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Useful tips: how to cook rice deliciously

Even in this seemingly simple matter, like the preparation of rice, there are a lot of subtleties. How tasty to cook rice? This is one of those everyday questions that have to be asked by everyone who cooks. Here we can face some difficulties. Perhaps the biggest problem is how to find a way that the croup does not stick to the bottom of the pan and does not burn. In addition, it is necessary to cook delicious rice, in consistency exactly appropriate to the dish for which it is intended. And when the volumes are large enough, this can be not so easy! We bring to your attention some useful tips that will be useful to you in the kitchen.

How tasty to cook rice for garnish

To get an excellent dish, you can not lose sight of the details, especially when it comes to garnish. How tasty to cook rice? Do not skimp on and get a good quality product. Old rice will never be as tasty and light as fresh. You can boil it in water, broth or milk.

Think about whether to wash rice or not. In Western countries, many manufacturers pre-clean before the product reaches the counters. Rinsing rice, you are guaranteed to get rid of the nutrients, which are usually treated with rice fields. In addition, it will help to avoid stickiness and prepare a light and loose side dish. We recommend that you wash the rice well under running water and dry it before cooking, except when it has already been pretreated.

How tasty to cook rice: soaking

Soaking the groats is not necessary, in addition to those cases when it comes to basmati, wild rice or a special recipe. If necessary, the usual method is simple to soak rice in cold water for 30-60 minutes or rinse the rump until the water becomes clear.

Soaking Thai, long-grain or basmati rice, you will take care of the best result.

Pour the rump with cold water and continue to cook until the consistency is perfect, not allowing it to boil. The exception is sticky or milky rice for desserts.

How to tasty rice cook: tips

Maintain the integrity of rice grains. The cause of the formation of a mushy mass may be stirring and adding salts to the water. Try to avoid this: even plunging a spoon into a pan to try rice, you influence its structure. The only exception to this rule is the risotto. Salt is not needed when preparing rice, but some cooks believe that it needs to be added. It has almost no effect on cooking time, but enhances the taste. Nevertheless, as indicated above, there is a great risk of damage to the integrity of the grains.

Cook the rice in a large saucepan - this will help avoid sticking and sticking. In addition, grains have the property of increasing during cooking. Always remove the rice from the container in which it was cooked: thus, you do not risk digesting it. To check the degree of readiness of the rice garnish, squeeze one grain between the fingers. It should be soft and not have a dense core.

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