Spiritual developmentMystic

Can I change my destiny and how?

In order to understand, whether it is possible to change destiny, it is necessary to find out, and what exactly is meant. What is it about? What is fate? This term is usually called the purpose (the highest) of man and those events, which he can not avoid in life. At a simple level, we mean: marriage, the realization of talents, the opportunity to make money, illness. All this, as esotericists say, we choose ourselves before coming to this world. It is also believed that in the palm of our hand all this is painted.

Can I change my destiny so as not to suffer?

It's good when a person is given talents and charm. He lives a full life and rejoices in his fate. And if there is no money, no family, and God has deprived abilities, what to do? How to change the outline and live a more interesting and rich life? It turns out that everything is not so simple.

Nobody forbids us to live as one dreams. Fate is not an axiom, but rather an option. The question is whether it is possible to change destiny, esotericists are treated at a slightly different angle than ordinary people. They believe that we do not rely on suffering from the beginning. Our fate is like a road with many branches. Every day, even every moment, we make our choice, determining the direction in which to move on. Any step can forever change your whole life. Our memory stores such cases. Is this not fate ?! For example, went to the store - met a girl, there was a romance with all the consequences. And if I did not go? Would this relationship be?

Destiny can be changed!

It turns out that every our act changes events. Even such a trifle as a trip on public transport, can affect the rest of your life.

Imagine: one person sits down in a minibus and gets to know the future spouse, the other - gets into an accident and becomes disabled. Fates are different, they say about such events. But there was a decision before the incident.

The man created all this with his own hands (he got into the minibus). It turns out that you can not ask whether you can change your destiny. The answer is: yes! Only how to do this? How can I find out what minibus to get in order to get married and not get into an accident?

Is it possible to change the fate of prayers?

True faith can work miracles. Negative events can be excluded from their lives if one thinks in a certain way. For example, believers offer prayers to the Lord, trusting in his help. So they try to attract good into their life by pushing the negative. That is, if serious illnesses are placed on the fate of a person, they can be avoided if one sincerely believes in the care of the Higher Powers. It is believed that prayer protects. Only the basic condition is true faith. It is not necessary to doubt and pray. You will lose time in vain. The Higher Powers need to be trusted with all their heart, then they will help change the destiny.

Why is this happening? As commented on by the esoteric, the believing person, the Higher Powers lead to the destination. And the fulfillment of the basic mission is the way to happiness in earthly life.

Here is the answer to the question of how to change destiny for the better. It is necessary to fulfill its mission, then everything will develop as if by magic. The Higher Powers do not wish anyone a hard fate, they only help everyone create the conditions for the best fulfillment of their mission on Earth!

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