Food and drink, Recipes
Cedar nut: application, benefits, cooking recipes
Perhaps it's hard to find someone who has never seen a pine nut. These small, hidden under a dense dark-brown shell, the fruits of Siberian cedar are sources of the mass of biologically active substances: various vitamins, trace elements, and also valuable oil.
The benefits of pine nuts are known from very old times. Avicenna also mentioned the most useful properties of this fruit in his works on medicine. Eating pine nuts is beneficial for both children and adults, as they provide the body with a multitude of vitamins and trace elements, and also contribute to the strengthening of immunity.
However, for many of us, the pine nut is, above all, yummy, associated with childhood. However, to get to the pulp of the nut, you need to work a little, because they have a fairly dense and strong shell, which is almost half of the total mass. According to connoisseurs, it is easiest to remove the nut, having covered its shell with boiling water. Although many of us probably gnashed it with teeth or pressed garlic.
Of course, on sale there are already peeled pine nuts, which will not have to be bothered for long. But cedar oil is very unstable and quickly deteriorating, so peeled nutlets quickly become rancid and can be dangerous to human health. In this regard, buying a similar product is not recommended. It is better to spend a little time and energy on the struggle with the shell and enjoy really healthy and healthy nuts.
Pine nut in Soviet times was considered mainly a curative, but in recent years has become widely used in cooking. After all, this delicious delicacy, especially if you take a little nuts in a frying pan. Recipes with pine nuts are very diverse: they are added in salads, and in vegetable, meat and fish dishes. However, perhaps the most famous dish with the use of this ingredient is the Italian sauce "pesto". However, in Italy instead of pine nuts use the pine pine fruit - the nearest relative of the Siberian cedar. We bring to your attention a couple of recipes, in which the pine nut is used.
Snack of cheese and nuts
As ingredients, we need 250 grams of "Roquefort" cheese, 200 grams of already peeled pine nuts and 50 grams of butter. Cheese must be kneaded in a porcelain mortar, then add the oil to it and rub it until a homogeneous mass is formed. Nuts are divided into two parts: the first add to the resulting cheese mass, mix and roll into small balls, which are rolled in the remaining nut mass and spread on the dish.
Sauce with pine nuts "pesto"
To prepare the dish, we need the following ingredients: Parmesan cheese - 50 grams, basil - 50 grams, olive oil - 100 ml, a pair of cloves of garlic, three tablespoons peeled pine nuts, salt.
Cut the garlic and cheese finely and add all the ingredients to the blender. Beat until a homogeneous mass is formed. Delicious sauce is ready! However, in the process of adding salt, be careful, since Parmesan itself is a fairly salty product.
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