Health, Medicine
AIDS: how to recognize and treat the disease?
The epidemic of one of the most terrible diseases of our time - AIDS - began several decades ago. The disease, known for its rapid spread, was called "the plague of the twentieth century."
AIDS (acquired immunodeficiency syndrome) is a fatal disease caused by HIV (human immunodeficiency virus), which so weakens the human body that it can not resist disease.
A little from the history of AIDS
Some experts believe that the HIV virus spread from monkeys to humans in the 1920s. After that, several single cases of AIDS were recorded, which were attributed to other diseases. AIDS became a new disease only in the 1980s, when about 440 HIV infections were diagnosed in the United States. The link between HIV and AIDS was established in 1983.
What is the difference between HIV and AIDS?
Many people mistakenly believe that HIV and AIDS are synonyms. In fact, these are two different states. HIV infection is a virus that affects the human immune system and can lead to AIDS. From the moment of HIV infection to the development of AIDS, it may take several years. AIDS is a complex of diseases that develop in an HIV-infected person as a result of weakening of the immune system.
How is HIV transmitted?
The source of HIV infection is an infected person. The main modes of HIV transmission are:
- Unprotected sex (especially homosexual)
- From mother to fetus
- Use of non-sterile syringes, piercing tools and tattoos, shaving machines and other piercing-cutting objects
- HIV is not transmitted by airborne droplets (with hugs, kisses, handshakes).
Symptoms of HIV infection and AIDS
The onset of HIV infection in most cases is asymptomatic. The duration of infection depends on many factors, and first of all on the overall health of the infected person. Some people may experience symptoms in the first few days after infection, resembling flu: fever, lymph gland on the neck and general weakness. Patients rarely attach any significance to these symptoms, especially since they usually pass by themselves after a few days or weeks.
Then the virus begins to gradually destroy the human immune system. However, it may take years before the first symptoms of HIV infection are felt. The disease can have such manifestations:
- Weakness and energy reduction
- Weight loss
- Increased sweating
- Skin rashes and skin peeling
- Non-passing fungal infections
- Frequent herpetic eruptions
When HIV sufficiently weakens the immune system, the first signs of AIDS are manifested, among which are:
- Violation of coordination of movements
- Cough
- Dyspnea
- Difficult swallowing
- Diarrhea and nausea
- Frequent headaches
- Enlargement of lymph nodes
- Increased temperature
- Decreased visual acuity
- Weight loss
- Fatigue
In the next stage of AIDS, secondary diseases begin to appear in patients. It can be angina, tuberculosis, pneumonia, lichen, pharyngitis, cancer. Usually, one of the secondary diseases becomes the cause of the patient's death, because of the weakened immunity the disease can not be treated.
Treatment of AIDS
Currently, AIDS is an incurable disease. However, the timely treatment of HIV infection can delay the development of AIDS for a long time and, therefore, prolong the life of the patient.
Treatment of HIV, as well as the treatment of AIDS, is aimed at maximizing the quality of life of the patient. This is achieved with the help of various medications (most often antiretroviral and antiviral), which every year become more effective.
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