
Broilers Cobb-500: reviews, cultivation, species

Breeding modern broiler crosses can be a very profitable business. Because the muscle mass of such a bird is gaining very quickly. For a season it is possible to grow 2-3 broods for meat. One of the most interesting crosses at the moment are the cobble-500 broilers. Reviews of these from owners of household plots and farmers are simply wonderful.

Advantages of the breed

One of the characteristic features of this cross is the very attractive presentation of the carcass. The brooders of the cobble-500 breed are distinguished by yellow skin of a pleasant shade. Most other hybrids have a carcass or white, or have a bluish color.

Of course, this is not the only advantage of the cross-500 cobble. To the undoubted advantages of this bird, among other things, can be attributed very rapid growth with small feed costs. Scoring chickens of this breed is allowed at the age of one month. At this time, their weight with a properly balanced feeding and good conditions of maintenance can reach 1.7-2 kg. The optimal age for slaughter is the age of 35-42 days.

Another advantage of this cross is the lack of the need to use any expensive feed. The main part of the menu of this bird is usually a special compound feed with all the necessary additives. If there is no possibility of buying it, a diet for broilers Cobb-500 can be developed independently.

To the advantages of the breed, farmers and owners of personal household plots include strong legs, wide breasts, and excellent survival rates.

general description

Plumage of broilers cobb-500, reviews about which are excellent, are pure white. One of the hallmarks of this cross is thick, well-developed legs, always yellow. Scallops and lobes both in chickens and in males have a healthy bright red color.

Reviews about cross

Broiler chickens cobb-500, characteristic (their differences from other crosses are considered above) which allows to judge them as very hardy and productive, are being bred at the moment in many household plots. Opinion of farmers about them was really very good. The chickens of this cross grow well, are practically not susceptible to diseases and do not require any special care. The only thing - to develop a diet you need to approach with all responsibility. If there is too little protein in the feed, these chickens will not grow large. And since they are quite expensive, costs can simply not justify themselves. That is, the bird's potential should be used completely.

In addition to all the advantages listed above, the owners of homesteads attribute homogeneity to the herd to the advantages of this cross. That is, the entire bird from one brood has practically the same height and weight. In general, according to our domestic poultry producers, chickens are very good - broilers of cobb-500. Reviews on the forums speak about this eloquently.

Basic rules of feeding

The diet of these chickens is designed in such a way that they receive a sufficient number, first, of proteins, and secondly, of minerals. In addition, like any other broiler, cobb-500 should receive all the necessary vitamins.

In addition, if you want to have broilers of this particular breed, it is important to remember one rule. If the ration will contain wheat in any form, it will reduce the level of assimilation of potassium and phosphorus by the bird, which is very necessary for it. Therefore, it is necessary to fill the gap with special additives.

Of course, all feed given to chickens should be fresh. You can not feed broilers of cobbe-500 rotten vegetables, moldy foods or supplements with the expired shelf life. A balanced menu is the basis for the success of such a procedure as growing chicken broilers. We feed well - we get a lot of meat. With a lack of protein, the result is likely to disappoint.

Finished food

As already mentioned, broilers of cobbe-500 are usually grown on a balanced purchase of mixed fodder. As a rule, in household plots Pk-5 (for chickens) and Pk-6 (for adult chickens) is used. Experienced poultry farmers are advised to purchase ready-made feed for broilers of this breed only from trusted producers. The use of a poor-quality product can significantly reduce the productivity of the poultry.

Home feeds

The menu of broilers from the ration of laying hens is distinguished first of all by the increased content of proteins. Feed the cobbe-500 can be any grain and crushed stone. However, on the menu it is necessary to add fishmeal, whey, meat waste, etc. That is, protein-rich food.

In the poultry for this bird you can add any vegetables. Especially useful for meat crosses is the red carrot. As for potatoes, it is better to give it to broilers only in raw form. Some farmers believe that boiled can easily cause the stomach to stop the bird. Judging by their observations, on the second day after feeding such food, chickens do not feel very well.

In the diet, vitamins A, E and D must necessarily be added. Without them, a good result of productivity will not be achieved. The easiest way is to make a multivitamin "mesh". To make it, you need half a liter of sunflower oil. In it add 10 ml of a solution of each vitamin and mix everything well. You can store the oil in the refrigerator. Give it twice a week for 1 tsp. Per 1 kg of feed.

Of course, chickens should be fed chalk and salt. Very useful will also be small shells and eggshells. It is necessary to put in cages or a shed and a container with small pebbles. Broilers can not be given sand.

Types of content

To obtain a good result on the output of meat to chickens of this breed, optimal conditions for growth and development should be created. Usually in household plots such types of broiler cobby-500 are used, as:

  • Cellular. A small space limits the activity of chickens, and they gain weight better.
  • Floor. This method is used mainly in those cases where there are enough places in the barn, and the stock is not too large. It is not recommended to let go of these chickens. This can significantly reduce the growth rate of muscle mass.

Judging by the responses of farmers, the second method of keeping allows you to get carcasses of better quality. In addition, while the chickens are less and less likely to get sick. However, the cellular method allows considerable space saving. Especially when using two- or three-tier structures.

Basic Content Rules

Place chickens of this breed in a well-ventilated and very warm room. You do not have to arrange windows in the barn. Until the age of fifteen, lighting in the house must be round the clock. Broilers eat at this time very much and in the dark can simply not find a feeder. Further, the duration of daylight hours is reduced to 18 hours.

The success of such a procedure, like the cultivation of cobble-500 broilers, largely depends on how clean the room in which they are kept. Dirt and a large amount of uncleaned feces can lead to the outbreak of an infectious disease. For the same reason, cleaners should also contain feeders with waterers. Flushing them should be daily, not allowing water decay or feed poisoning.

It is best to buy nipple drinkers for chickens . In such containers do not get feces and dirt. The construction of feeders should be such that the bird can not climb into it with legs.

In the event that there is no window in the shed, it is necessary to arrange at least the most simple ventilation. If the air in the room containing chickens is too high in ammonia, the bird will lose its appetite. In addition, the case necessarily increases. The heat of the broilers is very poor. Also, you should not allow even weak drafts in the room. The optimum temperature in the henhouse is 28-33 grams.

Hatching egg

Growing a bird like broilers Cobb-500, (reviews allow you to judge about it as not too whimsical) at home is not particularly difficult. But it will not be possible to breed it, as well as any other hybrids. Crosses are deduced by crossing at once a large number of breeds of hens. The offspring of their quality, unfortunately, are not transmitted at all. At best, it is possible to obtain young growth with productivity similar to one of the parent breeds.

There is only one way to remove chickens of this breed at home on their own. To get the young, you just need to buy a hatching egg broiler cobbe-500. The cost of one piece is not too high - about 30-35 rubles. Young, even the daily, of course, will cost more.

Incubation of eggs of broilers of this breed is carried out in a usual mode, with observance of the put temperature and humidity conditions.

Care for chickens

The cubs of the cobs-500 at first feed almost in the same way as the toddlers: cottage cheese, boiled egg, small-crushed wheat (65% of the total), etc. On the third day, the diet includes green fodders and red carrots. In the 10-day-old chickens begin to give fish meal, cake, potatoes.

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