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Pine nuts are a fount of health

Pine nuts are rich in nutritional and medicinal properties. Since ancient times in Siberia they have been used to treat various ailments. All because pine nuts have a special composition, which combines in perfect proportions proteins, fats and carbohydrates. That is why the question, whether pine nuts are useful, is unambiguous: it is one of the most useful products for today. Also useful is their fat - it has a high content of special fatty acids, especially linoleic. Often they are wondering whether pine nuts are useful, parents who want to introduce them into the diet of their children. The answer is simple - they are indispensable in the diet of a growing children's body, because they contain an amino acid, namely arginine, which is very important in the growth of the child. It is also useful for pregnant women, it replenishes the supply of nutrients that are needed for the mother and the developing fetus.

Pine nuts include vitamins A, E, P, B and are a rich source of iodine. Vitamins of group E are irreplaceable and important for maintenance of good and high-grade heredity. Another important function of this vitamin is its participation in the formation of milk from the mother. If it is not enough, lactation will be reduced or completely stopped. Vitamins of group B improve the composition of blood, restore the disorders that have arisen in the nervous system. Thanks to all these properties, it becomes clear that eating pine nuts, whose daily norm is about 20-40 grams a day, you will feel easy and feel good. In these nuts, the fiber is practically absent, so they are considered to be the most delicate and tender.

The composition of pine nuts is rich in macro- and microelements, such as:

  • Copper - is necessary in the formation of red blood cells;
  • Manganese - is necessary for cartilage tissue and hormone production, helps the body in the assimilation of glucose;
  • Magnesium - needed to properly form the structure of bones;
  • Aremny - forms and maintains the elasticity of connective tissue in the body;
  • Vanadium - slows the formation of cholesterol in the blood;
  • Potassium - normalizes heart contractions and feels in the regulation of the body's water balance;
  • Phosphorus - is needed to preserve bones and teeth;
  • Calcium - is necessary for blood clotting, the main component in maintaining the integrity of bones and teeth.

These are basic, far from all useful elements of nuts. They also include: tin, nickel, molybdenum, iodine, boron, zinc, iron, titanium, barium, silver, sodium.

If you suffer from salt deposits, peptic ulcer, rheumatism, arthritis - eat pine nuts. Daily allowance will help you in the fight against these ailments. Pine nuts are widely used in folk medicine. But not only the core is useful, but its shell is not less useful. Various broths and tinctures are prepared from it. Here are a few recipes:

It is necessary to crush the nuts with the shell and pour vodka, so it was above the layer of nuts for 5-6 cm. Insist 7 days, then the infusion should be filtered. Drink it is necessary for 1 tbsp. Spoon 3 times a day. The term of such therapy is 2 months. It will save you from osteochondrosis, arthritis, blood diseases, beriberi.

If you suffer from inflammatory processes that occur in the oral cavity, skin diseases or burns - make a decoction for lotions. Take 2-3 tablespoons crushed nuts and pour 1 cup of boiling water or cook in boiling water for 10-15 minutes. Wet a cotton swab in the cooled decoction and wipe the affected area or rinse your mouth.

Broths will also be useful in disorders of the stomach, leukemia with convulsions, insomnia, anemia and nervous disorders.

But also for external beauty, you can use a decoction of shells to rinse hair, so that they are smooth, shiny and silky.

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