
Treatment of stomatitis in adults and children: types of disease

Distinguish catarrhal, aphthous, fungal, ulcerative and other types of stomatitis. The first of these is a superficial inflammation of the oral mucosa. The most common reasons for the development of catarrhal stomatitis are dental problems: tartar deposits, caries, improperly fitted prostheses. For the same reason, catarrhal stomatitis often first occurs at the edges of the gums. Provoke the development of the disease can smoking, upper respiratory tract catarrh, GI disease, allergic reactions. In some cases, catarrhal stomatitis in a child, whose treatment requires patience, can accompany worm infestations.

With this disease, the tongue is covered with a specific coating: first - light, then - brown. The tongue becomes swollen and painful, there is abundant salivation. Catarrhal stomatitis normally lasts from one to three weeks, after which the patient usually recovers. However, sometimes it can go into a chronic form, or on its background develops ulcerative stomatitis.

With aphthous stomatitis ("aphtha" - a lesion of the mucosa in the form of a shallow rounded plaque covered with plaque) viruses or pathogenic bacteria are introduced into the oral mucosa. This type of stomatitis is most often affected by children under three years old. In most cases, aphthous stomatitis is caused by one of the types of herpes virus, so it is often called herpetic. With him, the patient has a general malaise, fever (in severe cases, body temperature can rise to +40 degrees), cervical lymph nodes increase. This form of lesion is extremely painful, so eating with it is difficult. In this case, the treatment of stomatitis in adults, as well as in children, implies, in addition to treating rashes with rivanol or hydrogen peroxide, the use of antiviral ointments (for example, oxoline, interferon) and the use of drugs that strengthen immunity. Herpetic stomatitis is very contagious and can be transmitted, including through toys.

Fungal stomatitis is caused by fungi of the genus Candida. This type of disease, also called "milkmaid," often affects children up to a year. In adults, candidal stomatitis can develop due to prolonged use of antibiotics, corticosteroids and antidepressants. Treatment of stomatitis in adults and children caused by fungi implies the creation of an alkaline environment in the oral cavity, which is destructive for pathogens. Adults help soda rinse, children need to take a few times a day whitish coating with a cotton swab with a solution of drinking soda. In severe cases, the use of antifungal drugs (Nystatin, Levorin) and topical application of ointments (nystatin and others) can be recommended.

With ulcerative stomatitis, the lesions of the mucosa are the deepest: they affect not only its surface layer, but also penetrate to the full depth. It can develop not only as an independent disease, but also as a complication of catarrhal stomatitis. The surface of the sores is covered with a gray bloom. Ulcerative stomatitis is accompanied by a mild fever, an unpleasant odor from the mouth. In severe cases, necrotic areas can merge. The temperature thus rises to significant figures (+39 degrees and above), there is general weakness, lymph nodes increase. Treatment of stomatitis in adults for a given type of it involves the use of local antiseptics and analgesics.

In severe cases, the disease requires general treatment. Antibiotics for stomatitis can be prescribed for patients with any of its species, except fungal. After recovery, in order to avoid relapses, carious teeth should be treated, and for stomatitis of allergic nature - to replace toothpaste. In addition to the listed types of disease, the so-called angular stomatitis, manifested by cracks in the corners of the mouth, is isolated. It is more often caused by streptococci or fungi, but it can also be a consequence of avitaminosis - in this case it is necessary to lubricate the cracks with an oil solution of vitamin A. In general, the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children, with all the recommendations of the doctor, is quite successful, although in some cases The disease can take a chronic, relapsing form.

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