
"Citovir-3" - reviews

The human body is daily attacked by various viruses, fungi and harmful bacteria. With most of them the immune system copes without difficulty, and we simply do not notice them. However, it often happens in a different way. Chronic diseases, a sharp change of climate when moving or traveling, rainy and windy weather contribute to the weakening of the body, as a result of which a person can easily get sick.

The drug "Citovir-3" (reviews about it can be read in medical journals or on pages of Internet sites) stimulates the human immune system. It includes substances that protect the body from viruses. Among them - one of the most common antioxidants, ascorbic acid, which is considered indispensable in the fight against colds. It promotes the acceleration of metabolic processes, strengthens the capillaries. Another important component of the drug is bendazole. Getting into the body, he begins to stimulate the production of interferon. For more detailed acquaintance with the composition and the action of the remedy, you can read the instruction to the preparation "Citovir-3", reviews of medical specialists.

This drug is recommended for use with influenza A or B, ARVI, as well as for the prevention of these diseases.

For adults, a convenient form of capsule release is provided. Also the preparation "Citovir" for children is made - in this case it will be syrup. It has a pleasant taste and aroma, and the children gladly accept it.

It is recommended to take the product after eating, with a small amount of water. The dosage of the medicine and the period of its use are determined by the doctor.

Contraindications to taking Citovir-3 are as follows:

1. Hypertension.

2. Diabetes.

3. Muscular hypertonicity.

4. Bronchial asthma.

5. Diseases of the cardiovascular system.

6. Pregnancy.

Side effects

It is not a secret for anyone that taking almost all medications can have undesirable consequences. Numerous Internet forums have written about the Citovir drug reviews. Among them there are also negative ones - most often from those who showed its side effects, in particular, allergic reactions. In addition, patients with cardiovascular diseases should take extra care with the drug "Citovir-3": the reviews suggest that it is able to reduce some blood pressure. Only the specialist should prescribe this medication, and only after receiving the results of the corresponding analyzes.

The drug is dispensed without a prescription, and you can easily find it in any pharmacy. However, before using it, consult your doctor. Especially it concerns small patients. Numerous opinions, positive and negative, about the "Citovir-3", reviews about it on Internet forums are more often left by young mothers.

The drug can be administered during periods of seasonal influenza epidemics - both for treatment and for prevention. In most cases, it successfully fights disease and prevents its manifestation. However, many people say that frequent use causes addiction to the body and significantly reduces the effectiveness of the drug "Citovir-3."

It is worth noting that any medications should be taken only after consulting a doctor. A good specialist will always pick up what suits a particular patient. In this case, you will be sure that the drug will benefit you and your children.

When treating and preventing respiratory viral infections, do not forget about folk remedies. Herbal preparations, raspberry jam, honey will support the weakened organism. Carefully watch your health: the disease is easier to prevent than to treat it later.

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