosterone is located. The norm for women for each age is different. Thus, for girls from 6 to 9 years - less than 1.7, in the reproductive period - less than 4.1 pg / ml, with menopause - the same as in childhood. Free testosterone is an active form of the hormone. It affects target organs that have protein receptors that react to androgens (hair follicles, muscles, liver, genital organs). Under the influence of alpha-5-reductase, the hormone is transformed into dihydrotestosterone. The number of this active form of the hormone is determined by several factors. One of them is the presence of binding proteins. They include, in particular, globulin and albumin. With the latter, part of the testosterone interacts. Another part (about 60%) is associated with SHBG (sex hormone). About 1-2% falls on free testosterone. Its definition is clinically important when confirming hirsutism in polycystic ovaries. The concentration in which the total testosterone in women is found does not reflect the content of all biological forms available. In connection with this, additional studies are conducted, thanks to which the picture of the hormonal background becomes more clear. This is especially important in the development of pathological conditions, during pregnancy, with hypothyroidism, virilizing adrenal tumor, polycystic ovary syndrome, clitoral hypertrophy. With a lowered level of free testosterone, the likelihood of primary and secondary hypogonadism, hypoplasia of the sex glands and the like increases.

How correctly to hand over analyzes?

In different laboratories the cost of research varies between 200-1000 rubles. As a rule, the result of the analysis is known after a day. To avoid inaccuracy, a number of rules should be observed. Women should donate blood for analysis from the third to the fifth and from the 8th to the 10th day of menstruation. One day before the expected date of the study, you should stop any physical activity, training, try to avoid experiencing and stress. It is also recommended to give up sexual intercourse. Immediately before giving blood (for an hour or two) you should calm down, rest a little. It is not recommended to smoke. If these simple guidelines are observed, it is more likely to hand over quality materials and, accordingly, to obtain correct and accurate results.

What can affect the quality of the study?

Inaccuracy of the result can arise due to several reasons. One of the most important is the intake of medications that affect the concentration of hormones in the blood. In particular, they include anticonvulsants, anabolic steroids, valproic acid, barbiturates, oral contraceptives. Among the drugs are also worth mentioning such medications as Mifepristone, Cimetidine, Rifampicin, Casodex, Tamoxifen, Danazol, Levonorgestrel, Naloxone, Nafarelin. These and a number of other medicines contribute to the increase in testosterone levels. Reducing the concentration in the blood causes drugs such as antiandrogens, corticosteroids, drugs, phenothiazides. You should also mention preparations "Tetracycline", "Interleukin", "Carbamazepine", "Cyclophosphamide", "Ketoconazole", "Finasteride", "Leuprolide", "Verapamil". Lowering the testosterone content also provokes follicle-stimulating hormone, ethanol, glucose, estradiol valerate.


To avoid hormonal disruptions and their likely consequences, you should visit your doctor regularly. Women are advised to consult periodically with an endocrinologist-gynecologist, if necessary - a dietician. This is especially important when planning a pregnancy. A timely visit to a specialist, a regular check of the level of hormones in the blood will, mainly, avoid disruptions in the body. If, however, symptoms that reduce the quality of life, delivering discomfort, you should consult a doctor. Experts recall that the endocrine system is one of the most important in the human body. Therefore, it is necessary to monitor its condition most carefully. It is highly not recommended to self-medicate. Uncontrolled intake of hormonal drugs can not only not improve the condition, but also lead to irreversible consequences. In particular, taking drugs that increase testosterone in women can cause serious disorders in the reproductive system, which can subsequently lead to the inability to conceive or endure a child. The increase, as well as the decrease in the concentration of the hormone in the blood, can bring discomfort not only to the patient herself, but also to her close ones.

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