EducationSecondary education and schools

Arguments: the problem of being educated. Parenting, self-esteem, self-esteem

One of the most important problems of the educational process is the task of the moral formation of each individual. This society aspired to throughout its centuries-old history. To achieve this goal, for many centuries, a special form of regulation in human behavior has been developed. And to prove this can be given weighty arguments. The problem of upbringing has always been solved with the help of morality, universal values and norms accepted in society. All these factors are currently decisive in the process of human activity and its interaction with other people.

The meaning of the term "good breeding"

In pedagogical practice this concept is treated ambiguously. If we consider the process of the formation of a moral personality, then the upbringing can be considered the achievement of a certain level of social, intellectual and spiritual development of man. However, this term can be considered in a narrower sense. The level of upbringing in this case is defined as the conformity of the actions and behavior of a person to the moral principles and norms existing in society. In this case, you can judge an individual by its culture of communication and behavior. In other words, by external forms of interaction with other people.

The true level of upbringing can be determined only with full awareness of the specificity of morality as a factor in the regulatory regulation of human behavior. And this is the task of pedagogical science.

The main features of the educated person

What is the moral personality? What are the features of it? It:

  1. Politeness . She is able to pacify annoyance and hatred, to prevent a quarrel, to force to restrain herself and become a source of love and respect.
  2. Tactfulness . This is a kind of moral intuition of every educated person who always tells him the right approach in this or that situation and allows him to develop a delicate line of behavior during his communication with others.
  3. Punctuality . Her presence indicates good manners.
  4. Modesty . Having it, a person will never try to show himself smarter, better and more capable than others. However, one should not confuse modesty with shyness and shyness, which do not allow people to firmly defend their principles.
  5. Complaisance . It's virtue, but only until it becomes obtrusive. A well-educated person renders services only when asked about it.
  6. Good manners.
  7. Self-control . It is present in the case when the will of a person stands above his instincts and culturally conditioned behavioral skills.
  8. Communicative, combined with goodwill and diligence. This quality makes it easy to get in touch with other people.
  9. Efficiency of culture of thinking, feelings and personal skills. These traits of upbringing are present in creative people who apply them not only in their work, but also in helping others.
  10. The availability of standard education and knowledge of general cultural skills.

Efficiency of teachers' work

Education of the individual is a very difficult and very controversial process. In connection with this, it is rather difficult to take into account its results. This process begins at an early age. Then it continues when entering the school. From a certain moment a person begins to engage in self-education.

Of course, teachers need to know whether the process of personality formation (or its individual stage) has reached the desired goal. In order to determine the level of children's upbringing, it is necessary to compare the projected with the results. Without this, it becomes impossible to manage the further process of personality formation.

To determine the degree of conformity of the desired and obtained results will allow the diagnosis of moral upbringing. It is a certain evaluation procedure. Its implementation will reveal the true level of upbringing. The difference between the final and the initial result is an important criterion for evaluating the effectiveness of the pedagogical process.

To obtain the necessary data, a fertility test is conducted. However, this is not a theoretical task. On the practical behavior of children in certain situations and the performance of certain actions, they determine the level of pupilty of pupils. The method of diagnosis involves studying the children's ideas about certain rules and norms of behavior. Often in practice, the teacher asks the children direct questions. Among them:

- What is honesty?

"Why should a man be kind?"

- Why can not I talk? etc.

As evidence of his own rightfulness, the pupil must give weighty arguments. The problem of education, if any, will immediately become apparent.

To diagnose the effectiveness of pedagogical work, writing of works on a certain topic is often used. Each of them is a kind of questionnaire. The level of education is determined by the disclosure of a particular question, which clearly characterizes the child's inner world. The list of topics may include a description of your own vision of a problem such as "Courtesy and I", "What is my understanding of discipline", etc. When writing such essays, students should also give their arguments. The child's upbringing problem can be identified by other effective ways of diagnosing behavior. For this, the teacher must artificially create a situation in which the qualities of the individual will be revealed .

To determine the level of the formation of the personality of graduates helps the composition. The problem of education (the USE often offers applicants similar topics), is revealed by young people on the basis of literary works and the realities of modern life.

Analysis of the study

Indicators of decency, obtained as a result of the evaluation procedure, are distributed on a six-point scale. There are three positive and as many negative evaluations in it. The first of them reflect what the upbringing of the person, and the second indicate the level of her bad manners. What do the positive assessments show? So:

  • +3 speaks of a steady readiness to commit a moral act;
  • +2 indicates a desire for positive action in a given situation;
  • +1 confirms the child's understanding of the need to do good deeds.

If the values on the scale go below zero, then it will say:

  • -1 - readiness for negative manifestations;
  • -2 - about striving for negative actions;
  • -3 - about antisocial behavior.

Zero on the scale will be evidence of a neutral position.

Importance of diagnosing fertility

The effectiveness of pedagogical work is based on an understanding of the moral orientation of the child, and not of his individual qualities. When considering the latter, it is important to compare their relationship to the motivation of behavior. This is a very important point. After all, in some cases, even humane deeds are not accomplished with better intentions.

The main task of diagnosing upbringing is to establish the social and moral qualities of students. At the same time, the risky and critical aspects of the pedagogical process are determined. Using the data of the diagnoses allows to develop a program of educational activities, and the analysis of the results will determine the amount of time and effort that must be spent by the teacher in order to achieve the students a certain level of certain moral qualities.

Self-esteem and self-esteem

Forming a person is a complex and multifaceted process. One of his main tasks is to educate in a little man a sense of respect for himself. This is important for every person. A sense of self-respect must be taught to the child from an early age. It must be invested in the child's mind already in the first years of his life, at the earliest stage of personality formation. A significant role in this process belongs to parents, relatives and those social groups in which a person is.

Self-esteem and self-esteem are special moral-value categories. They can be called non-material goods, not related to human activities.

Self-esteem and self-esteem are a necessary and normal property of a person. It can also be called a positive quality of the human soul, which the educated individual has. At the same time, one should be aware of the fact that all these feelings are opposite to a sense of one's own importance.

Dignity and self-respect are the moral core of any person. Having it, do not be afraid to get into a stupid situation and seem ridiculous to others. A person with a developed sense of self-worth is always apt to apologize for his mistakes. At the same time, he will not experience inadequacy of his own person.

Self-esteem and self-esteem must be maintained throughout their lives. It is not difficult. It is only necessary to remain a moral person, dealing with people in conscience and in accordance with the morality accepted in society.

The realities of today's life

The modern period of our state is characterized by a new socio-historical turn in people's livelihoods. The whole society is literally absorbed by the problems of economic instability and the complexities of political relations, as well as the development of new market relations for us. This is increasingly shaking the moral and social foundations.

Gradually, the regress of humanity grows, people become more intolerant and fierce. There is a vacuum of spirituality and there is a disintegration of the inner world of the individual. The spiritual and moral crisis of modern Russia is the problem of man's upbringing.

The most vulnerable areas

The crisis of inter-human relations is most affected by patriotism and spirituality, culture and moral health. What proofs of this can be given arguments? The problem of upbringing, especially in the youth environment, is expressed in the loss of life guides. This is often used by oppositionists and extremists when they achieve destructive goals.

Values, which are traditional for us, have now almost completely fallen into the background. We do not yet have new ones. That is why people are not able to clearly distinguish between evil and good, dignity, conscience and honor. All these concepts are significantly distorted.

Problems of pedagogy

The current system of education is not capable of sensitively responding to the changes taking place in society and meeting all the needs of the spiritual sphere of man. Its framework does not allow us to fully resolve the issues of legal and information culture, environmental and health education, and so on.

The school system of education does not have clear concepts about the formation of the individual. The term "upbringing" is gradually translated into the idea of "adaptation to the society." The quality of education that affects the level of personal development also lags behind. Not so long ago Russia was recognized as one of the most reading states in the world. Today, the data of opinion polls say that we are interested in different publicistic and literary publications less than people in Europe.

Serious concern of statesmen, veterans and teachers causes ignorance of the history of the Great Patriotic War by students. And the reason for this is the education system. She takes only five hours to study a huge milestone in the history of our state.

Ways out of the crisis

Morality is not given to man at birth. Formation of personality is a complex educational process. That's why a person needs to be taught moral values that are traditional for society. In addition, consolidation and solidarity of the sane and progressive population, as well as intellectual resources of the society, are called to play a huge role.

All this in aggregate will allow to overcome that negative tendency with the upbringing that exists today in Russia. There are no other ways out of the spiritual and moral crisis.

The problems of education in literary works

The problem of modern man in many respects is the lack of those historical foundations and moral principles that were the foundation of Russia's life in times gone by. That is why school graduates are often invited to consider the problem of education. Arguments from the literature on this topic are given by them in the essays of the Unified State Exam.

The lack of spirituality is also a matter of being educated. Arguments from the literature, which can be cited in support of this, are present in the novel "We" by E. Zamyatin. In his work the author narrates about the "numbers" living in an ideal mathematical state. The life rhythm of these protagonists is perfected, but they have no soul. In this connection, the "numerals" are not interested in the beauty of the world and they do not want to strive for the high.

An example of a spiritual personality is the hero of A. Solzhenitsyn's story "One Day of Ivan Denisovich" - Alyoshka. This young man was put in prison trying to deprive him of faith. But it did not break Alyoshka. He read the Gospel every day and tried to bring his truth to other prisoners.

Based on the works of the classics, the essay is also often written by graduates. The problem of breeding USE rises quite often. So, about the moral qualities of a man often writes in his works Leo Tolstoy. This theme is also considered in the novel "War and Peace". One of his heroines is Anna Mikhailovna Drubetskaya. For this woman, the main goal of life is to build your own material well-being. For this, Drubetskaya goes for everything. She uses brute force, engaged in degrading begging, and so on.

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