
Tempering the sun for preschool children

Zakalivanie sun of preschool children provides an opportunity to increase immune protection and less often to catch a cold. It is based on the training of the child's body for temperature changes.

The positive effect of child hardening

Experts in the field of health advise starting to make the sun hardening from an early age. Since the children of thermoregulation mechanisms are not yet working at full strength, which makes it possible to cope without problems with hypothermia and overheating, such procedures will be an excellent training for a child's immature organism. Strengthening the health of babies allows them to adapt to stay among their peers in kindergarten, which is at this time the main institution that helps young parents in the upbringing of their children.

Tempering children with the sun makes it possible to strengthen their immune system, due to which they will be much less likely to get sick. The sooner such procedures begin, the faster resistance to low temperatures is formed. In addition, such a child is much quicker to have useful conditioned reflexes, which are necessary for emergency mobilization of the resources of his body.

Principles of hardening

Before you begin to temper the sun of pre-school children, you need to understand the rules, without respect of which this procedure will not bring any benefit, and may also harm.

Any strengthening of the body is completely ineffective without regularity in its conduct. Only systematic procedures that are not tied to the time of year can give the desired positive result.

It must be remembered that the tempering of children must begin only in their absolutely healthy state. It is necessary to understand that for a healthy organism such procedures are for the first time a stress, therefore, on their background the state of the sick child can significantly worsen.

The intensity, duration and frequency of all hardening procedures should be increased gradually, constantly watching how the baby was able to transfer the previous load.

In addition, the program of strengthening the body of children should be built individually for each child, depending on the mental and physical abilities of each of them.

In addition, the sequence in the use of different factors is important - they always start with lighter (sun and air baths), gradually changing to strong ones (dousing with cold water, rubbing).

The optimal solution will be to write a set of measures to strengthen the body in the daily routine of the baby's day , in addition, combine them with other activities, for example, while doing physical exercises or walking.

Tempering of the children of preschool age with sun and air should always be carried out with the children in a good mood, since this directly affects their attitude to the procedures, which will directly affect the regularity of the latter.

The most popular methods of hardening

You can identify special and non-special ways. Non-special methods are the creation of the necessary conditions for tempering preschool-age children: fresh clean air, temperature, clothing by weather.

To fulfill all the necessary requirements for the level of air quality in the room, it is ventilated up to five times a day through the way. Such pulsating ventilation allows us to develop resistance to cold in children.

In this case, special methods are directly hardening measures that depend on the time of year and the specific capabilities of a particular pre-school institution.

It will be optimal if nonspecial and various special ways of strengthening the body of kids will be available in order to reproduce their homes.

Rules of procedures

It is necessary to begin strengthening the child's organism from holding regular air baths. There are no special rules in this, and with their help there is also a hardening by the sun. Walk with your child as often as possible in fresh, clean air. This is best done at one time every day.


Walking is a great way to strengthen the body, as well as preventing the occurrence of rickets. Although do not walk, if the street is too hot - it will avoid a heat stroke, in addition, the occurrence of dehydration of the child's body . It is better to do this in the morning, before eleven o'clock, and also after four days. At this time there is an effective hardening by the sun, since the surface of the earth and air are not strongly heated, and the heat is transferred much easier.

If the child is still very young, then he needs a walk immediately after the hospital. If the weather allows, then walk with it longer and more often. Just do not need to babble the baby. It is necessary to dress it a little warmer than you are dressed yourself. The ideal time for walks with such a crumb - before lunch.

Tempering by the sun and air

This is the most affordable and easy way for children. Useful for the body effect is its following characteristics: the percentage of moisture, temperature, as well as the movement of particles.

Zakalivanie sun in the kindergarten begins with air baths, for example, changing in the morning on the street or doing morning exercises under his rays, then connect a dream with an open window - for a start only daytime, then night (in summer). It is best to keep the temperature in the room at around 20 ° C.

Before the school itself, children are hardened by air more intensively when walking outdoors in any weather for 4 hours. It is necessary, that clothes for walks were warm enough, and also easy, not constraining movements of the kid.

Walking barefoot

Do not prohibit on vacation, but rather, on the contrary, allow children to walk on the beach barefoot. This strengthens health, as a natural foot massage. Only it is necessary to observe safety rules. Carefully check that items that can injure the skin are not around.

Quenching by the sun's rays

The sun stimulates the growth of the child, strengthens the nervous system, increases the body's resistance to various infections, speeds up the metabolic processes.

Tempering by the sun is a rather intensive method of strengthening the body. If you stay too long under the sun's rays, there may be various undesirable reactions, ranging from malaise and weakness and ending with a sunstroke.

Tempering by the sun can begin in the shade of trees, then gradually pass to the sunny local baths of separate parts of the body (legs, hands), eventually increasing the duration of taking such baths. This must be done in the morning and in the evening, watching how the baby feels. The sunbathing begins from 4 minutes, gradually increasing the time of sun exposure to half an hour. Strengthening the body of children is completed later by dousing with water. Drinking and a hat is an indispensable condition for hardening by the sun's rays.

Quenching with water

Water is the most powerful way to strengthen the body. For babies in the regime of the day, regular washing of hands is inevitably introduced - in the morning, before and after eating, after a walk and toilet. In addition to hygienic value, careful hand washing with cold water also fulfills a hardening role. After a while, the regime of strengthening the body with water can be expanded: wash hands alternately to elbows, face and neck with cold and warm water.

Cleaning teeth with cool water is one of the great options for hardening the oropharynx. An excellent effect is also the rinsing of the throat with water after eating. After a series of similar rinses, the incidence of inflammatory diseases of the throat and nasopharynx is reduced.

Tempering of children with water should begin with a thorough wiping of the body with a double damp mitten. For the beginning wipe solely the hands, neck and legs, increasing gradually the area of wiping, the duration of the procedure and the temperature of the water. After wiping it is necessary to rub the skin intensively with a clean dry towel. Only after such preparation can one go to dousing.

Begin with water, the temperature of which is 39 ° C, after 3-4 days it is reduced by a couple of degrees. In the summer you can pour on the street, and when it gets colder - in the bathroom.

With this type of strengthening the body of preschoolers, gradualness is also important. To get used to it, pouring starts from the feet, rising gradually higher. In this case, it is advisable to give a general douche to children from 9 months. In addition to it, water quenching procedures include a shower and a half years, as well as bathing from 3 years in natural reservoirs.


Do not allow children to swim hungry or less than an hour and a half after eating. Children under one year of air bath can take about half an hour after a meal. But older children can do them in an hour and a half.

Procedures conduct regularly, do not do long breaks. Their duration and intensity increase gradually.

It is desirable to combine the procedures with games. Sing songs, learn poems, use toys, especially the ball. In this case, any child will like the process of hardening, in addition, it will benefit such developmental activities.

Combine the procedures with a neat foot massage. Give the child the opportunity to walk barefoot on the sand or grass. Although hypothermia of the legs is not tolerated, because in children thermoregulation is still imperfect.

Do everything together with young children. Toddlers are very fond of repeating adults, so use this, become a good example for him.

The correct strengthening of the body of children in the summer is important for their health in the further cold season. It should be understood that regardless of age, the child, seasoned in summer, adapts easily to various viral infections in winter. Regular procedures make him strong, strong, and his development is more harmonious.

Contraindications when hardening by the sun

There are contraindications to strengthening the body of kids - it's fever, acute infections, trauma, burns, diseases of the cardiovascular system, high nervous excitability, lack of weight. Carry out tempering with sun, air and water, taking into account the age of the baby, as well as its individual characteristics. Of great importance is the state of health, general physical development, the type of nervous system. Choosing a method of recovery, you should seek advice from a specialist.

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