Spiritual developmentMystic

How to bewitch a guy on his own

Privorot is an action that causes a lot of controversy. After all, this impact on someone else's life. Very often it has negative consequences, destroys destinies and brings pain. Therefore, before you decide on such a ritual, you need to think carefully. Do not spend the love spell for the sake of experiment or joke, and also to test your strength.

Only if a girl is 100 percent sure that her love will last a very long time, perhaps a ritual. Before you charm a guy, you need to answer yourself honestly for a number of questions and choose the right ritual.

The Ritual of Blood

It should be noted the relationship between the choice of ritual and the consequences. Some actions cause negative effects. For example, there is one almost trouble-free tool, how to bewitch a guy who is simple enough to perform and is used very often.

This is a love spell when a drop of your blood is simply dripping into a lover's glass. Such a ritual is very long, and when the effect is weakened, it can be repeated. However, the descendants of the woman who conducted it may suffer. Who is willing to risk their children and grandchildren? Obviously, many, since such a ritual is very popular. This is the easiest way to charm the guy yourself. Although you can turn to professionals, however, this will require significant costs. That's why many girls are looking for a way to bewitch the guy herself.

Ritual with candles

There is another option, how to bewitch a guy who is also popular. It will require two church candles. Candles need to be twisted and set on fire, after reading a simple spell: "As these candles are bound forever, so we will be connected." Usually the effect of the spell is noticeable after two or three days. Candles do not need to be burned completely, cinder, fastened together, you need to save.

If you want to remove the effect of the spell, then it is enough to separate them and burn them apart. If this is not done, then even in the absence of love, people may have a craving for each other, which is very unpleasant. It is noted that such a love spell can cause a variety of effects. For example, in some cases the couple begins to swear, but the feeling of intimacy does not disappear.

If it did not work out

In some cases, the spell for some reason does not work. This is quite possible, if the personality of the guy is very strong. It may be an interference of the forces of fate. Girls who did not receive a result should thank their fate rather than get upset. Often in a few years they begin to understand that the spell would lead to disaster. A spell can bring more pain than non-reciprocal love. Many lovers do not agree with this, of course.

Privorot can not work and because of distance. It's easier to do it when a loved one is somewhere nearby. Direct impact, "feeding", the presence of personal belongings guy - all contribute to rapid impact. But when you have to bewitch at a distance - this is a problem, because not everyone has enough strength for such a ritual. You can still apply to the exposure of a person's photo, this helps a lot to establish contact.

Another ritual

One of the most effective spells at a distance is carried out with the help of two church candles and three thick red threads about 20-25 cm long. After midnight, one candle should be lit, and another one should be set on fire. Now we must sit in front of them and begin to whip the pigtail from the thread. It is important not to look at the hands, but to look straight ahead and represent the guy. In conclusion, the braid should be tied knot in the middle. After the ritual, you should carry the pigtail with you.

To destroy the ritual, in order to eliminate the spell, it must be burned. This is a convenient and safest ritual. However, it is better not to change another person, but yourself. Starting to develop their own charm and feminine power, you can achieve much more than resorting to spells and magic.

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