Food and drink, Recipes
Benefits and harms of wild garlic. Cheremsha - recipes
In the beginning of spring, as soon as the snow comes down, wild ramson appears. This plant is a source of vitamins, a remedy and a food, not only people enjoying such qualities, but also wild animals, eating it, replenish their strength. In people, wild garlic is also called bear onions. "What are the benefits and disadvantages of garlic?" - a question that worries many.
Cheremsha is a perennial plant, belongs to the family of lily. Its height is about 50 cm. The bulb has an oblong shape, the flowers are small, greenish-white. The plant prefers shaded places.
Collect the wild garlic in April-May, in this period the plant is the most useful. Of course, not only in the spring, but all year round I would like to have at hand such a valuable product, like wild garlic. Recipes of blanks from this plant for the winter are given in this article.
Culinary uses the leaves and stems of the plant, which are collected in the spring, until the appearance of the first flowers.
The benefit and harm of the garlic are related to its composition. The plant contains a huge amount of vitamin C. In one hundred grammes of wild garlic it contains 100 mg. In addition, the plant contains vitamins A and B, phytoncides, essential oils, carbohydrates, fiber, organic acids, ash, carotene, protein, and lysozyme, which is a natural antibiotic, which is very important for the normal functioning of the human body. Essential oil, which is contained in the garlic, gives it a sharp taste, reminiscent of garlic.
Beneficial features
The benefits and harms of wild garlic have been known since time immemorial. The plant was valued as the strongest bactericidal and fungicidal agent. Cheresha was used to prevent diseases such as scurvy, plague, typhoid fever, cholera. In addition, this plant is effective in helminthic invasions, fever, has antibacterial, anti-sclerotic properties.
The use of wild garlic positively affects the work of the digestive tract and the digestive system as a whole. The plant normalizes the metabolic processes, displays "bad" cholesterol, helps reduce blood pressure, improves the cardiovascular system.
The use of wild garlic is useful in beriberi and immunosuppression, it is used as a preventive and treatment of diseases such as atherosclerosis, hypertension, colds, and to maintain male strength.
Dishes from this plant can not be used with such diseases as gastritis with high acidity, stomach ulcer, cholecystitis, pancreatitis. The benefits and harms of wild garlic depend on the amount of its use. Despite the maintenance of a large number of nutrients in the plant, excessive use of it can lead to gastrointestinal disorders, headaches, insomnia, the appearance of edema.
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To enhance immunity, wild garlic is used fresh. Salads from her young leaves with any vegetable oil are useful.
In order to improve health, tincture of wild garlic is useful, which is taken three times a day. To make it, you need to take the bulbs of the plant (1 tsp) and pour them a glass of boiling water. It persists for 1 hour. The resulting infusion contains a record amount of vitamins.
But do not get too involved in such prevention, we must remember that the benefits and harms of wild garlic depend on the dose in which it is used. The daily norm for an adult is up to 20 leaves of a plant.
On the basis of wild garlic, tinctures and ointments are also prepared, which are applied both externally and internally in the treatment of various diseases.
Rheumatism is helped by a compress with a gruel from the leaves of the plant with a small amount of vegetable oil, which is applied to the affected joints.
Cold and runny nose is perfectly helped by the gruel from the onion bulb, which needs to be wrapped in gauze, and the resulting tampon is put into one, then into another nostril. The tampon is left in the nostril for a few minutes. During the day the procedure can be repeated.
To improve the condition of a person suffering from cardiovascular diseases, it is useful to clean the vessels with the help of wild garlic. To prepare the medicine fresh crushed leaves of the plant pour vodka (1: 2) and stand for three weeks in a bright place. After that, infusion filter and take 10-15 diluted with water drops before the onset of improvement.
Raw, pickled, salted wild garlic is useful in diseases of the thyroid gland. Phytoncids, which are contained in wild garlic, contribute to the development and restoration of human tissue. These properties of wild garlic are used in the treatment of diseases such as purulent otitis, intestinal infections, purulent wounds, trophic ulcers, pressure sores.
Many housewives are interested in the methods of harvesting such a useful plant, like wild garlic, for the winter. The recipes are given below.
How to pickle the wild garlic for the winter
First you need to prepare a pickle. For this per liter of water you need to take 50 g of salt. Usually, the leaves of wild garlic are harvested in this way, sometimes the stems are also salted, pre-washed and dried. The billet will be more fragrant if you add a little dill, horse-radish, bay leaves, black peppercorns or coriander.
Leaves of wild garlic spread in sterilized jars with balls - a ball of greens, a bowl of spices, you can add garlic. Then the greens are poured with prepared brine and closed loosely with lids. Banks should stand for several days. The foam formed on the surface must be removed. Approximately one and a half weeks after the fermentation, the banks are filled with fresh brine and rolled up with lids.
Sweet cherry with vinegar for the winter
There is a recipe and simpler. It is necessary to prepare an acetic brine from 200 g of vinegar, 1 tbsp. L. Salt, 2 tbsp. L. Sugar and a glass of water, if desired, black pepper is added. You can add a little clove or cinnamon.
Pre-soaked greens are spread in sterile jars, poured hot brine and rolled. Banks should stand upside down for 1-2 days, then they are left for storage.
Canned wild garlic
The leaves of the plant are washed and dried. Then you need to boil water for 2 kilograms of green water, add salt (3 tablespoons per 1 liter) and acetic acid in the same proportions. Leaves of wild garlic are placed in a boiling brine and boiled for ten minutes, then put into jars and poured with marinade, in which the wild garlic was cooked. Banks roll up and leave blankets covered for a day.
Pickled garlic
Leaves of wild garlic are sliced. In the prepared cans put the bay leaves, then the wild garlic with garlic, pour brine. To prepare the brine per liter of water take 60 grams of salt, 70 grams of sugar, 100 milliliters of vinegar. Banks are sterilized for half an hour and rolled up with lids.
Sweet cherry canned with salt
Leaves and stems of wild garlic (1 kg) are washed and scalded with boiling water, laid in cans with layers of salt. For 1 kg of garlic you need 600-700 grams of salt. This method allows you to preserve the useful properties of wild garlic.
Sweet cherry in tomato sauce
Washed and scalded leaves of wild garlic (2 kg) are placed in jars and poured brine. For brine boil water (800 grams), add 200 grams of tomato paste, bell pepper, bay leaf (2 pcs.), Salt (4 tbsp.), Granulated sugar (2 tbsp.). Banks need to be sterilized for 20 minutes.
Such simple ways are harvested wild garlic for the winter. Recipes, as you can see, are available even for inexperienced housewives.
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