
How to make a rose from plasticine and please my mother

Many children often please their moms with a variety of handicrafts, created from a variety of materials. As you know, the imagination of the kids is very rich, so each time they easily invent the most interesting projects, which then realize with the help of improvised means. Since all moms love flowers very much, you can make a unique plant that will never fade. This article will tell you how to make a rose from plasticine - a material that is abundant in every child.

So, where do you start? First of all, you need to organize your workplace. Do this always necessary so that the prepared materials on the table are not messed up and not spoiled. After this stage is completed, we will prepare everything necessary for the work. In this case you will need clay, as well as toothpicks, from which the stems of future plants will be made.

You should not choose the cheapest clay for this craft, because the product will quickly deteriorate or melt away from the heat. Remember, high-quality material is the guarantee of a long life of a gizmo made of it, so do not skimp on the tools for creativity to your child. In this case, he will present you with unforgettable gifts that are wear-resistant.

Make a rose from plasticine red, yellow or beige shades. Then the flower will be maximally believable and even more beautiful. Do not forget that for the stalk and leaves are perfect for all the tones of green. So, when the choice of the color scale is completed, we proceed to prepare the details of the future statuette.

From the material that is planned to be used to create buds, we make small balls of different sizes. Billets must necessarily differ in size, so that the flower is lush and believable. Now let's go directly to the step-by-step guide, how to make a rose from plasticine. We take the ball of the smallest radius and roll it into a medium-sized lozenge. We twist it into an asymmetric roll, and then add petals of a larger size to it. Thus, we have a beautiful lush flower, which in beauty is not inferior to the present.

But we have not yet fully answered the question of how to make a rose from plasticine. The next step will be the production of the stem of the plant. We take the usual toothpick and wrap it in green clay. From small pieces of this material we make leaves and connect them to the basic structure.

For the resulting flowers, you can create a small stylized flower bed. To do this, you need a black clay and a small narrow jar about 4-5 cm high. Fill it with three-fourths of the prepared material that simulates the earth, and "plant" the created flowers. Thus, you not only learned how to make a rose from plasticine, but also learned how to create an uncomplicated sculptural composition consisting of plants that will never fade. Such a bouquet will please my mother for more than a day or even a week, but for a very long time.

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