
Bristol scale of feces forms: a description

When a patient begins to experience problems with digestion, he consults a doctor. One of the indicators of human health is the appearance of his feces. This is a delicate and for many a forbidden topic of conversation, but the doctor should describe in detail the nature of your chair. That patients were not embarrassed and could pick up words, and the Bristol scale of the form of feces was invented.


This is an invention of British doctors who worked at the Bristol Royal Hospital. Apparently, the patients were so shy there that they encouraged doctors to create know-how. They became the Bristol scale of the form of feces. It is a table with pictures, which describes all the characteristics that characterize its properties. Namely: the design, color, consistency, smell. It's not for nothing that doctors are so sensitive to this issue. For patients, feces are an unpleasant waste of life. But the doctor, he will talk about some of the nuances of human health, because the way and how he walks "in large" - this is the result of the complex biochemical processes of his body. If something went wrong, it is enough to determine the type of stool on the Bristol scale and change the lifestyle, eating habits or starting treatment.

Norm or pathology

Of course, the doctor must deal with this. The patient only needs to correctly describe the appearance of his feces, the rest is already the task of a specialist. Therefore, before going to the doctor, you should try to remember how many times a day you emptied the intestines. Have you experienced any discomfort, tension, or soreness? And, of course, consider your feces in order to be able to describe them to a specialist. So let's look at the classification of feces according to the Bristol scale.

All in different ways

The first type is characterized as a sheep stool. This will not cause difficulties if you have ever seen how the sheep or goat free the intestines. Their feces look like round solid balls. But if for them it is not a problem and is associated with the peculiarities of digestion, then for a person such a chair means that it is constipated. Cal in the form of small hard balls appears when the patient has a dysbacteriosis of the intestine. In a normal state, the human intestine is inhabited by bacteria that retain water in the feces. If these beneficial microorganisms are absent, then it becomes solid, loses its normal form.

Such feces can injure the anus and cause pain during defecation, cause hemorrhoids and even intoxication of the whole organism.

Feces in the form of a thick sausage

This type of stool also characterizes the malfunctioning of the intestine. This is the same constipation, but in this case the feces contain fibers and bacteria. However, often in order to form a sausage of such a large diameter exceeding the maximum open anus, a few days must pass. This type of feces hardly passes into the anal opening, wounding it, provoking the appearance of cracks and causing bleeding. It is not recommended to use laxatives alone, as in this case the contents should not sharply leave the rectum in order to avoid its traumatization.

Sausage with cracks

The Bristol scale defines the third type of faeces. The chair looks like a sausage with cracks. A person who has it, definitely, constipation. Although he can not take it that way. After all, the contents of the intestines leave it rather quickly. But do not be happy. Problems with digestion still there. In order to empty, you have to strain, which means there is a danger of hemorrhoids, anal fissures. Most likely, there is irritable bowel syndrome.

The diameter of such a "sausage" can be 2-3.5 cm.

Long and thin sausage

If, after examining your feces in the toilet, you saw that they have the shape of a thin, long sausage or snake, it means that everything is in order with your intestines. Its diameter should be 1-2 centimeters, and the emptying of the intestine should be regular - once a day.

Soft balls

There is, it turns out, the shape of the chair, as the Bristol scale says, which is even better than the fourth type (thin sausage). Cal is a few soft balls with sharp edges. Usually a person empties after a heavy meal, and it happens several times a day.

Unformed chair

The next type, as the Bristol scale shows, has no shape. But at the same time it is not liquid, but consists of several soft parts with torn edges. It's not yet diarrhea, but already a condition close to it. Such a form of stool can be caused by the intake of laxatives, a large number of spices, drinking water with a high content of minerals, and high blood pressure. But it helps to avoid injury to the anus and injury to the intestine. The specialist still needs to pay attention to this kind of feces, in order to investigate the reasons that influenced his formation. Otherwise, diarrhea can begin, it will not be easy to get rid of.

The seventh type

A liquid stool, or, as described by the Bristol scale, watery stool without inclusion of any particles. This is already diarrhea, which requires finding causes and treatment. This condition is abnormal and indicates health problems. People call it diarrhea. It can be caused by a variety of causes: infection, fungi, poisoning, allergies, liver, stomach or kidney disease, helminths, malnutrition and even stress. Therefore, do not postpone the visit to the doctor if your feces correspond to the seventh point of the Bristol scale.

Not only the form

In addition to the form, the feces differ in color. Normally, feces should have a color from light to dark brown. But in case of violation in the state of the human body, it can be very light, red, yellow and even black. This can mean that a person is sick. But there are food products, the use of which in food contributes to staining the feces in a certain color. Potatoes and rice make it light, beets, tomatoes, juices - red, activated carbon - black. But if you did not eat such foods, did not take medications that could affect the color of your stool, be sure to see a doctor who is very useful for the Bristol feces scale scale to determine the quality of your stool.

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