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The sign "Overtaking is forbidden". The zone of action of the road sign "Overtaking is forbidden"

The road has always been, is and remains one of the most dangerous places. Every year it takes thousands of human lives: high speed, non-compliance, human factor. Overtaking is one of the most difficult and dangerous maneuvers on the road. And overtaking, made under the sign "Overtaking is prohibited", is doubly dangerous.


Many drivers are familiar with the road situation, when after a successful, seemingly successful overtaking, a swish of a striped wand follows and a request to stop at the edge of the roadside. What kind of bad thoughts do not fly in the driver's head at this moment! To my great regret, not everyone understands what to expect for a violation of the sign "Overtaking is prohibited". How correctly to act in this difficult situation and is there any way to get out of the water? Let's figure it out.

The sign "Overtaking is forbidden"

This sign stands in the rules under the number 3.20 and is one of the most important. It is not for nothing that it belongs to the category of prohibiting traffic signs. The choice of the location of its installation is due to various hazards for the driver associated with poor visibility due to the terrain or a steep turn with poor visibility. This sign indicates to drivers that this section of the road represents an increased danger and overtaking on it is extremely risky.

In the SDA, it is written in black and white that it prohibits drivers from overtaking all vehicles (hereinafter "TS") with some minor exceptions to the rules. Namely: it is allowed to overtake slow-moving vehicles (they can not construct more than 30 km / h constructively), various horse carts, two-wheeled mopeds, scooters and motorcycles without a side trailer and, of course, bicyclists (both single and group). This sign on public roads is often duplicated by a continuous marking line. It is allowed to be used in conjunction with additional plates 8.5.4-8.5.7 and 8.2.1. When carrying out repair work on the carriageway, the sign "Overtaking is prohibited" has the status of temporary. In this case it is made on a yellow background.

The zone of action of the sign "Overtaking is forbidden"

Like most road signs, not only in Russia, but also in other countries, this sign has its own zone of action. From the bylaws, called the SDA of the Russian Federation, we understand that this road sign is valid:

  • From the place where it stands, to the first intersection of roads, and in its absence - to the end of the settlement. Outside the populated area is supplemented by signs and plaques.
  • It can be limited to an additional label 8.2.1, indicating the extent of the restriction zone.
  • Ends at the location of sign 3.21, indicating the end of the overtaking limit zone. However, he does not allow it, but only indicates that the sign has lost its force.
  • Traffic sign 3.31 removes all previously entered prohibitions, therefore, cancels the effect of sign 3.20. Just like 3.21, it does not allow overtaking.

As you can see, the zone of action of the sign "Overtaking is prohibited" has clearly defined boundaries.

What will be the punishment

What will be the fine? Under the sign "Overtaking prohibited", there are different ways of marking up the road (or its complete absence). Consequently, the punishment may be different. Let's analyze several basic options:

1. Departure of the car for "meeting" is contrary to the requirements of road signs and marking.

This disregard for the traffic rules is punishable under part 4, 12.15 of the Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation and amounts to 5,000 rubles before the deprivation of the Supreme Court through the court for 4-6 months. The second such violation provides for the deprivation for 1 year. At the same time, it should be remembered that when fixing a violation by cameras, a fine of 5000 rubles will be written out. This is one of the most severe violations of traffic rules. It is this article that traffic police officers frighten drivers when they commit a less significant administrative violation.

2. Detour Vehicle "obstacle" if there is an opportunity to go round on the right.

This is possible, when an accident occurred on the road, an accident occurred, covering the road does not allow you to move straight and so on. . Although there is an opportunity to move in any direction and not go to the "meeting" . But the drivers are in a hurry, that's why they violate the sign "Overtaking is forbidden". What is the penalty for this? Not so big - from 1000 to 1500 rubles per hour 3, 12.15 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation.

3. Non-compliance by drivers with signs or markings.

This is possible when in the presence of the sign 3.20 there is no marking (as an example, at the place of repair work on the road), and the width of the road is quite large. Drivers, making, it would seem, safe and within the limits of SDA overtaking, move in the middle. The penalty for such a violation is quite humane - according to part 1, 12.16 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation, the violator is only threatened with 500 rubles, but it is also possible to issue a warning.

Real road situations

Imagine that you are driving on a two-lane road, in front of you is riding a heavy truck at a low speed, obstructing the view and hiding road signs. To the left of you, intermittent markings. Turn on the turn signal, rebuild on the "counter", the start of overtaking - and here the intermittent miraculously turns into a continuous one. A little further, valiant police officers wave their wand and invite to a dialogue. Common situation? Unfortunately, there is no painless way out of this. Rarely, which inspector will meet and will limit himself to a warning. . Usually, it costs 5,000 rubles a fine, as if going to a "meeting" .

Or another option: a two-lane road with an intermittent strip separating the counter flows. The same heavyweight, concealing a sign warning that the action of the sign "Overtaking is forbidden" began, and the overtaking started under it. The same inspectors of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate, as always inappropriately in this place and at this time. It is impossible to prove anything, because traffic signs are more important than road marking, and it was necessary to rely on a sign, rather than on an intermittent line. And the fact that you did not see him, then who is to blame for this?

Often a controversial road situation is overtaking for a temporary sign "Overtaking is prohibited" on a repaired road section, on which there is no marking. Inspectors, taking advantage of their position and the fact that most of the drivers are afraid of them, imputed overtaking on the counter with the appropriate punishment. After all, the penalty for "meeting" is not small - 5000 rubles, or even deprivation of the VU for 4-6 months. But in each of the situations described, if you do not completely avoid punishment, you can reduce it substantially.

When the Inspector of the State Traffic Safety Inspectorate stopped

So, you were stopped by a traffic police officer for neglecting the sign of 3.20 and threatened with a fine of 5000 rubles or by deprivation of a WM through a court. The first thing you need to calm down and carefully analyze everything. Perhaps there are ways to mitigate punishment. The first thing to do is try to find an obstacle on the roadway. It can be a pit, a stick or a branch of a tree, a large stone standing on the "emergency vehicle" car. Anything, only to fall under the definition of "obstacle". For this violation will write a fine of 1000-1500 rubles.

Another option to protest its violation is a sign not established in accordance with GOST. In this case, he has no power, and you can not punish such a violation. What does GOST 52289-2004 require:

  • On ADPs with two or more lanes for traffic in one direction, the sign "Overtaking is forbidden" must necessarily be duplicated on the dividing strip or on the left shoulder in the absence of a separation. It is worth making sure that this item was not violated, otherwise you need to tell the traffic police officer about it. He, in turn, is obliged to record the inconsistency of signs or markings in a special magazine and transfer it to the duty department. From there, the information must go to the road service to eliminate the shortage.
  • From the sign to the ground outside populated areas should be 1.5-3 m, in the populated - 2-4 m. Often signs are installed with serious violations. Especially this sin in the manufacture of road works, placing signs on the mast, but almost on the ground. It is worth to measure in the presence of witnesses the height of the installation or to make a photo or video of the produced measurement.

  • The sign is closed by trees and bushes, various constructions, other obstructing survey by objects or spread by the wind. According to GOST, it should be visible from a distance of 100 m. If it is not visible, ask for the cancellation of the order. However, it would be superfluous to photograph that the sign is hidden from the drivers. It often happens that without these pictures there are others, on which it is clear that the sign was visible and perfectly readable.
  • GOST also regulates the order of placement. The first are the signs of priority, and then warning, prescribing, special prescriptions and finally prohibiting. Failure to comply with this sequence of accommodation allows the driver to avoid punishment, since the non-GOST sign is invalid. In this case, the number of signs on one mast is also regulated.

If there is at least one item from this list, then you can not be punished for overtaking under the road sign "Overtaking prohibited". True, most likely, they will have to prove their innocence in court. And here is the evidence collected earlier.

In what cases, according to the SDA, there will be no punishment

Not many drivers know that there are exceptions to traffic rules, therefore, there are no legal grounds for punishing the driver for such overtaking for inspectors. These are exceptions such as overtaking:

  • Low-speed motor transport. It must necessarily have a corresponding sign (a red triangle with a yellow border), otherwise, even if its speed is below 30 km / h, it is not slow, and the inspector has the right to write you a fine.
  • Horse or cart horses, as well as single horsemen.
  • All kinds of mopeds, scooters, motorcycles and other two-wheeled motorcycles. Of course, provided that they move without a side trailer.
  • Single bicyclists or their groups.

Even with the overtaking of these vehicles under a sign and a solid line, you can not be held accountable for their violation, since it is not.

Helpful Tips

Here are five useful tips that will help you avoid punishment and do not know what a fine is threatening under the road sign "Overtaking is prohibited": "

  • We must carefully weigh the need, safety and possible consequences of this maneuver.
  • If you made an overtaking under the sign "Overtaking is prohibited" and you stopped by a police officer, do not panic and be led to his provocation.
  • When you stop the inspector should take a picture of the traffic situation, so that later there was evidence of your words.
  • Be sure to insist on drawing up a protocol. Tell me that you will certainly appeal to him in court.
  • And of course, you need to know and do not forget to follow the rules of the road.


As we see, this road sign contains some features, hidden pitfalls and dangers. (со всеми вытекающими), так и как простое предупреждение за несоблюдение знаков и разметки. Violation can be interpreted as a trip to the "counter" (with all the ensuing), and as a simple warning for non-observance of signs and markings. In any case, it's worth thinking about before you start overtaking. It is not for nothing that this sign is installed in places where the survey has limited visibility, and overtaking is trivial to commit. The road does not forgive people inattention and indifferent attitude in the rules of behavior dictated by it. Before you do anything, think about your family, because you are expected at home. Good luck on the roads!

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