Spiritual developmentAstrology

Let's try to find out the meaning of Zarin's name

There is a science that studies the names of people and is called anthroponomy. It deals with the etymology of names (the origin, the meaning of the word's name and other). Also, the relationship between the character of the carrier and the personal name is studied. There is even a theory about the possibility of a connection between the psychological characteristics of a person and his name and surname. Many researchers claim that every person has a serious impact on the sound combination of his name. The length and frequency of sound waves in each case throughout life affects each of us and over time causes certain characteristics of character (adventurism, generosity, naivete, etc.) to appear.

Let's try to find out the origin and meaning of Zarin's name. On the Internet, you can find interpretations on a variety of different male and female names. Zarin's name will not be an exception. In different sources, its origin is indicated in different ways. According to one version, it is due to the appearance of the Persian language, where "Zarina" is an analogue of the Russian "Zlata". In this case, the meaning of Zarin's name is "golden". Another version says that the beginning of this name was put by the Old Slavonic language and the expression "the beauty of dawn". There is also the likelihood of Bulgarian origin, where it meant the heavenly dawn. It is also possible that the roots of the name Zarina go back to the Hebrew language (some researchers believe that there is a similarity between the sound of "Zara" and "Sarah", meaning "princess"). A short or tender form of treatment is Zarinochka, Zarya, and Zara, Zarka.

Sources describe the verbal meaning of Zarin's name in different ways, then the information about the nature of the owners of this name is similar in general terms. It is reported that Zarina is a complicated person. She is characterized by stubbornness, quick temper, up to scandal, impulsiveness, yielding to flattery and vanity. In building a career, such traits as calculating, hypocrisy, ambition and the presence of developed intuition will become excellent assistants. Without much effort can gain credibility among others. But in order not to lose the trust of people over time, Zarina needs to pay more attention to the honesty and fairness of her actions and judgments.

Of the pleasant traits that Zarina will have, the meaning of the name promises her a good memory and a sharp mind. For her family, this woman will be an excellent keeper of the hearth - she is a great mistress, ultra-clean and tidy. Able to devote himself entirely to the spouse and children, without prioritizing the work.

There are no people who would have only positive or negative properties of character. And the meaning of Zarin's name confirms this thesis. For loved ones she is pure gold, a star from heaven. For colleagues and subordinates - an authoritative leader, for detractors - a respectable opponent. The very bearer of this beautiful name will have to learn to understand yourself and other people well. Try to control not the most positive character inclinations, relying on one's own intelligence and nobility.

If we recall the theory of the influence of sound waves on behalf of its owner, Zarina would have been characterized: Z - tediousness; A - double work capacity; P - honesty; And - skepticism; H - innate delicacy.

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