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Love Solitaire: Layout and interpretation of cards

When the heart is beating in excitement, and the senses have captured the imagination, I want to know what the object they are aimed at is thinking about. People arrange love solitaire. You should know that different decks are used for it. Let's see how to lay out and decipher love solitaire for love. The rules are simple, but they should be studied in order not to get confused in the results, it's true to interpret them.

How to spread love solitaire

We will consider a technique that does not pose any particular complexity. It does not need to search for a special deck, which is used when an online solitaire is being tortured ("Tragos", for example). Buy the playing cards (36 pieces). They are quite suitable for getting the right answer to an exciting question. Only play them is prohibited. If you want to guess, then have a separate deck. Shuffle the cards and start spreading them in a row with pictures up. When you get six positions, start the next one. Look carefully. If there are cards of the same value to each other obliquely, they should be removed. The vacant seats are occupied by those that remained in the deck. So do it until the cards are over. Collect those that are not excluded from divination, again shuffle. Begin repeating the described operation, reducing the ranks to five positions. Again, remove those that were pairwise obliquely. Thus it is necessary to shift the deck: in four, three and two rows.

What to think during fortune-telling

The technique of implementation is understandable. It rarely raises questions for those who try to repeat love solitaire by description. But it is not enough to observe unpretentious rules. The divination should be properly tuned. Otherwise, the answer is just a hoax. For the cards to tell the truth, you need to ask them. Before you begin to do fortune telling on love solitaire, hold the deck in your hands. Think about the person that interests you. Ask mentally how he treats you. Ask the deck to give the correct answer. While doing love solitaire, too, think about the dear person. It would be nice to put a photo of this person next to him. It will help to concentrate on the object to a sufficient extent. It only seems that a person in love constantly thinks about the personality that caused the feelings. In fact, he is worried about his own feelings, desires, dreams. He is focused on getting, not on the happiness of the prospective partner. These soaps interfere with divination. One should think about the object of feelings: what does this person do, what interests him and so on. With this approach, you get a real result, reflecting the real state of affairs.

How not to be mistaken in divination

Surely you understand that even the easiest method requires certain skills. It is very simple not to see those cards that need to be removed from the layout. Until you get used to it, you'll miss it. Therefore it is recommended to practice. Execute several times an empty layout, without question. It is necessary to master the technique, to understand when and what is removed, in what order the maps are laid out. After all, performing love solitaire, you will be completely absorbed in thoughts of an expensive person. Willingly attention will be weakened. There will be no time to think about the positions of pictures, remember the rules. And having gained a skill, simplify your task. Maps will be mechanically sorted, thoughts will be in the thin worlds where predictions are born. If you say otherwise, the deck will become an instrument of intuition. And the latter, as is known, does not work when all thoughts are occupied with the correctness of performing mechanical operations.

Explanation of results

The described solitaire is fortune-telling. Therefore, a very specific answer to the exciting question is assumed. He, naturally, will appear at the end of the work. When there are only two rows of cards left, consider them carefully. You should count the number of pairs. It speaks of the result. Namely:

  • 1 pair - wait for the marriage offer;
  • 2 - the young man is very much in love;
  • 3 - he feels undeniable sympathy;
  • 4 - bored, if you have not seen each other for a long time;
  • 5 - thinks about your beauty and attractiveness;
  • 6 - there is a happy rival;
  • 7 - lack of interest.

If you find that there are more pairs of cards, then this young man is far from thinking about love. Moreover, he does not notice your person at all. Unpleasant, of course, but you need to do more to attract his attention.

When should I guess?

Solitaire is a love affair, of course, voluntary. It can be decomposed by anyone when it pleases. But if interested in the result, then do not refer to the deck hourly. The question should be well thought out, imbued with it. Divination is held once a month. If it did not please, gave an unpleasant answer, then work on your image. Change something in appearance and behavior. Only after a month ask the same question. Otherwise, the cards will lie, give unreliable answers. Sometimes the girls torture the deck until they get the desired result, and then get frustrated, not finding its confirmation in life. Do not be like an insistent fool. The feelings of a loved one depend not on the results of divination. Quite the contrary! Focus on the person of an expensive person, if you want to correctly tell fortunes. Solitaire love gives an answer that is considered true for one to two months.

How to relate to divination

Let's talk a little bit. Why, in general, people are guessing? Some want to get support in a very intimate issue. They feel insecure, worried, but there is nobody to talk to. Girlfriend, of course, you can complain. Yes, what will she advise? Love is a matter for two. Because we have to seek support in the magical spheres. There are people who believe in divination. For them, the answer cards - the verdict. It is not advisable to approach the layout in this way. Maps are good, but life is much more diverse and interesting. It is necessary and not to dishonor, as they say, to behave so that the dear person was well near. No guessing will not guarantee that love will be mutual and will last a lifetime. It depends on the people themselves. Leave behind the deck a deliberative voice.

Is it possible to influence the truth of divination?

You know, people live in another world. To get some of their talent, create a suitable atmosphere for yourself. Then intuition will decide that the time has come for her reign in your soul and, of course, will try not to fail. Buy beautiful candlesticks, clean the room. Spread around the beautiful objects, pleasing the eye. Light the candles. Disconnect the TVs and computers, other gadgets. It is not necessary that other people's energies intervene in the process of unfolding solitaire. In addition, do not share the result with strangers. They can jinx, tarnish your hope. When the encouraging result turned out, do not collect cards at once. Let them lie down for a bit. And do not take on other things for yourself. Sit in silence, watch the candle lights. The energy of divination will penetrate into the subtle worlds and will unfold events in the direction that will lead to your personal happiness. If you know how, do another meditation. It will also help translate the dream into reality.


Guessing, as already said, is not a promise of love. It's just a tool of a sorceress. She uses it to check how her magic affects the young man. And if the result is not satisfied, do not worry. Hence, the wrong tactic of winning a beloved heart is chosen. Think again, change the approach to the problem. There is nothing impossible in life if you are confident in yourself and wish the world of good and happiness!

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