EducationSecondary education and schools

Human organs: a diagram. Anatomy: the structure of man

In this article, we will briefly talk about the basic concepts of anatomy. In particular, we will understand what role different human organs play, the layout of which will be shown separately.

This information will be useful for schoolchildren, as well as for those who need to restore the basis of the human structure.

The concepts of "organ" - "apparatus" - "system"

Further in the article we will analyze the features of the structure of the human body, for the time being it is necessary to determine the conceptual apparatus. In principle, for a thorough understanding of the following information, it will be sufficient to get acquainted with three terms.

So, an organ is a collection of various cells and tissues in the body that perform strictly defined functions. From the ancient Greek language, this word is translated as an "instrument".

From the point of view of medicine and biology, an organ is a collection of cells and tissues only under condition of their embryological relationship and stable position within the body.

Further, when we disassemble human organs, the scheme will help us to orientate ourselves in their placement in the body.

The next concept, which is worth talking about, will be the "system of organs." This is a specific group of organs of our body that has an embryological and anatomical relationship, and is also integrated functionally.

Here a verbatim understanding of the definition is important. Because the following term, in fact, is a stripped-down version of the previous one.

So, the apparatus is a single group of bodies that are united by a single executable function. Unlike the previous concept, this is the only thing that determines their relationship. They have no anatomical or fetal affinity.

Musculoskeletal system

To begin to study the anatomical structure of the body most expediently with the musculoskeletal system. In this case, we are faced with the third term, which was discussed above.

Here we are dealing with the results of such sciences as osteology, syndesmology and myology.

In fact, this apparatus includes the whole set of bones, tendons, joints and somatic muscles. They respond not only to the proportions of the body and its outlines, but also to facial expressions, movements and locomotion.

As you saw, human organs (the scheme was cited above) use this apparatus as a support.

The cardiovascular system

Next we will touch the inner structure of the body and partly the outer one. Here it is important to make a reservation that, like the musculoskeletal system, the cardiovascular system is one of the most important for human life support.

It provides circulation of blood along the arteries and veins, and also delivers oxygen and nutrients to the cells. In addition, with the help of blood flow, carbon dioxide and other metabolic products are extracted from the cells of our body.

If you look closely, the veins and capillaries entangle all the human organs. The scheme of the cardiovascular system is similar to a spiderweb from large and small sosudikov.

The main organ of this system is the heart, which, like a perpetual motion, pumps blood through the vessels without stopping. The operating time of this organ depends on the health and natural resource of the body.

Poor nutrition, ecology, genetics and constant stress lead to the fact that the walls of the vessels become thinner, and the internal cavities are clogged with slags. As a consequence of this behavior, there are such diseases as hypertension, cardiovascular problems. In the future, this leads to a lethal outcome.

Lymphatic system

A very interesting science is anatomy. The structure of man opens his eyes to many physiological, and together with them, psychological processes. So, for example, the lymphatic system. It is very similar to cardiovascular. But, unlike the latter, the lymphatic system does not close, and it does not have such a unique organ as the heart.

It consists of vessels, capillaries, trunks, ducts and nodes. The lymph moves slowly along the hollow tubes under a slight natural pressure. With the help of this liquid, waste is taken out, which could not be disposed of by the circulatory system.

In fact, lymph is a drainage system for removing fluid from the body tissues. Outflow occurs in veins. Thus, the whole circuit of blood plasma in the body is finally closed.

Nervous system

Everything that studies the anatomy (the structure of a person, the functioning of organs, various processes in the body) is regulated by the help of the nervous system.

It consists of the central and peripheral parts. The first include the spinal cord and the brain, and the second - nerves, roots, plexuses and ganglia, as well as nerve endings.

Here the supportive-motor apparatus plays an important role. The brain is located in the cavity of the cranium, and the dorsal one descends down the canal inside the spine.

On the functions performed, the nervous system is divided into vegetative and somatic. The first is responsible for the transfer of impulses between the central divisions and internal organs. Whereas the second connects the nerve fibers to the brain with the skin and the locomotor apparatus.

Next, we'll talk about the endocrine system. Together with the nervous one they provide uninterrupted communication and regulation of the activity of all, without exception, body systems. In addition, the important thing is the ability of the body to respond to external and internal changes, which are noticed due to autonomic and somatic systems.

Sensor system

Earlier we mentioned the ability of the human body to respond to external stimuli and changes. The main role in their fixation is played by the sensory system.

It includes such organs as the eyes, ears, skin, tongue, nose. Thanks to the functions for which these parts of the body are responsible, we can more deeply and brighter to know the world around us.

In fact, this is the result of the interaction of the peripheral and central structures of our nervous system. For example, the external stimulus affects the eye, the nerve in this organ perceives changes and sends an impulse to the brain. There, the information is processed and compared with signals received from other sources.

As a result of such an operation, we get an idea of what is happening around. Thus, the external action is carried out on the receptors located on the surface of the body, and the internal - by the sensory nerves that permeate the tissues. Human anatomy studies not only the structure, but also the interaction of various organs and systems.

In sensory perception, variables such as sound, taste, temperature, pressure, light glare and visual images are determined. Help in fixing data to the nervous system is provided by "analyzers". This is the whole complex of formations on the surface and inside the body, which acts as a sensor.

It is thanks to research in this field that health sciences have emerged that can correct and repair violations in our body. After all, without comparing our sensations, we would simply be separate beings without a common world view.

Endocrine system

Together with the nervous system, it performs the functions of internal regulation and sensation of the environment. In addition, the endocrine system is responsible for homeostasis, emotional reactions, mental activity, as well as growth, development and sexual maturation of the body.

If you look at the structure of the human body, you can see only part of this system. The main organs are the following glands: thyroid, pancreas, adrenal glands, testicles (ovaries), pituitary gland, thymus and epiphysis.

Like the nervous, the endocrine is divided into two systems. The first is called glandular, consists of the above glands and produces hormones from these organs. The second - diffuse - is scattered throughout the body. It looks like separate endocrine cells that produce aglanded hormones.

Reproductive system

In our next topic, we will have to discuss separately the male and female reproductive systems. In principle, the reproductive system is responsible for only one function - the reproduction of a person. In the course of sexual intercourse, it is possible to conceive an embryo, which later becomes a child.

The male reproductive system is located in the pelvic region and is completely located outside the body. It includes the penis and testicles. These are glands and muscle tissue. Human anatomy basically has a difference only in systems responsible for fertilization, birth and bearing of offspring. The main function of the male system is the production of spermatozoa and androgens.

The female reproductive system is different from the male. It has both external and internal organs. The first include large and small labia, glands on them, as well as the entrance to the vagina and clitoris. To the second - ovaries, fallopian tubes, uterus and vagina.

But the female reproductive system is divided. If the male is only in the pelvic region, then the women have a thoracic section. Mammary glands play a very important role in the process of feeding the baby.

urinary system

At the beginning of the article, a general outline of the structure of human organs was shown. If you look closely, you can see that the bulk of the internal organs is in the abdominal cavity. Now we will talk about the urinary system, which is completely located in the pelvic area.

So, like the reproductive system, the urinary tract is different in men and women. We will not repeat the structure of the majority of bodies, we will touch only those who participate exclusively within the framework of the functioning of this system.

In the basic sense, it is necessary for the accumulation and withdrawal of foreign and toxic compounds, products of nitrogen metabolism and the excess of various substances through urine. This system includes a pair of kidneys, ureters, urethra and bladder.

In addition to the above function, it is also inherent in the participation in the exchange of proteins and carbohydrates, the production of various biologically active compounds, as well as adjustment of the water-salt balance and, as a consequence, maintenance of homeostasis.

Digestive system

If you carefully look at the structure of the internal organs entering this system, you can see that once they were one tube. In the course of evolution, various departments were formed, responsible for the stages of digestion.

So, this system includes the gastrointestinal tract with various auxiliary organs. It consists of the oral cavity, esophagus, stomach, small and large intestine. Auxiliary functions are performed by the liver, pancreas and salivary glands, gall bladder and other organs.

The function of the digestive system, as the name implies, is to extract and deliver nutrients from food to the body's cells. The process consists of several stages: mechanical processing of food, chemical treatment, absorption, splitting and removal of waste.

Respiratory system

In the respiratory system, the structure of the internal organs is somewhat similar to the previous one, the digestive system. There are breathing tubes that, like the esophagus, are covered from the inside with a mucous membrane with glands and blood vessels. Thanks to this device, air, getting from outside, acquires the optimum temperature for the body.

In winter, cold air warms, and in the summer - is cooled by specific processes in this system. In addition, the air is also being purified from a variety of impurities that were inhaled during the inhalation.

The respiratory system consists of two parts - the upper and the lower. The first include the nasopharynx and the nasal cavity, the second - the larynx, bronchi and trachea.

Cover system

The structure of the human body is thought out by nature to the smallest detail. Thus, the integumentary system is responsible for protecting the body from temperature drop, damage, drying, penetration of toxins and pathogenic microorganisms.

This system consists of skin (epithelium and dermis) and derivatives: hair, nails, sweat, sebaceous glands.

The immune system

If the previous system protected the body from external interference, this protects against aggression of a different kind. Nature has created the ideal structure of the body. Internal organs that perform the functions necessary for vital functions are protected by several lines of defense.

We talked about the external one earlier, but the internal one is the immune system. Its main task is to protect the body from pathogens and tumors. This system includes the thymus, lymphoid tissue, lymph nodes and spleen.

Thus, in this article we briefly touched on the structure of the organism, as well as the location of organs in various systems of the human body.

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