
What is vocabulary in Russian and how does it characterize

The Russian language is great and unlimited. He is handsome and multifaceted. What is the vocabulary in Russian? What is a word and what are its signs?

What is the vocabulary in Russian?

Vocabulary is all the words of a certain language. Lexicology is a subject that studies vocabulary, which in any language is quite mobile, as it reacts to all changes in the life of society. The main subject of study is the word itself. Its signs are the presence of a sound form, of lexical and grammatical meaning. Lexical meaning is only the independent parts of speech, with the exception of pronouns, as well as proper names.

Variety of vocabulary and its features

There are sections of vocabulary such as semasiology, onomasiology, etymology, phraseology, onomastics, and lexicography. Features of vocabulary are quite diverse. It has a historical character, consists of subsystems, is characterized by hierarchical, paradigmatic and syntagmatic relations, and also has a large number of units, a close connection with the context and an open system.

The social structure of the Russian language

What is the vocabulary in Russian, the question is rather ambiguous. The fact is that for each stratum of society there is a language. There are five types of national vocabulary: vernacular, lingo, dialects, as well as professional and literary vocabulary.

What is the codified language?

Literary language - the highest form of language and the basis of the culture of speech. It is characterized by normality, stylistic differentiation, polyfunctionality and the highest social prestige. It is a complete opposition to uncodified subsystems, which include dialects, vernaculars, slang, and jargon.

What is the normative language?

Normativity is the presence of orthoepic, spelling, lexical, grammatical and stylistic norms. For example, in the east of Ukraine, many people say brla and ponyala. This stress is a violation of the orthoepic norms. In the Russian literary language, norms are fixed in dictionaries and reference books. Codified language is used in all areas of activity and exists in different functional styles.

Vocabulary of the Russian language in terms of origin

The lexical stock of the Russian language is the result of a long historical development. At the moment there are many ancient words in the language, such as bread, water, oak and many others. From the point of view of origin, vocabulary is divided into two groups - primordially Russian and borrowed. Borrowed words are often neologisms. There are many reasons for borrowing. The most popular of them is an attempt to shorten the primordially Russian word, the historical contact of peoples and the absence in the lexicon of a name for a new phenomenon or object.

Unspecified vocabulary

Non-standard vocabulary is a vocabulary, in which there are no literary norms. This vocabulary includes vernaculars, rude expressive words, including mate and obscene vocabulary, vulgarisms, dialectisms, argo, jargon, and slang.

Vernax is a lexicon that does not have a systemic character. It is usually used by persons who do not fully understand the norms of the literary language. To vernacular is a rude-expressive words. For example, to sleep 'to sleep'; Bogat 'lie' and others. Such a lexical group is characterized by an expression of the relation to the designated.

Mat, as well as obscene vocabulary - one of the most important signs of vernacular. With the help of mats, the native speaker, emphasizes his irritation or readiness for active action. Obscene vocabulary is characterized by abusive language, which is used to express reaction to an unexpected situation.

Dialects, argot and lingo

Dialectism - this is also a non-normative vocabulary, which is used in a certain territory. They are divided into 6 types - phonetic, lexical, semantic, ethnographic, phraseological and grammatical. Argo is used for self-assertion in the criminal zone. Argotisms include such words - pen 'knife', sew 'kill' and others. To the non-normative vocabulary also include jargon. It is a kind of national language used by people with some common social sign. To the jargon also include professionalism. Such words are used by people of any particular profession.

The question of what vocabulary is in Russian is quite complex. It is known that Russian is one of the hardest to learn. In order to learn how to speak beautifully, you need to study diligently, and also memorize all the norms of the literary language. It is necessary to exclude from the lexicon as much as possible vernacular, dialectic, and also abusive words. Using the literary language, your speech will sound unusually beautiful and attract others.

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