HealthDiseases and Conditions

Acidosis - what is it and how to prevent this condition

One of the most important indicators of human health is the acid-base balance. In the process of life in the body many acids are formed, which are usually quickly excreted in the urine, then through the lungs. But with some diseases or violations of the acid-base balance, acidosis occurs. What it is? This is a condition in which the acids accumulate in the tissues and act On them is destructive. Most often, it occurs when there is a lack of minerals coming from food. In the process of neutralizing acids, salts are formed, which are removed from the body. If there is not enough alkaline for this, then acidosis is formed.

The causes of the violation of acid-base balance

Most often, acids accumulate in metabolic disorders. For example, with kidney failure, diabetes or thyrotoxicosis. This can also happen due to malnutrition, when the food is not enough carbohydrates and excess fat, fasting or long-term use of low-carbohydrate diets, and after taking certain medications, for example, salicylates and preparations containing ammonium chloride. Lack of alkali to neutralize acids is due to loss of sodium bicarbonate by the body during vomiting, diarrhea and other digestive disorders.

Less common is the so-called respiratory acidosis, which arises from the inadequacy of the circulation and the disturbances in the function of the respiratory system. This leads to the accumulation of carbon dioxide in the blood. The reason for this can also be long-term presence of a person indoors without ventilation.

Symptoms on which to determine acidosis

What is this you need to know even the mothers of young children, because they have this condition is particularly difficult. The lack of neutralization of acids leads to headaches, lethargy, sleep disorders and a decrease in pressure. Constants often occur Or diarrhea, loss of appetite and vomiting. With acidosis, there is a rapid increase in respiration, an acidic or chemical odor from the mouth and the skin. Accumulation of acids in tissues can lead to gastritis and ulcers, inflammations of the intestine and cystitis. The release of sour sweat causes eczema and other skin conditions, for example, cellulite. Because of the accumulation of salts in the joints, arthritis or gout develops. Severe cases can lead to depression of the central nervous system and coma.

How to prevent acidosis?

What is this you need to know everyone, even a healthy person. After all, very often the fascination of women with diets and starvation leads to acidosis. And in children it can appear and-because of improper food, for example, hobbies baking, fast food and lack of fresh vegetables and fruits in the diet.

Acidosis can also appear due to prolonged physical exertion or oxygen starvation. Therefore, in order for a healthy person to prevent this condition, you need to monitor your diet, walk more outdoors and give up harmful habits. The diet should be dominated by raw vegetable products. It is necessary to abandon sausages, animal fats, confectionery products and canned products. It is necessary to drink as much fresh water as possible. And to quickly remove the symptoms of poisoning with acids, you can drink a solution of soda.

A very dangerous condition that can lead to death is acidosis. What is this you need to know in order to avoid severe damage to organs and tissues.

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