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The most full-flowing river in the world. The most full-flowing river in Africa

Of the general list of reservoirs of impressive size, it is precisely the deep waters that correctly use which can solve a lot of modern problems of mankind. Elementary laws of physics suggest that the most efficient for obtaining energy can become the most full-flowing river. Where does it flow? Let's understand.

What is the fullest river in the world

Define the term. "Full-water" means the volume of water that a river collects and pours into the world's ocean. It is clear that for the most part this indicator depends on the climatic conditions of the flow area. Wherever rains often occur, there are many underground springs, naturally, and the rivers do not grow shallow. Thus, the most full-flowing river on earth is the Amazon. It is believed that it carries to the ocean a fifth of all fresh water. Its share of the replenishment of the Atlantic Ocean is 7,000 cubic meters per year. This is more than the average annual infusion of waters by the Yenisei, Lena, Ob, Amur and Volga, taken together. The fullest river reaches at the source of a width of eighty kilometers! But cataclysms also occur with it, which can not but disturb the advanced minds. In 2005, the Amazon became so shallow that it could be waded. The water level was lower by fourteen meters. At that time, it could lose its status as the deepest. Each continent is proud of its miracle, carrying water. With the Amazon, no one can compete in the world in terms of the amount of water collected. There, the climate allows such accumulation. But in Africa there is a record holder. Let's get acquainted with him.

The most full-flowing river in Africa

On the continent, where heat and lack of moisture are common, there are indicators of fullness. The longest life-giving artery of the continent is the Nile. Its length is almost seven thousand kilometers (6.69, to be more precise). And the most full-flowing river is the Congo. It is not so long, but it collects a larger volume. In addition, it is also the deepest. The greatest depth of water in its bed is 230 meters. This is more than in some seas. The most full-flowing river of this continent is also famous for the fact that it crosses the equator line twice (the only one in the world). It begins on the Shaba plateau, carries its waters for 4,731 km and flows into the Atlantic. Notice, like the Amazon. It turns out that this ocean is the most filled with fresh water.

Asian record holder

Here the most full-flowing river is the Yangtze River. Its length is 5797 km. It is slightly inferior to the previous giants by the volume of water supplied, but it is the most significant in Asia. It flows into the Chinese Sea. This mega-supplier of fresh water to the world's ocean pours into it about a thousand cubic kilometers per year. At the same time, its source is at an altitude of more than five kilometers. Tibet feeds the great waters, slowly and majestically flowing to the sea across the whole of China.

River - the pride of North America

On this continent the full leader is the Mississippi. In contrast to the already named record holders of high water, it flows out of the lake. The beginning of the river is Itasca - a reservoir, located at 450 meters high. The mouth is located in the Gulf of Mexico. Note: this is also the Atlantic! In the world ranking of the full-fledged Mississippi takes the tenth place. The flow rate is 16,200 m³ / s. Nevertheless, its fillability is due to a large number of tributaries, among which the Missouri are distinguished - along the length, Ohio - by the high water content. This system of reservoirs forms a giant pool, one of the greatest in the world. The total length of the Jefferson-Missouri-Mississippi channels exceeds the largest single river (6.3 thousand km) in size.


Among the rivers of this continent the Yenisei is full of water. The length of the bed is 4.506 thousand km. It flows into the Arctic Ocean. It differs in that, firstly, it has two sources (Biy-Khem and Ka-Khem), and secondly, it is the northernmost of the deep-water rivers. Its banks are marked by a serious asymmetry. On one side are mountains and taiga, on the other - plains. Yenisei is fed mainly by snow. Their share is 50%. A third of fillability is supported by rain, the rest is by tributaries. The total number of reservoirs that make up the hydrography of the Yenisei is 324 984. The unique number! Among them there are 126,364 lakes. In winter, the infusion of fresh water by the Yenisei is inhibited due to freezing.

The river is completely covered with ice. Stoke resumes in the spring, after
Ice drift, accompanied by congestion. I must say a few words about Ob and Lena. These rivers are among the ten longest: Ob - 5567 km, Lena - 4268. Since these water bodies are located not just on one continent, but also in one zone (Eastern Siberia), we can say that this territory is the most secured Drinking water. Indicator, very exciting to the growing humanity.

Other record holders

From the point of view of the fullness and usefulness for the population, we can not say more about several rivers. Mekong - the largest river in Indochina (length - 4023 km). Provides drinking water to the population of several states. Parana is a river, which is rarely mentioned in connection with useful use, its length is 4498 km. It gives life-giving moisture to the inhabitants of several countries located on the South American continent. These water strategic facilities can not compete with the record holders of the high water, but constitute a fairly high percentage of world reserves. Orinoco is another longest river in South America. It can not even closely compete with the most abundant, but at the time of a sharp rise, it sweeps everything in its path, threatening local residents and showing average daily figures comparable to the Amazon.

In spite of the fact that the scientists have already recorded all the indicators of high water content, they have determined the places of rivers for filling and volumes, everything can change dramatically. Even such stable systems as water arteries react sensitively to human activity. Only it seems that nothing to do with huge amounts of water is impossible. In fact, natural systems are fragile and require a caring attitude toward themselves. Otherwise, humanity can lose the most beautiful places on Earth, nourishing life. Such a turn of events, of course, will lead to the death of not only huge territories, but everything that grows there, moves, reproduces. What is the natural wealth, the basis of human life!

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