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Qualities of personality

Qualities of personality are certain components of a person's character, formed during life, or inherited. Let us consider their structure in more detail.

The quality of the person, the most conditioned by heredity, is the level of temperament. It depends on the characteristics of the nervous system of the individual. That is, the level of temperament can not be changed.

Some mental processes form the qualities responsible for the individual character of memory, sensations, will, perceptions, thinking, imagination, and so on. It is these personality qualities that have a huge impact on the ability to learn, to perceive new information.

The level of human experience is formed in the course of his life. This can include such qualities of personality as habits, stereotypes, knowledge, skills. How are they formed? There are two main directions. Such qualities are acquired either in the process of training, or in the process of practical activity.

The level of personal orientation is also formed in the process of life, and it is influenced by the traditions, culture, in which the person was brought up. Here you can include principles, views, goals, beliefs, value orientations, moral norms, worldview. Such qualities serve as guiding principles for human behavior.

As you know, an individual can not live outside society. Consequently, there are social qualities of a person that help a person to adapt among people. They are extremely diverse. Each person has a certain set of such qualities. Let's try to identify the main ones.

First of all, it is the ability to communicate, to establish relationships. A person throughout his life has to communicate with a lot of people, hence, necessary skills are needed here. Another important quality is empathy. That is, a person needs to be able to put himself in someone else's place to make communication, to feel the emotional state of the interlocutor.

Each individual has a certain set of abilities and talents. The duty of each person is to develop them and apply them for the benefit of society.

The individual must be aware of the importance of responsibility. A person for successful socialization must use his freedom so as not to harm other people.

The individual must have certain moral norms, principles, values, culture appropriate to his environment.

An active life position is very important . That is, a person must participate in various public affairs, be interested in solving the pressing problems of the state.

Civil qualities of personality are developed under the direct influence of society. Consider them all. Citizenship is the recognition of one's belonging to the inhabitants of the country, participation in the life of society, respect for one's own and others' interests.

Identity is the understanding of one's role in society, the adoption of certain rules, norms and traditions, the recognition of unity with other people.

Civilization is the realization of ownership of other citizens, an interest in solving various social problems, and awareness of the political life of their country.

In conclusion, one can say that a person, for the successful performance of his functions in society, must have a whole set of relevant qualities. They are purchased, most often, in the process of life. Usually all the necessary qualities of the person are instilled with the help of parents and teachers. In addition, the ideological policy of the state is important here. A child from a small age must be aware of the importance of his participation in social processes, the life of his country.

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