Food and drink, Recipes
Herring at home: tips and recipes
For the first time, the herring began to be salted in Holland in the 14th century, and in Russia this novelty appeared a century later and not only took its toll, but became a traditional national dish. It was in Russian cities that a massive herring ambassador began, while creating hundreds of recipes for different types of fish. Today, salted herring can be bought in the store, as well as cook at home.
Undoubtedly, the prepared herring is much tastier than the herring that is on the shelves of retail outlets. At the same time, the herring ambassador at home is economically more profitable.
Before you begin to salt fish, you must follow the following tips.
For preparation it is desirable to take fresh herring, in no case damaged, in exceptional cases, frozen, as the taste properties suffer significantly from low quality.
Along with salmon and mackerel species of fish, herrings are best suited for pickling because of their properties quickly ripen.
Ideal for cooking is suitable for a large fat fish, winter or spring catch, since before spawning it has the greatest fat content and the best taste qualities.
To fulfill the herring ambassador at home is better with the use of a large salt, which will better draw out excess moisture and will not burn meat.
When buying a light-salted herring in the store or in case of its poor salting, there is a risk of contamination with harmful microorganisms and parasites having increased resistance to salt and vinegar. To protect yourself the concentration of the solution should be 12-15 percent.
The best cooking utensils are glass jars, wooden barrels and enamelled containers.
When making a herring salted at home, the small one can not be gutted, but it can be used entirely, the middle is cleaned of the viscera or the saline solution is poured into the belly with a syringe, large specimens must be gutted and cut into pieces.
Salted herring is poorly stored, and the surface of the fish appears rust (yellow plaque), which is formed by the oxidation of fat. To prevent such negative phenomena, it is necessary to use closed dishes for storage, while the brine should be prepared in a salt to water ratio of one to five, respectively. A container with a salted fish should be placed in a cool dark room or in a refrigerator. The storage time for salted herring in the cellar is 10 days, in the refrigerator the fish will not deteriorate within a month.
A simple recipe with which you can perform a quick salting herring. At the preparatory stage, the fish are cut into the belly and remove all the insides. A pointed knife removes blood vessels located deep in the chest cavity. The dressed herring is washed several times with cold water so that not a drop of blood remains. After that, the fish must be dried and sprinkled with salt from all sides, it is filled with gill cavities and belly. The amount of ingredients should be calculated based on the proportion of 1 kg of fish 200 grams of salt. Then the fish are placed in a wooden or enameled dish, sprinkled with salt and stored in a dark and cold place. After a couple of days, the product is ready. Before consumption, salted fish should be soaked in water.
Having completed the herring ambassador at home, you can do different things. Some slice the fish and immediately serve on the table to hot boiled potatoes. And you can dry the herring a little before you use it, suspending its carcass in a well-ventilated room for a day. Only you can do this with thick fat individuals. Thanks to this procedure, the fish on top of a little willow, and get a dried flavor. True, it is not recommended to keep fish for longer than 24 hours. The resulting fish delicacy will be to the liking of the household and will be a pleasant surprise for the guests.
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