
Intermediate level: strive for high quality!

What is the speech in a foreign language for the majority of our compatriots? First of all, there are many pauses and hesitations, in connection with which the meaning of what is said is often transformed beyond recognition. Impossibility to express their thoughts and ideas makes citizens even more nervous. And the eternal habit in your mind to pronounce phrases in Russian and only then translate them into the language you are studying turns conversation into a rather unnatural phenomenon.

The level of Intermediate is the stage in the study of the language, which assumes a smooth transition from the above-listed characteristics to a more advanced level of foreign speech. Knowledge of this category is minimal for most high-paid jobs. Let's see what exactly is the Intermediate level.

1. Automated use of language grammatical units. This means not just the knowledge of the rules, but the competent and unconstrained use of them in a living speech.

2. Extensive lexical stock, frequent use of idioms, phraseological units. A competent substitution of a word for a synonym or definition (explanation) in a foreign language. The ability to articulate your thoughts clearly. Ability to support the conversation of any orientation, as well as the ability to enter into a dispute, leading competent arguments.

3. Letter: a clear statement of the written, the correct use of grammatical phenomena.

4. A unambiguous understanding of the general meaning (content) of the heard foreign speech against the background of the general context.

However, given that this level of Intermediate is only intermediate, it is perfectly permissible if small errors (lexical or grammatical errors) arise during the study, and some words will be pronounced with a small accent.

Expanding the vocabulary, strengthening grammatical knowledge, it is necessary to move forward. To consolidate the acquired knowledge, which correspond to the middle category (Intermediate level), speakers of different languages advise the following:

1. Learn not words, but phrases. It is believed that a group of words related in meaning, "stuck" in memory is stronger. If the meaning of a word is forgotten, then the full phrase, memorized earlier, comes to mind. Accordingly, from the general meaning of the word combination one can assume the translation of a single word.

2. Think in the language you are learning. The level of Intermediate involves not only the ability to speak a foreign language - a person must be able and think "in a different way." Some teachers encourage students to focus their attention not only on phrases, but also on individual words that have already been learned. For example, in the morning to think about words such as "bed", "toothbrush", "breakfast". On the way to work, keep in mind the "machine", "work", "computer", "colleague", etc. Such an exercise contributes to the rapid development of the ability to think in a foreign language.

3. Conduct a conversation with yourself, talk aloud in a foreign language. The average (Intermediate) level, the test of which includes checking all the language aspects (both written and oral), is minimal when passing, for example, linguistic state examinations. Therefore, they should be studied as often as possible, not only with the teacher, but also independently. And training in the form of a conversation with yourself fits perfectly.

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