
The Old Believers are who? Old Believers and Old Believers: the difference

To date, there are about 2 million Old Believers in Russia. There are entire villages populated by adherents of the old faith. Many live abroad: in the countries of the near abroad, Southern Europe, in English-speaking states and on the South American continent. Despite the small number, the modern Old Believers remain firm in their convictions, avoid contact with the Niconians, preserve the traditions of their ancestors and in every way resist "Western influences."

The reforms of Nikon and the birth of "splitting"

Various religious trends that can be combined with the term "Old Believers" have an ancient and tragic history. In the mid-17th century, Patriarch Nikon, with the support of the tsar, carried out religious reform, the task of which was to bring the process of worship and certain rites in line with the "standards" adopted by the Church of Constantinople. Reforms were to enhance the prestige of both the Russian Orthodox Church and the Russian state on the international arena. But not all the flock took the innovations positively. The Old Believers are precisely those people who found the "bookfront" (editing church books) and the unification of the liturgical rank as blasphemy.

What was specifically done in the framework of the reform?

The changes approved by the Church Councils in 1656 and 1667, the unbelievers may seem too insignificant. For example, the "Symbol of Faith" was edited: it was prescribed to speak about the kingdom of God in the future of the time, the definition of the Lord and the opposing union were removed from the text. In addition, the word "Jesus" was henceforth ordered to write with two "and" (on the Greek pattern). The Old Believers did not appreciate this. As for the worship, Nikon abolished small earthly obeisances ("throwing"), the traditional "two-fingers" replaced "trehperstiem", and "special" hallelujah - "tridents". The procession of the Niconians began to be held against the sun. Also, some changes were made to the ritual of the Eucharist (Sacrament). The reform also provoked a gradual change in the traditions of church singing and icon painting.

"Raskolniki", "Old Believers" and "Old Believers": the difference

In fact, all these terms at the same time denoted the same people. However, these names are unequal: each has a specific semantic tinge.

Reformers-Nikonians, accusing their ideological opponents of the split of the Russian Orthodox Church, used the term "schismatic". It was equated with the term "heretic" and was considered offensive. Adherents of the traditional faith did not call themselves that way, they preferred the definition of "drevlepravoslavnye Christians" or "Old Believers". "Old Believers" is a compromise term introduced in the 19th century by secular authors. The believers themselves did not consider it exhaustive: as you know, faith is not limited to certain rituals. But it so happened that it was he who got the most distribution.

It should be noted that in some sources "Old Believers" are people who profess a pre-Christian religion (paganism). This is wrong. The Old Believers are, no doubt, Christians.

Old Believers of Russia: the fate of the movement

Since the discontent of the Old Believers undermined the foundations of the state, both secular and church authorities subjected the oppositionists to persecution. Their leader, the archpriest Habakkuk, was exiled, and then burned alive. The same fate befell many of his followers. Moreover, as a sign of protest, the Old Believers arranged mass self-immolations. But, of course, not all were so fanatical.

From the central regions of Russia the Old Believers fled to the Volga region, beyond the Urals, to the North, and also to Poland and Lithuania. Under Peter I the position of the Old Believers slightly improved. They were limited in rights, they had to pay double taxes, but they could openly profess their religion. Under Catherine II, the Old Believers were allowed to return to Moscow and St. Petersburg, where they founded the largest communities. At the beginning of the 19th century, the government again began to "tighten the nuts". Despite oppression, the Old Believers of Russia were doing well. The richest and most successful merchants and industrialists, the most prosperous and efficient peasants, were brought up in the traditions of the "Old Orthodox" faith.

Life and culture

The Bolsheviks saw no difference between the new and the Old Believers. Believers once again had to emigrate, this time mostly to the New World. But even there they managed to preserve their national identity. The culture of the Old Believers is rather archaic. They do not shave their beards, do not drink alcohol and do not smoke. Many of them wear traditional clothes. The Old Believers collect ancient icons, rewrite church books, teach children Slavic writing and sign singing.

Despite the denial of progress, the Old Believers often succeed in business and agriculture. Their thinking can not be called inert. Old Believers are Very stubborn, persistent and purposeful people. The persecution of the authorities only strengthened their faith and tempered the spirit.

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