
Immunogramma - what is it? What shows how much it costs and where the immunogram is delivered?

Quite often doctors prescribe a study to patients called immunogram. What is this analysis? How is it possible to evaluate the functioning of the organism with its help? How is sampling carried out? What is the indication for this study? These questions are of interest to many patients who first encountered such a medical appointment.

Immunogramma - what is it?

The human body is constantly exposed to environmental factors and contacts various living organisms, including various kinds of infections. And the function of protection completely lies on the human immune system.

Immunogram is a complex study, which, in fact, helps to assess the work and condition of the immune system. During the analysis, the specialist has the ability to count the number of blood cells, calculate their ratio, and evaluate the functional activity of each type of protective structures. Such testing makes it possible to determine the mass of various disorders, including immunodeficiency and allergic reaction.

Indication for the study

Certainly, there are some diseases in which an immunogram is simply needed. What are these violations? First of all, similar studies Are performed if the patient has experienced organ transplantation, underwent a course of chemotherapy, or for a long time took immunosuppressants that inhibit the activity of the immune system.

In addition, indications for the test are primary and secondary immunodeficiencies, as well as suspected HIV infection. The analysis is carried out for patients who suffer from frequent inflammations of the lungs, chronic inflammatory diseases, prolonged fungal infections, pustular skin lesions. In addition, suspicions of cancer or autoimmune diseases are also indications.

The immunogram in children can reveal the presence of an allergic reaction or some kind of congenital diseases of the immune system. The test is performed when the body is infected with parasites (including worms) or with a viral infection.

In some cases, similar tests are also needed for pregnant women. First of all, the evaluation of the work of immunity is carried out if the mother is HIV-infected. In addition, the indication can be a permanent disruption of the tissue interaction of the organisms of the woman and the fetus. In some cases, during pregnancy, there is a Rhesus-conflict (if the mother is Rh-negative, and the child has a positive). In such conditions, an immunogram of the blood is also necessary.

Also, studies are performed with frequent recurrences of herpes simplex and cytomegalovirus infection. They are mandatory if there is or suspected autoimmune disorder. In some cases, indications for conduction are severe stress or severe emotional trauma during pregnancy.

How is sampling carried out?

To study and evaluate the work of the immune system, the patient's blood is used. Immediately it is worth noting that this analysis does not require any special preparations. Blood sampling is carried out in the morning, and the patient can not have breakfast before the procedure - you can drink only a glass of water (non-carbonated).

For research take as capillary (for this do a small puncture on the tip of the finger), and venous blood, depending on the purpose of the analysis and the features of the clinic. In any case, the blood is separated and placed immediately in two test tubes. In the first, under the influence of the outer slice, it begins to fold. A thrombus, which is an erythrocyte clot, is extracted and analyzed for plasma composition. In a second test tube, blood is mixed with anticoagulants - it is stored here in a natural liquid form.

In some cases, saliva, lacrimal or spinal fluid, mucus from the nasopharynx, etc., are taken for analysis.

Contraindications to analysis

There are conditions of the body, in which an analysis such as an immunogram is contraindicated. What are these states? To begin with, it is worth noting that blood sampling is not performed during menstruation in women.

In addition, contraindications are any infectious diseases, as well as chronic inflammatory diseases at the stage of exacerbation. With such problems, the work of the immune system changes, and, accordingly, the study is unlikely to be informative. What to do in such cases? Go through the full course of treatment and wait for complete recovery.

What are they looking at during the laboratory test?

Naturally, many patients are interested in questions about what kind of research includes the immunogram, as shown by this analysis. In fact, experts pay attention mainly to three main points:

  • System of cellular immunity.
  • Phagocytic activity of neutrophils.
  • The level of immunoglobulins in the blood serum.

Each of these components of the study is extremely important, as it helps to evaluate the work of different mechanisms of immune defense.

System of cellular immunity

In order to evaluate the work of the system of cellular immunity, it is necessary to determine the number of T and B lymphocytes. The first protect the tissue from certain bacteria, fungal organisms and virus particles. And it is customary to allocate T-helpers, which produce antibodies, as well as T-suppressors, which suppress their synthesis. It is the number and ratio of these cells that shows the immunogram. The norm is the ratio between T-helpers and T-suppressors of 1.5-2.0. The total number of T-lymphocytes should not exceed 50-70% of the total number of immunoactive structures.

B-lymphocytes provide the synthesis of immunoglobulins after the cell encounters with a foreign agent. Normally their number should not exceed 6-20%.

Investigation of the function and level of immunoglobulins

In order to assess the effectiveness of the immune system, the level of each immunoglobulin is also determined in the laboratory. First of all, attention is drawn to the following indicators:

  • Immunoglobulin A (IgA). Neutralizes viruses and bacteria released toxins, and is also responsible for protecting the mucous membranes. Normally, its level fluctuates between 0.5 and 2.0.
  • Immunoglobulin M is an antibody produced by the fetus. These are early antibodies that protect the future child's body from viruses and gram-negative bacteria. An increase in their number indicates the presence of acute inflammation. By the way, their normal level is 0.5-2.5.
  • Immunoglobulins G are late fetal antibodies that activate phagocytosis processes, neutralize toxins and can penetrate the placenta. The norm is 5,0-14,0.
  • Immunoglobulins of class E are involved in the development of an allergic reaction and protect the body from parasites. An increase in their level (normally does not exceed 100 IU / ml) may indicate both the defeat of the body by worms, and allergy.

Evaluation of phagocytic activity of neutrophils

Of course, it is important not only to determine the number of leukocytes, but also to assess their phagocytic activity, thereby ascertaining the degree of their functionality. To do this, in the laboratory, it is checked how quickly and efficiently the blood cells capture and digest the so-called "test particles" - the standard microparticles they offer (for example, latex), as well as the cells of the killed bacteria (most often staphylococci are used for this purpose).

By the way, sometimes important factors such as phagocytic activity (the number of phagocytes in percent of all neutrophils counted), as well as the phagocytic number (the average number of latex particles that can absorb the active neutrophil) are sometimes determined during testing.

In any case, it is worthwhile to go to the doctor with the results of the research, because some additional tests may be needed to resolve the exact diagnosis.

Helpful information

In fact, many people who are prescribed by doctors for such a study are faced with the question of where to make an immunogram. It is worth noting that in a typical polyclinic such an analysis is unlikely to be done, so it is better to look for large hospitals or private laboratories. In extreme cases, you can ask this question from the attending physician - he will accurately provide the necessary information.

How much does an immunogram cost? This is another interesting moment for the patients. In fact, the cost of the study may be different, because it depends both on the price policy of your chosen clinic, and on the amount of research (sometimes it is necessary to determine only some indicators for the doctor to issue an accurate diagnosis). On average, the price of the study ranges from 1,000 to 9,000 rubles.

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