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Why does acne appear on my back? Ways to get rid of acne

The problem of acne on the back is known to many not by hearsay. In addition to itching and painful sensations, a person gets a lot of complexes about his appearance. However, living, experiencing constant discomfort - a huge mistake. If acne does not go away, they need to be treated. It is advisable not to delay the visit to a specialist, because acne can signal the presence of serious diseases, disorders or infections.

Types of Acne

A single classification of this defect does not exist, but in medicine acne is divided by the presence or absence of inflammation:

  1. Non-inflamed (open or closed).
  2. Inflamed.

Non-inflamed pimples (comedones) are formed as a result of clogging the duct of the sebaceous glands or the mouths of the hair follicles. With the accumulation of secretions at the top of the pores appear open types of acne. Initially, the grease plug looks like a white lump. Salo accumulates in the pore, its oxidation takes place, and a characteristic black head gradually forms. When the deep layers of the skin are clogged, the ducts of the sebaceous glands expands, and the adipes are produced - closed acne (internal comedones).

Inflamed acne is the result of infection. The skin is covered with papules (dense red nodules) or pustules - pustules with a white head on the surface. And for a better understanding of the question, why on the back there are pimples, it is necessary to establish possible causes of the development of the problem.

External causes

Most people do not think that the things around them cause severe allergic reactions. Unfair producers add dyes to the tissues, as well as saturate cosmetic and cleaning products with harmful substances. This fact causes the formation of a red rash on the back, which later spreads to other parts of the body. If the source is not identified in a timely manner, inflamed comedoes will appear on the site of the seals. To overcome purulent pimples on the back will be difficult enough.

Synthetic blocks the flow of air and delays moisture. This is the instantaneous reproduction of bacteria in the emerging sweat. But apart from unnatural tissues to damage the dermis is capable of cutting clothes. Too tight-fitting things squeeze the skin, rub it, resulting in redness. Dermatological layer disorders are the best place for the development of the inflammatory process.

Eruptions of a different nature can be disturbing because of a stressful situation, a lack of vitamins or a prolonged exposure to the sun. However, most often skin problems are aggravated due to inadequate hygiene practices, as well as the thoughtless use of cosmetics. Usually it is a peeling, scrub or alcohol lotion from acne.

Internal causes

In adolescence, the formation of acne is largely dependent on hormones. They activate the work of the sebaceous glands and block the ducts. Women are most often subjected to hormonal imbalance during pregnancy, menstruation or after an abortion.

Improper nutrition and bad habits further accelerate the appearance of acne. Slag and toxins disrupt the work of the gastrointestinal tract, which eventually affects the skin condition. Therefore, even minor amendments in the diet can prevent their formation in the future.

The following problems contribute to the spread of comedones:

  • Weakened immunity;
  • Bowel dysfunction;
  • Failures in the liver;
  • Complications on the background of ARVI;
  • Disturbance of metabolic processes;
  • Diseases of the endocrine system;
  • Hereditary predisposition.

Treatment of inflammation on the back takes longer than in other parts of the body. The skin in this area is thicker, in addition, comedones are constantly in contact with clothing, which aggravates the situation. Before the formation of ulcers, acne removal can be safely performed at home. But neglected cases are subject to examination only by specialists.

Treatment with potassium permanganate

Under the simple name of "potassium permanganate", which many have known since childhood, the potassium permanganate is hidden. The product is suitable for disinfection and fighting inflammation.

Potassium permanganate is much more effective if you prepare a solution of strong concentration and apply it pointwise. A weakly concentrated solution, on the contrary, merely disinfects the skin, but does not destroy most pathogens. This is the answer to the question, why on the back appear acne again.

To make the product you need to preheat distilled water. Then gradually add the manganese, stirring constantly, so that its crystals completely dissolved. Potassium permanganate will stain the surface of the dermis in a dark brown color, which will wash off after 3-4 days. The only minus of manipulation is the formation of dryness. Therefore, it is recommended to moisten the skin abundantly.

Effective soap from acne

How to cure acne by yourself? This question is of concern to many. Allow the existing problem under the power of tar soap - an economic tool consisting of 10% of tar. Tar is an oil of oily consistency, which is obtained by heating the wood in a lack of oxygen. The most useful tar is produced from birch bark.

The tar soap has antiseptic, antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effects. Its medicinal properties are:

  • Accelerates the regeneration of epidermal cells;
  • Helps in healing wounds;
  • Blocks the spread of infections;
  • Improves blood circulation;
  • Produces disinfection.

Soap from acne is not advised to combine with peelings and scrubs. In this case, over-dried areas will form on the skin.

Salicylic acid

A relatively inexpensive means that helps to get rid of acne on the back is considered salicylic acid. To avoid dry skin, the drug is used together with glycolic acid. The mixture works as a peeling, strengthening the regeneration of the dermis.

The main rule - to apply acid point. If you treat the back completely, there is a big risk of overdrying and spreading the pimples. Active rubbing of salicylic acid also causes a chemical burn. Cosmetologists on the question of how to cure acne, recommend choosing a drug of 1 or 2% concentration, and 15 minutes after the procedure, wash the body with warm water. This is necessary to protect the epidermis from dehydration.

One of the drawbacks of salicylic acid is addiction. Over time, the skin adapts to its composition and will lose its effectiveness.

Use of folk remedies

To prevent rashes on your back, you can turn to non-traditional methods of treatment. At home, it is not difficult to prepare the following products:

  1. Lemon juice with alcohol.
  2. Yeast mask.
  3. Broth chistel.
  4. Infusion of plantain roots.
  5. Clay paste.
  6. Bath with sea salt.

It should be noted that the above recipes are not suitable for fighting purulent pimples, but can only have an anti-inflammatory effect.

Drugs for acne

In the event that popular and popular remedies are powerless, you should seek the qualified help of a doctor. He will prescribe a course of therapy, and also tell you how to cure acne on your back without harm to your health.

Often experts advise to use highly effective ointments:

  1. Zinc.
  2. Dalacin.
  3. Skinoren.

Zinc oxide, which is part of the zinc ointment, dries out abscesses, removes irritation and redness. The period of application is 3 weeks. The agent is applied to the back with a thick layer and held for 40 minutes. Then the residues are removed with a paper towel.

Dalacin is prescribed for extensive lesions of the skin. The gel consists of clindamycin - a powerful antibiotic, so self-medication is fraught with consequences. On the spot acne can remain ugly scars, which often do not lend themselves to cosmetic correction. The thoughtless use of antibiotics explains why acne appears again on the back.

Skinorene contains an active substance - azelaic acid. Ointment removes excess fat, does not dry the skin, relieves inflammation and prevents the appearance of scars. Most suitable for adolescence.

Cosmetic procedures

Treatment for acne on the back requires an integrated approach. In addition to taking medications, you should take a course of procedures from a qualified beautician.

Today, beauty salons offer a wide range of services: comedones are removed by radio-wave method, with the help of deep cleansing, chemical peelings and laser exposure. All manipulations are carried out taking into account the individual characteristics of the organism. The doctor will consult how to cure acne on the back in the most appropriate way.

As a result of treatment, blood circulation becomes active, stagnant spots and scarring, inflammation, pores contract and skin color level out.

Dietitian tips

Experts in the field of proper nutrition are confident that a red rash and inflammation on the skin are inextricably linked to daily consumed foods. Insignificant restrictions in food will help keep the digestive system in order, prevent the appearance of pimples and dry skin.

Nutritionists advise eating more lean meats, fruits, rice, fresh fish, some types of fatty fish (containing omega-3 acid). In the diet, it is desirable to have vitamin A (retinol) - an indispensable element in the fight against acne. They are rich in potatoes, spinach, dark orange and green vegetables. Vitamin E (tocopherol) is able to give the skin a healthy glow. It can be found in vegetable oil, nuts, avocado.

Under the ban remains fatty foods, flour products, chocolate, chips, soda. A simple water should, on the contrary, drink as often as possible.

Preventive measures

In addition to specialized treatment, one should adhere to simple daily rules: alcohol lotion for pimples or tonic should be replaced with a softer remedy, do not abuse peelings and scrubs, and less touch affected areas of the skin. It is necessary to limit the use of alcohol and the time spent in the sun.

These actions will help to improve health in general, and the question, why on the back there are pimples, will lose its relevance.

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