Food and drinkRecipes

What should be the recipe for making a cold? There are options...

The jellyfish (it's jelly) is a festive, for many - "branded" and, of course, very tasty dish. Contrary to popular belief, a good recipe for the preparation of the holland excludes the use of gelling agents, such as gelatin or agar-agar.

Frozen broth in the "right" dish is due to gelling substances contained in the legs, tails, ears and head of cows or pigs, as well as in the scallop and cocks of cocks.

The secret, which contains any recipe for cooking holland (whether beef, pork or chicken), consists of a long cooking of the corresponding meat on the smallest possible fire. The process takes four hours and gives sufficient confidence that the finished dish will solidify.

The recipe for cooking beef from beef and pork.

In this case, everyone can decide for themselves how to make a chill: mix two kinds of meat or use their "mono". Actually, the taste of the ready-made dish should correspond to the preferences of those for whom it is prepared. It is important that gelling substances get into the pan, and the easiest way is to "get" their legs.


  • Pork leg (without hoof)
  • Beef shank
  • Two medium bulbs
  • Two medium carrots
  • Black pepper peas
  • Bay leaf - 3 pieces
  • salt
  • Small head of garlic
  • egg


My foot, scrape off everything that seems unpleasant, cut into small pieces (5-6 cm in length). My knee is chopped into large pieces. The task is to put all the meat in a large saucepan.

Onions and carrots are cleaned, add to the meat. Fill with cold water in such a way that its level was 2-3 fingers higher than meat. Solim, add pepper and bay leaf.

We put on the fire. When the water boils, carefully remove the foam with a fine noise. We move the pan to the smallest ring and remove the fire to the minimum.

Cover the lid and leave for four hours. Periodically remove the fat from the boiling broth. If the fat is not removed, it will solidify on the surface of the finished cavity in the form of an unpleasant and tasteless white layer. Therefore, the more fat is removed, the better - the result. At the time of turning off the fire, add the crushed garlic.

Then take out the meat, chill, remove the bones. We cut the remainder into small pieces and put it into a beautiful plate. We also place the carrots and hard-boiled eggs cut into rings. You can add a couple of twigs of greenery, but this is already a matter of taste. Fill broth and put in the cold. When it is cold, we serve it to the table.

A recipe for making a cold from a cock.

From the cock prepare a more delicate and delicious cold, although, of course, not everyone will agree with this.


  • One cock (there must be a paw and a head with a comb)
  • bulb
  • salt
  • Bay leaf
  • Black pepper peas
  • 3-5 cloves of garlic


Cock my, clean the paws (pre-sing on an open fire), remove claws. The inside (stomach, heart) is taken out, also mine and we put it into a saucepan. We cut the cock into portions and put it into a pan. Fill with water (water level - two fingers above the bird).

Add spices, spices and a brushed onion. We put on the fire, bring to a boil, carefully remove the foam. We remove the fire to a minimum, cover it with a lid and leave it for four hours. As in the previous recipe, carefully remove the fat.

At the end of cooking (when turning off the fire) we add garlic, passed through garlic.

Liver cook separately for 10 minutes.

Put pieces of meat in the dish, add the liver. Fill with broth and leave to freeze. Paws and the head are usually put in a separate bowl, as not everyone loves them.

For the holland it is better to use a "domestic" cock, grown on freedom and natural forages. In this case, you get a beautiful transparent yellow jelly, which does not need additional decoration.

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