Food and drinkDessert

Cookies with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth: a recipe with a photo

Cookies cooked with mayonnaise are very delicate and fragile. At the same time, the component is not felt at all in the finished baking. To cook a cookie with mayonnaise, melting in your mouth, requires not so many products. There are several simple recipes.

Biscuits "Friable"

So, how to cook a cookie with mayonnaise, melting in your mouth? The recipe for this delicacy is very simple, it can master any mistress. To begin with it is necessary to prepare all components. To prepare a delicious dessert, you will need:

  1. 210 g of granulated sugar.
  2. 520 g of wheat flour.
  3. 8 g of soda.
  4. 220 g of margarine.
  5. 230 g of mayonnaise.
  6. 1 chicken egg.

Preparation of the dough

Cookies with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth, the photo of which is presented above, you should start to prepare with kneading dough. This process takes a little time. First you need to soften the margarine in a water bath, then put it in a deep container. You also need to add sugar here. Products carefully grind. In the received weight to drive in an egg, add soda, and then again to mix.

After that, the mixture should be introduced with mayonnaise and sifted flour. Of the components, you need to knead a thick, but elastic dough.

How to bake a treat

Biscuits are cooked with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth, on a baking sheet. The container should be oiled or covered with parchment paper. From the ready test roll up the neat balls. Such blanks should be laid out on a baking tray, and then placed in a preheated oven to 180 ° C. This biscuit is baked for 35 minutes. The dessert is served after it has cooled.

Cookies «Homemade»

How else can you cook a cookie with mayonnaise, melting in your mouth? A step-by-step recipe allows you to make a delicious and delicate dessert quickly and easily. To prepare a treat you will need:

  1. 580 g of wheat flour.
  2. 2 chicken eggs.
  3. 190 g of mayonnaise.
  4. 18 ml of table vinegar.
  5. 220 g of granulated sugar.
  6. 60 g of starch.
  7. 210 grams of margarine.
  8. 4 g of soda.
  9. 3 g of salt.

Cooking dough

In a deep bowl, you should put the mayonnaise and add sugar to it. Ingredients grind well. Margarine must be softened in a water bath. It should be put in a bowl with mayonnaise. Add an egg here. Mix the ingredients well. In the mixture, add salt, and then sugar. Soda is recommended to extinguish with vinegar and add to the dough.

In a deep container to sift the wheat flour, and then pour into it a mixture of mayonnaise with other ingredients. Ingredients should be gently mixed, and then knead the dough. The container should be closed with a plastic wrap and placed in a refrigerator. Here, the dough should last at least 3 hours.

Baking process

Cookies with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth, the ingredients of which are indicated in this recipe, should be baked in a well-heated oven. It should be included in advance. As for temperature, this figure should be equal to 180 ° С.

How to form a cookie? To begin with, the dough should be removed from the refrigerator and passed through a meat grinder. The resulting noodles must be laid out on a baking tray, pre-covered with baking paper. Place the container with blanks in the oven. Bake the biscuits for 15 minutes. Serve the dainty in a cold form with tea or cocoa.

Cookies "Vanilla"

This is another recipe for an amazingly delicate treat. It is ideal not only for tea in the home circle, but also for the festive table. From what to cook cookies with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth? Composition:

  1. 800 g of wheat flour.
  2. 180 g of sugar sand.
  3. 220 g of mayonnaise.
  4. 5 g of vanillin.
  5. 190 g of starch.
  6. 270 g of oil.
  7. 3 g of soda.
  8. 2 chicken eggs.

Preparation of products

To cook a cookie with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth, you need to knead the dough well. For this, in a deep container, pour out the sugar and add the eggs. Mix the ingredients. On a water bath, you need to soften the vegetable oil, and then pour it into the dishes with the mixture. Here also introduce soda, starch and vanillin. Ingredients should be mixed well, and then add mayonnaise. In a container with the resulting mass to sift the wheat flour and knead a steep, but elastic dough.

Bake in the oven

Biscuits are baked in the oven at a temperature of 200 ° C. It is recommended to heat it in advance. Place the dough on a working surface, sprinkled with flour, and roll it into a layer. After that it is necessary to cut out blanks of any shape - asterisks, rhombuses, squares. The most simple - round cookies. This can be done with a thin-walled glass.

Billets should be laid out on a baking sheet, previously covered with parchment paper. Sprinkle each cookie with sugar. Bake a treat before the appearance of a golden hue. Serve the biscuit cold with tea.

Cookies "Gentle"

Cookies with mayonnaise, melting in the mouth, can be cooked in another way. This recipe allows you to bake a delicate treat, which will appeal not only to children, but also to parents. For the preparation of cookies will require:

  1. 150 g butter based cream.
  2. 520 g of wheat flour.
  3. 4 g of salt.
  4. 16 grams of vanilla sugar.
  5. 9 g of baking powder for dough.
  6. 160 g of sugar sand.
  7. 170 g of mayonnaise, preferably thick.

Basic stages of preparation

To begin with it is necessary to soften on a water bath butter from a cream. It should be added mayonnaise, egg, salt and sugar. All costs to mix up to homogeneity. In a separate container it is necessary to sift the wheat flour and add the baking powder for the dough. The resulting mixture is poured into the dishes, where the liquid component is located. All components must be mixed well. The result should be a dough.

The baking tray should be covered with baking paper. It is recommended to pour the dough into a confectionery bag. Using a syringe, the composition must be squeezed onto a baking tray. The distance between the blanks should be at least 1 centimeter. The baking tray should be placed in an oven preheated to 200 ° C. Bake the biscuits for 20 minutes. Ready-made delicacy can be put on a plate and served with tea.

Cooking tips

To get a delicious cookies with mayonnaise, melting in your mouth, you should follow several rules:

  1. Ready-made pastries should not be dark in color.
  2. In this cookie you can add a little cocoa. To make the chocolate delicacy more aromatic, it is worthwhile to put a little cardamom and nutmeg into the dough.
  3. If desired, you can add crushed dried apricots or raisins in the cookies. This will allow you to diversify pastries.
  4. Before you place the billets in the oven, they can be sprinkled with sugar or sesame.
  5. To get a fragrant biscuit, you can add to the dough, not only vanillin. For these purposes, ideal zest for orange or lemon, ginger, cinnamon.
  6. If necessary, homemade cookies with mayonnaise can be decorated with condensed milk.

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