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Cured tinder: description, harm and useful properties

Trutovik fringed - a parasite, living due to the nutrients contained in the trunk of the tree. Many logging organizations are constantly struggling with it, as this mushroom is bad for their business. But scientists, on the contrary, consider it to be a very useful and noble inhabitant of coniferous forest.

Cropped tinder: range and habitat

This kind of common people is called a pine trutovik. This is due to the fact that this parasite most likes to settle on softwood trunks. Like most of his relatives, he prefers the cool climate of the Northern Hemisphere. In Russia it can be found in almost all regions, except perhaps in the southern part of the country.

Regardless of the general opinion, the fringed trumpet rarely sprouts on living trees. It is more often attracted by stumps, dry or damaged trunks, as well as fallen asleep. Therefore, it is difficult to call this type of mushroom a full-fledged pest, as it parasitizes only on diseased or weakened trees.

Trutovik fringed: description

The fungus completely lacks a leg. To the wood, it is attached at the expense of special fibers located in the side of the cap. Curiously, the bordered tinder is changing its color throughout its life. So, the body of the young fungus is yellow-orange, and the old one is gray-brown. But the white band, edging its edge, remains unchanged, regardless of the age of the parasite.

The flesh of the tinder has a felt structure. Because of this, it is very durable and allows the fungus to resist various kinds of damage. As for its color, it varies from yellow to dark brown.

Pest Control

Trutovik fringed is a parasite that can spoil the wood. In the risk zone, there may be any trees whose crust has serious defects or cracks. It is in them that the spores of the fungus come into contact, after which the active growth of the ternitus begins. In this case, the parasite literally drains all the nutrients from the tree trunk. This leads to rotting of the wood, which significantly reduces the life of the whole plant.

In order to protect precious rocks from the negative impact of the tinder, logging enterprises conduct chemical treatment of their surfaces. They also look for mature mushrooms, and then destroy them. Good pest slowly infects wood, and therefore timely intervention of a person can save a tree.

The role of Tver in the ecosystem

As for scientists, they are confident that the fringed tinder, although a parasite, still brings great benefits to the forest. The thing is that it affects only diseased and weak trees, thereby removing them from the gene pool of the forest. Simply put, it fulfills the role of the natural orderly of the ecosystem.

In addition, after the decomposition of wood damaged by the fringed border, the soil nutrients are supplied to the soil. Thus, the fungus directly affects the circulation of elements in nature. Killing the weak, it feeds the strong.

Application in medicine

The edged tinder is often used as a raw material for the manufacture of a number of medical preparations. For the most part, it is used in the treatment of diarrhea, polyuria, hepatitis and dysentery. For example, our ancestors in ancient times brewed a decoction from the pulp of the fungus in order to relieve the inflammation of the stomach, and the Indians of North America applied pieces of tinder to the wounds, as they folded blood, stopped bleeding.

However, the fungus became most popular in Asia. For example, in China, healers used tinder-based powders in order to improve overall well-being, as well as increase a person's mental abilities. And in Korea, and at all innovative development of drugs for diabetes with the addition of an extract of this parasitic organism.

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