Finance, The property
How to sell an apartment without intermediaries: turn-by-turn instructions. How to sell apartments in order not to be deceived
As soon as the apartment owner thinks about the sale, there is no doubt that you should contact a realtor. The specialist will do everything on the highest level, find the right customers and help you arrange all the documents. But the commission will have to pay a considerable amount. Many realtors take 1% of the transaction value. It is easy to calculate how much money the seller loses. And after all it is necessary to study only some nuances, and it will be possible to sell housing safely and without intermediaries. So, how to sell an apartment?
Real estate valuation
Before you place an advertisement for the sale of an apartment, first of all you need to decide on its value. This moment is quite responsible. If you put too low a price, the transaction will not turn out to be profitable. But housing with high prices can stand on sale for years. Before selling apartments, it is worth exploring the real estate market in a particular region. For this you can, for example, a few days to look through the pages of relevant portals and forums and look for similar ads. Initially, you can set a price that will not be much higher than the market price. If the demand for real estate is low, the amount initially specified will have to be reduced slightly.
The level of solvency of the population in a particular area also indirectly affects the value of real estate. Too expensive will not be able to sell housing if people live on a minimum wage. Even those who in advance postpone funds for the purchase of real estate, try to consider cheaper options.
How to sell an apartment quickly and costly?
Change the level of solvency of the population or move the living space in another area will not work, because it is beyond your strength. But you can still raise the cost of housing a little. It is necessary to do everything to make the apartment look more expensive visually. Most people make the final decision only after inspecting the potential purchase. If the apartment looks perfect, you can sell it for good money.
We prepare an apartment for sale
Before applying for a sale, it is worthwhile to lead the apartment in a proper way. After all, potential buyers can come to the "lookout" at any time. How to sell an apartment if it is not cleaned? People who want to make a deal will not be the most pleasant impression.
First of all, it is necessary to eliminate visible shortcomings. These are cracks that appeared as a result of a drawdown at home, peeling paint on batteries and a window sill, as well as rusted pipes. Non-working plumbing and stains in the bathroom will obviously alienate potential buyers. In addition, if the apartment has not been renovated for a long time, there will be an unpleasant smell. It is better to get rid of it first.
Cluttering of the premises should also be eliminated. Virtually all apartments have different little things, which are difficult to get rid of. These are souvenirs brought from abroad, bags with unclaimed items, old soft toys, etc. All this is a memory for the owner of the living space. But for a potential buyer these "values" will seem like trash. Those who have firmly decided to sell the apartment without intermediaries, it is necessary to take out all unnecessary in the garage. In the room must be a minimum of things. You need to leave only furniture and essentials.
Some furniture items will also have to be disposed of. First of all, this is done in order to visually expand the space. In addition, a potential buyer will certainly want to arrange furniture in their own way. It is necessary to create everything, so that the other participant of the transaction could show his imagination. Well, if at the time of sale, you will be able to move to another place altogether. Why? It's simple. The sale of an empty apartment is several times less.
Correctly compose an ad
Everyone knows that the motor of trade is advertising. Real estate sale is no exception. And as an advertisement is an ad. It is necessary to place information about the sale in various newspapers and on electronic resources. At the same time, it's worth spending a little to make the announcement stand out among many others. To sell an apartment without intermediaries will quickly allow for a quality text. You can come up with a bright title that will attract potential buyers.
The main text of the ad should be as informative as possible. A potential buyer wants answers to all of their questions. Those who want to sell an apartment in Moscow need not only describe the area, but also indicate its advantage. If a five-minute walk from the house is a metro station, this must be remembered. All information must be entered compactly, by small sentences. Too long and tedious text will not be of interest to the buyer.
Of course, the announcement must be made correctly. If necessary, you can use the services of a proofreader. The specialist not only corrects spelling, speech or punctuation errors (if any), but also tells you how to make sentences correctly.
How else to advertise a property?
If you sell an apartment in Moscow or another city urgently, you should use any opportunities. You can place information about the sale on television or radio. There are also absolutely free ways to advertise. The announcement can be hung on the door of the entrance or the car window. Those who need an apartment in a particular area will necessarily read the information on the sale.
So, the ads are compiled, decorated and posted / posted in the newspaper, the Internet, on the radio, etc. What's next? As soon as the information on the sale became available to potential buyers, you need to be prepared for the fact that there will be a huge number of calls. Well, if in the announcement you specified at what time it is better to call. Perhaps it is worth selling an apartment during the holiday period. This time can be fully devoted to the issues of the transaction. Try to give maximum attention to each client. The larger the number of people with whom you communicate, the higher the likelihood that housing will be sold in the near future.
How and when to organize a viewing?
Inspection of the apartment is an important step. Only after the client sees the real estate first hand, he will decide on the transaction. Should I sell an apartment if it is not put in order? We have already raised this issue. Once again we will remind: absence of repair and due cleaning will not play in favor of the seller.
It should be prepared for the fact that, in addition to potential buyers, realtors will want to visit the apartment. On the phone, they are most likely not presented. But if they cross the threshold of the house, they will immediately start offering their services. You can sell a new apartment without intermediaries. But if the dwelling does not have a presentable appearance, and it is necessary to make a deal quickly, it makes sense to take the help of specialists.
In addition to realtors, those who are accustomed to making money illegally can also come on the announcement. Under the guise of potential buyers, bandits enter the house, learn the behavior of the owner, look at what values are available in the apartment. If the person who came to see the living space, it seems suspicious, ask for a passport. Agree that the buyer took the documents with him, you can still in the phone. A decent person does not frighten such a request. But most "not real" buyers do not want to come.
It is worth carefully choosing the time for organizing the viewing. Ideally, this should be a bright time of day. If you can not organize a meeting during the day (for example, the client works late), invite a friend or a neighbor. Thus you can protect yourself from dubious personalities.
Inspection of the premises in the dark has its advantages. If the apartment has flaws, a potential buyer might simply not notice them.
What documents are needed?
If the buyer is ready to make a transaction of purchase and sale, it is the turn of the documents. It is worthwhile to put in advance the passport of the owner of the apartment and the technical passport of the room, in which the main parameters will be indicated. You can not also sell an apartment without the consent of family members registered in it. The only exceptions are children under the age of 18. Additionally, such documents will be needed: a statement on the status of the personal account, an extract from the house book, a copy of the financial and personal account, a certificate from the tax inspection.
The seller and the buyer make a preliminary contract at the stage of preparation of the documentation. At the same time, a deposit is paid for the apartment. This will guarantee the buyer's honest intentions. It is now difficult to sell an apartment without collateral. Making all the necessary papers is a costly procedure. However, most of the certificates do not last more than a month. If the buyer at the last moment refuses the transaction, the money will be wasted. The pledge is not returned to the buyer.
Sell an apartment in a mortgage
Any transactions with mortgage real estate can be made only after agreement with the financial institution with which the loan agreement was concluded. First of all, the seller must obtain the appropriate permission in the bank. The next step is to determine the exact amount that the landlord must return to the financial institution. This is the difference between the total amount of the loan with interest and the money that the landlord has already paid.
Important! You can sell an apartment in a mortgage only if the potential buyer is aware of the conclusion of the contract with the bank. The financial institution issues a special certificate, which confirms the legality of the sale of real estate. And then everything is simple. The procedure is the same as when selling ordinary real estate. The seller needs to collect all the documents and get the consent of the relatives registered in the apartment.
How to sell an apartment if it belongs to several owners?
To sell a share of the apartment is possible. In this transaction has a huge number of nuances. It can not be compared even with the sale of a room in a dormitory or in a communal apartment. The problem is that it is quite difficult to determine the share boundaries. The co-owner of the premises can occupy the whole room. But this does not mean that he is its rightful owner.
You can sell a share in an apartment only if the housing is privatized. In this case, the whole room will have a common personal account. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, an apartment that is owned by several people can be sold only by agreement of all of them. The right to acquire a share is first acquired by the co-owner.
The wife has the opportunity to sell her husband an apartment or her share. With a third party buyer can be entered into a transaction only by agreement with the closest relatives registered in this living space. Owners of housing comes a notice, which indicates information about the upcoming sale. If within a month another owner does not take a decision to purchase the sold part, it may be offered to unauthorized persons.
Not everyone knows whether it is possible to sell a share of an apartment, if it has under-age children. It is difficult to answer this question. Each situation is individual. The decision can be taken in court, if the owners can not agree on the details.
How to make a contract of sale?
Before selling an apartment, you need to clarify the correctness of the main documents. When the buyer is found, it will help to conclude a contract of sale much faster. This is the main legal document, which describes the nuances of the transaction.
The main data of the contract include the value of real estate, the description of the subject of the transaction. In addition, it specifies the passport data of the parties, as well as lists the documents that are necessary for the sale of real estate. If the buyer previously made a deposit, this information is also displayed in the contract. The main document of sale of real estate describes the obligations of the parties, their mutual agreements, as well as the date of the transaction.
It is the contract of sale and purchase is the main document by which money can be transferred. If a non-cash transaction is made, this must be indicated. Also, data on the financial institution through which the transaction is drawn up and the account number are entered.
Crisis - he and in Africa crisis
Many people are now interested in whether to sell an apartment in 2015? And this is not surprising. The economic situation in the country remains unstable. This affects, first of all, the real estate market. The question of whether it is now worthwhile to sell an apartment does not arise except for those who are going to go abroad. In this case, it is necessary to get rid of real estate as quickly as possible. At the same time, the cost of housing can be significantly understated.
Finally, briefly consider another option. More and more young families prefer to purchase real estate from the developer. This further exacerbates the situation in the secondary market. You can attract the buyer only by an ideal location and European-quality repair. At the same time, the price of an apartment must be significantly understated. The seller risks losing more than 15% of the real cost of housing.
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