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Reading children 0-2 years old
The development of basic reading skills begins with the birth, when the child becomes receptive to his native language. Even newborns are quieted by the rhythmic sounds of lullaby songs - in fact, the first stories they hear in their lives. Therefore, starting to read books for children is recommended starting from the first months of their life. What books should children read at this age?
- Newborns best distinguish objects at a distance of about 40 cm. This is the distance from your face to the face of your child when you hold it in your arms. Contrasting black and white illustrations or large geometric patterns are very popular with children of this age and attract their attention.
- At the age of 4 months , children begin to show interest in books, taste them, or use them as toys (for example, throwing them). It is very good! Get a solid book of cardboard, picture books, waterproof books for the bathroom, to allow your child to include "reading" in their games
- Between 6-12 months , the children will be interested to listen to how you read. As a rule, a child can not hold attention to one book for more than a minute, perhaps two. Change of books and switching of his attention can become a real game in this period! Make time reading by playing time and constantly invite the child to examine and study books at least a few minutes a day. Even the most active kids like to sit quietly on their knees to their beloved caretakers and look through a book with pictures!
To make reading to children after one and a half years more fun, parents can use a variety of ways. Here are some simple tips to help you understand how to read children correctly .
Watch what's interesting in your child's book. Pay attention to what he's looking at, and talk to him about it.
- Ask him simple questions to get him more involved in the reading process.
- Read with an expression, imitate the sounds of animals, birds or various fairy-tale characters!
- Be ready to read your favorite book again and again.
- Involve the child in any ways that seem to you. Make reading part of as many daily activities as possible. However, remember that the development of literacy can occur outside the books - in games, songs, finger games.
- Use interactive books - books with buttons, valves, pockets, retractable parts, books with sound.
- Read poetry and sing songs, inviting the child to do it with you. In your power to make reading to children one of the most favorite activities.
- Keep books on low shelves so that they are easily accessible to the child. Let not only different genres be represented, but different types of books: e-books, children's magazines, ordinary books.
- Make a video of your reading. Use it during your absence. To see on the screen a loved one reading a book, for a child will be much more useful than watching a few cartoons on TV.
- Remember that children often have their preferences in books. The child's inattention and his bored appearance during reading may mean that he does not really like the book. Read a few pages to understand whether it is worth continuing reading or better to pick up another, more interesting, book.
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