Arts & EntertainmentMusic

Franz Schubert: biography of the classics of musical art

Franz Schubert, whose biography is known to all figures of musical art, was born January 31, 1797 in a suburb of the Austrian capital Vienna. He was the fourth son of a schoolteacher and cellist. All the teachers of the future musician celebrated his talent and diligence, with which he easily mastered the knowledge in the field of music.


Successes and excellent command of the voice helped Schubert to enter the Imperial Chapel, and then to one of the best schools in Vienna - Convict. At the age of thirteen he began to write the first compositions: songs, piano pieces, symphonies and operas. In 1812, Franz met the famous Salieri, who became interested in a talented young man. For five years they worked together to create compositions.

Composer Franz Schubert was formed precisely during his studies with Salieri - from 1812 to 1817 years. In 1813 he became a pupil of a seminary of teachers, and a year later he became a teacher of the school where his father once worked. It was then that he composed one of his first Masses and put Goethe's poems to music.


In 1815-1816, Franz Schubert, whose biography is currently studied in schools at music lessons, was quite productive. During this period, he composed more than 250 songs, four symphonies, three masses and several operettas and string quartets. It was then that songs were created that were distributed around the world - "The Forest King" and "Wanderer".

But despite all this, Franz Schubert, whose works are today considered a classic of world music, was poor, like a church rat. With the help of his acquaintance J. von Shpawn, the composer met the poet F. von Schober, who, in turn, was able to organize a meeting between Schubert and the popular baritone of M. Fogl in those days.

Franz continued to work in school, but in the summer of 1818 he decided to leave his service and went to the estate of Count Esterhazy, where for several months he worked as a music teacher. In 1819, Schubert completed the famous Sixth Symphony, and then composed several variations on the French song, which Beethoven dedicated.

Returning to Vienna, Franz Schubert, whose biography was too short, created an order for the opera "The Twin Brothers." It was first staged in the summer of 1820 at the Kertnertorteater. The summer of 1819, Schubert spent together with the baritone Vogl, just then he managed to compose "Trout" (A major) - a popular quintet for piano.

The following years proved to be rather difficult for the composer, as he was not adapted to seek the patronage of influential officials and figures of the art world. In 1823 he was seriously ill and was in a state of despondency. Nobody wanted to stage his operas, but Franz took himself in hand and wrote a vocal cycle called "The Beautiful Miller."

In 1825 Franz Schubert, whose biography is familiar to many fans of classical music, managed to restore his health. His new opuses for piano were born. Until 1828, the composer worked hard to create his music.

In early 1828, Schubert began to bring health. Apparently, the composer had a presentiment of an imminent death, so he tried to write at a feverish pace. It was in 1828 that he created a huge number of masterpieces, which gained popularity after the author's death. Franz Schubert passed away on November 19, 1828, from typhus.

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