HealthDiseases and Conditions

Aphthous Stomatitis

Aphthous stomatitis is not a very pleasant disease. Therefore, it is necessary to understand its causes and treatment.

Symptoms and treatment

Stomatitis is the inflammatory process on the mucous membranes of the mouth, caused by infection and affecting the entire oral cavity (tongue, tonsils, lips, sky). This disease appears acutely and is characterized by severe pain, and also by raising the temperature to very high figures.

Causes of stomatitis

There are a lot of reasons that lead to the appearance of stomatitis. The most common factor is poor oral hygiene. But the pathological processes in the digestive system can also provoke the disease, for example, dyspepsia, gastritis, ulcer, colitis. In addition to the above reasons, there are other: hot mouth burns, improperly installed dentures, taking medications that irritate the oral mucosa, various infections, smoking, allergic reactions, alcohol, as well as beriberi, blood or endocrine diseases.

Main symptoms

The clinical picture of stomatitis is very similar to that seen in ARVI. In patients, the temperature rises sharply to critical figures (39.6 - 40.5 ° C), fatigue and malaise, drowsiness, loss of appetite, runny nose. At this time on the oral mucosa there are reddening, which are very quickly covered with white coating and ulcers are formed, and aphthous stomatitis is characterized by the appearance of aphthus. Affected areas are sensitive and painful, there is abundant salivation. Patients refuse to eat.

Types of stomatitis

As a rule, the disease is of several varieties: catarrhal, aphthous stamotitis and herpetic. The most easy form in medicine is catarrhal. This disease is characterized by the appearance of temperature, dryness and soreness in the mouth, ulcers. Depending on the location of the lesions, catarrhal glossitis (sores in the tongue) and catarrhal gingivitis (sores on the gum) are isolated. To stomatitis of this kind lead: poor oral hygiene, dental plaque, dentures.

Aphthous stomatitis is much more severe. The patient feels a strong soreness in the mouth, not only during eating or talking, but also at rest. The temperature is kept very high throughout the period of the formation of aft, this process can last up to five days. Against the background of the temperature there is a general malaise, atony, loss of appetite, growing weakness.

Aphthous stomatitis of chronic course is characterized by periodic occurrence of aft of different in magnitude. Aphids are very painful and their healing depends directly on the degree and severity of the lesion, this process takes up to two weeks. Treatment for chronic stomatitis should be directed, first of all, to the elimination of the underlying and major diseases. Aphthous stomatitis in adults has a more pronounced clinic than in children.

Treatment of acute form of aphthous stomatitis is always complex. Necessarily the doctor prescribes antibiotics (sumamed, tetracycline, biomycin), antipyretic drugs, vitamins. Several times during the day, it is necessary to conduct local treatment procedures. For example, to irrigate the throat (orasept, inhalipt) and the oral cavity (a solution of antibiotics, furatsilina). Effectively promotes the healing ointment Solcoseryl, Acyclovir, Vinilin. Aphthous stomatitis in children responds well to treatment, recovery occurs after seven to ten days.

Herpetic stomatitis.

The cause of this disease is the herpes virus. The development of the herpetic form is more likely to affect children. The clinical picture is very acute: the temperature rises sharply, sores damage the cheeks, lips and tongue, there is a difficult and painful swallowing, growing weakness and general intoxication, profuse salivation.

Treatment of stomatitis

The appointment of antibiotics, antiviral, vitamins, as well as local procedures. It is important to observe a diet during a period of illness.

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