
Level of testosterone

Testosterone is the main male hormone, which is also present in the female body, but in smaller quantities. It is produced by sex glands and areas of the adrenal cortex.

This androgen ensures the correct functioning of the genital organs of a man, increases his sexuality, forms a character. It has been scientifically proven that men with a high level of this hormone are more assertive, initiative and active, boldly express their opinion, successfully advance along the career ladder. The last property of the hormone also gave him the unofficial name of the "hormone of success".

However, testosterone affects not only these aspects of male health and character. The whole body of a man obeys the laws dictated by this hormone. All systems and organs of the body depend on its action.

To raise the level of the hormone helps to provide good nutrition. Products that increase testosterone levels are rich in proteins and carbohydrates: meat, nuts (forest). To produce a hormone, you also need fats, but in limited quantities. Useful will be bananas, fish, milk, peanut and flaxseed oil, egg yolks.

A proven tool, guaranteed to help increase the level of testosterone, are sports training, especially on simulators with weights. This hormone makes the musculature more durable and prevents damage to muscle cells under high loads, promotes rapid healing of microtraumas, stimulates the assimilation of protein compounds, stabilizes the nervous system.

The level of testosterone directly depends on the quality of sleep. Lack of sleep leads to a significant decrease in the hormone. Of course, it is restored in a natural way, but if lack of sleep will become chronic, then it will be much more difficult to restore the previous level of the hormone. Therefore it is recommended to sleep at least 8 hours.

No less serious than sleep, has a weight index. Excess kilograms adversely affect the ability of the body to produce testosterone. Today, obesity among men is quite common. Beer, high-calorie food, weak motor activity due to the presence of personal cars - all this brings the hour of male insolvency. Fatty tissue is a great environment for the transformation of male hormones into female hormones. This transformation is manifested in the change of the figure, which acquires rounded features.

Physiologically, the level of testosterone is gradually decreasing, an average of 45 years. To reduce the hormone lead and chronic diseases: arterial hypertension, diabetes, ischemic disease, etc.

The lack of testosterone leads to the fact that sexual functions are primarily violated, and then somatic disorders (muscle mass, back pain, enlargement of the mammary glands, problems with urination) and psychoemotional disorders (self-doubt, increased anxiety) begin. The hormone decreases with renal failure, chronic prostatitis, weak function of the sex glands.

In order to avoid such troubles, it is necessary to change the diet, refuse from sweet, fatty, acute, floury, smoked, quit smoking, drink less, start playing sports. It will also be necessary to monitor the level of the hormone.

You can find out your testosterone level by submitting the appropriate analysis. He is able to show possible deviations. The norm of the hormone for men is 5.76 - 28.14 nmol / l. The same figure for women is 0.45-3.75 nmol / l.

If necessary, the level of testosterone can be increased or decreased with the help of special preparations. Increase the hormone is possible with the drug "Clomifene", antispastic, barbiturates, oral contraceptives, estrogens, gonadotropin (for men), "Danazol", special biological supplements to food. If there is a desire to lower the level, then you should use the drugs "Cyproterone", "Dexamethasone", "Digitalis", "Diethylstilbestrol", "Digoxin" (for women), glucocorticosteroids, glucose, etc.

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