
Antimicrobial drugs: review, application and reviews. The most effective antimicrobial agent

Medical products are used to treat various diseases. And also for their prevention. Medicines are obtained from plant raw materials, minerals, chemicals, etc. Mixtures, powders, tablets, capsules are prescribed in a strictly defined dose. In this article we will talk about antimicrobials.

What are antimicrobials?

The history of antimicrobials begins with the discovery of penicillin. He successfully fights bacteria. On its basis, scientists began to produce antimicrobials from natural or synthetic compounds. Such drugs are part of the group "antibiotics". Antimicrobial agent, unlike others, kills microorganisms faster and more efficiently. They are used against various fungi, staphylococci, etc.

Antimicrobials are the most numerous group of medicines. Despite the different chemical structure and mechanism of action, they have a number of common specific properties. Destroy "pests" in cells, and not in tissues. The activity of antibiotics decreases with time, because microbes begin to form habituation.

Types of antimicrobials

Antimicrobial drugs are divided into three groups. The first is natural (herbs, honey, etc.).

The second is semisynthetic. They are divided into three types:

  • Antistaphylococcal penicillins (oxacillins). They have the same antimicrobial spectrum as penicillin, but only with less activity. They are used for adults and children.
  • Drugs of a wide spectrum of action. They include "Ampicillin", which affects gram-negative bacteria (salmonella, etc.). With regard to streptococci, it is less active. There is absolutely no effect on some other bacteria (Klebsiella, Pseudomonas aeruginosa , etc.). "Amoxicillin" also applies to the second species. It is the leading oral antibiotic in the whole world. Both are listed [the drug can be given to adults and children.
  • Antisignagic penicillins. They have two subspecies - carboxy- and ureidopenicillins.

The third is synthetic antimicrobial agents. This is a vast group of drugs.

Sulfonamides. Drugs of this group are prescribed if there is an intolerance to antibiotics or microflora does not react to them. By action they are more active than preparations of sulfonamides. They include:

  • "Streptocide".
  • "Norsulfazole".
  • "Sulfadimezin."
  • "Urosulfan".
  • "Ftalazol".
  • "Sulfadimethoxin".
  • Bactrim.

Derivatives of quinolone. In general, drugs of this group are used for infections of the genitourinary system, enterocolitis, cholecystitis, etc., recently, newer derivatives of quinolone are increasingly being used:

  • "Ciprofloxacin".
  • Norfloxacin.
  • "Pefloxacin".
  • Lomefloxacin.
  • "Moxifloxacin".
  • "Ofloxacin."

These are highly active antimicrobials that have a wide spectrum of action. They are less active against Gram-positive bacteria. Antimicrobial agent is prescribed for infections of the respiratory and urinary tract, gastrointestinal tract.

Also, the third group includes derivatives of 8-hydroxyquinoline. They include a number of compounds that have antifungal, antiparasitic and antibacterial activity (Nitroxoline, Meksaform, etc.). Derivatives of Nitrofuran (Furazolidone and Furacilin) and Nitroimidazole (Tinidazole and Metronidazole).

How do antimicrobial agents work?

Antimicrobial agents have two types (by effect):

  • "Cydic" (bacteria, fungi, viri-, or protozoa). In this case, the infectious agent is killed.
  • "Static" (with the same prefixes). In this case, only the propagation of the pathogen is stopped or stopped.

When immunity is compromised, "citric" drugs are prescribed. And antibiotics must be periodically changed or used with other medicines.

Antimicrobial drugs may have a narrow or wide spectrum of action. Most infections are caused by one pathogen. In this case, the "breadth" of the drug will not only be less effective, but harmful to the beneficial microflora of the body. Therefore, doctors prescribe antibiotics with a "narrow" spectrum of action.

Antimicrobial medications

Anti-inflammatory and antimicrobial agents are divided into three groups. The main thing is antibiotics. They are divided into 11 main types:

  • Beta-lactam. They have three groups: A (penicillins), B (cephalosporins) and B (carbapenems). These are broad-spectrum drugs with a bacteriostatic effect. Block the protein of microbes, weaken their protection.
  • Tetracyclines. Bacteriostatic, the main action - the inhibition of protein synthesis of microbes. They can be in the form of tablets, ointments ("Oletetrin", "tetracycline hydrochloride") or capsules ("Doxycycline").
  • Macrolides. Violate the integrity of the membrane by binding to fats.
  • Aminoglycosides. They have a bactericidal effect when the protein synthesis is disturbed.
  • Fluoroquinolones. They have bactericidal action, they block bacterial enzymes. Disturb the synthesis of DNA microbes.
  • Lincosamides. Bacteriostatics, which bind the components of the membrane of microbes.
  • "Chloramphenicol". Otherwise - "Levomycetin". Has a high toxicity with regard to bone marrow and blood. Therefore, it is used mainly locally (as an ointment).
  • "Polymyxin" (M and B). They act selectively, in gram-negative flora.
  • Anti-tuberculosis. They are used mainly against mycobacteria, but are also effective for a wide spectrum. But these drugs are treated only tuberculosis, because they are considered to be reserve ("Rifampicin", "Izoniazid").
  • Sulfonamides. They have many side effects, so for the time being they are practically not used.
  • Nitrofurans. Bacteriostatics, but at high concentrations - bactericides. They are used mainly for infections: intestinal (Furazolidone, Nifuroxazide, Enterofuril) and urinary tract (Furamag, Furadonin).

The second group is bacteriophages. They are appointed as solutions for local or oral administration (rinsing, rinsing, lotion). The use of antimicrobial agents of this group is also used in cases of dysbacteriosis or an allergic reaction to antibiotics.

The third group is antiseptics. They are used for disinfection (treatment of wounds, oral cavity and skin).

The best antimicrobial drug

"Sulfamethoxazole" is the best antimicrobial agent. Has a wide range of action. "Sulfamethoxazole" is active against many microorganisms. It blocks the metabolism of bacteria and prevents their reproduction and growth. "Sulfamethoxazole" is a combined antimicrobial drug. It is designed to treat:

  • Urinary infections (cystitis, urethritis, prostatitis, pyelitis, pyelonephritis, gonorrhea and a number of other diseases);
  • Acute and chronic bronchitis;
  • respiratory tract;
  • Gastrointestinal infections (diarrhea, cholera, paratyphoid, shigellosis, typhoid fever, cholecystitis, gastroenteritis, cholangitis);
  • ENT-organs;
  • Pneumonia;
  • Acne;
  • Faces;
  • Furunculosis;
  • Wound infections;
  • Abscesses of soft tissues;
  • Otitis media;
  • Laryngitis;
  • Meningitis;
  • Malaria;
  • Brucellosis;
  • Sinusitis;
  • Abscesses of the brain;
  • Osteomyelitis;
  • Septicemia;
  • Toxoplasmosis;
  • South American blastomycosis;
  • And a number of other diseases.

The use of "Sulfamethoxazole" is extensive, but it is necessary to consult a doctor, like all medicines, it has a number of contraindications and side effects. It is necessary to monitor its concentration in the blood plasma.

Children's antimicrobials

The antimicrobial agent for children is selected very carefully, depending on the disease. Not all medicines are allowed to treat children.

The group of antimicrobial agents contains two types of drugs:

  • Nitrofuran ("Furazolidon", "Furacilin", "Furadonin"). They well suppress microbes (streptococci, staphylococcus, etc.) and activate immunity. They are used to treat infections of the urinary tract and intestines. Good for children who have allergic reactions. Along with the drugs are prescribed ascorbic and other acids.
  • Oxyquinolines (Intestopan, Negrum, Enterosepthol, Nitroxoline). These drugs destroy microbes, suppressing their vital functions (causative agents of colitis, dysentery, typhoid, etc.). They are used for intestinal diseases. "Nitroxoline" - with infections of the urinary tract.

A number of other anti-inflammatory drugs are used. But their choice depends on the child's illness. The most commonly used penicillin group. For example, with pharyngitis and some other infections that are caused by streptococcus "A", penicillins "G" and "V" are also used.

Natural drugs are prescribed for syphilis, meningococcus, listeriosis, neonatal infection (which caused streptococcus "B"). In any case, the treatment is administered individually, taking into account the tolerability of the drugs.

Baby anti-inflammatory drugs

In pediatrics, there are 3 main groups of anti-inflammatory drugs :

  • Anti-influenza ("Oxolinum", "Algirem"). "Remantadin" does not let the virus pass through the cells. But the one that is already in the body can not affect. Therefore, the drug must be taken in the first hours of the disease. And also it is used for the prevention of encephalitis (after a tick bite).
  • Anti-herpetic ("Zovirax", "Acyclovir").
  • A wide spectrum of action ("Gamma globulin"). Dibazol stimulates the immune system, but slowly. Therefore it is used mainly for the prevention of influenza. "Interferon" is an endogenous substance that is produced in the body. It activates the antiviral protein. As a result, the body's resistance to viruses increases. "Interferon" prevents many infectious diseases and their complications.

Antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory natural remedies

Tablets, solutions, powders do not always apply immediately. If there is an opportunity to use the antimicrobial agent that nature gives, sometimes it does not reach the destination of drugs at all. Also, many herbs, infusions and decoctions can remove inflammation. Scroll:

  • Preparations based on ayr, ledum, alder, pine buds;
  • Water extracts of oak bark;
  • Infusions of oregano;
  • St. John's wort;
  • Hyssop officinalis ;
  • Blood-groove;
  • Mountaineer snakeskin;
  • Juniper fruit;
  • Thyme;
  • garlic;
  • Leaves of sage.

Can I self-medicate with antimicrobials?

Without the appointment of a doctor, antimicrobials are not allowed for self-medication. Improper choice of medication can lead to allergies or an increase in the population of microbes that will be insensitive to the drug. Dysbacteriosis can occur. Surviving microbes can give rise to a chronic infection, and the result is the appearance of immune diseases.

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