Self improvementPsychology

How to overcome fears - psychologist's recommendations

We periodically need to leave the comfort zone and act in one way or another, risking or not looking back. Only from time to time disturbs the feeling of fear. Of course, fear is created by nature as a quality that protects against any misconduct. But sometimes, this property becomes so strong that it obscures the clarity of the mind and the ability to perceive what is happening in the light of rationality. How to overcome fears and grow over them? - this is a question that, in a certain period of life, is set by almost everyone.

The more life experience, the stronger the fear

The newborn knows no fear, because he has never encountered him. Gradually, as you acquire life experience and the emergence of diverse situations, a person begins to fear. He has an understanding that a certain situation can end badly.

Such negative thoughts make it difficult to live fully. To adjust the situation, you just need to realize the need to solve the problem, since everyone can overcome fears. With increasing negative experience, people are afraid of more and more unfavorable factors. In this case, the negative experience of different people is different. Therefore, it is by no means always what frightens one, causes similar sensations among his acquaintances.

Fear of experiencing fear

Over time, a person can begin to fear situations that cause fear. That is, he is not afraid of any object, namely, a sense of fear. Such a person makes efforts to consciously avoid the corresponding situations.

In this case, you need to identify the cause of fear, and then engage in the development of self-confidence. Do not assume that the task is large and impossible. In fact, it simply should be divided into small subparagraphs, for which almost no additional effort is needed. This is especially clear to athletes. And after performing small tasks, you should deal with larger issues.

Do not suppress fear

A person who is in a state of fright is deprived of the opportunity to make decisions and act. Fear can arise before some new actions that you did not have to do before. If a person becomes interested in how to overcome fears, then first you need to admit to yourself in their presence. Because only in case of an honest discovery of these qualities can you take steps to eliminate them.

It is better to act, despite the internal state. If you repeat this several times, then gradually it turns out to surpass your fear. After all, too much fright only hinders. Therefore, it is necessary to exert maximum efforts, as to overcome fears is to make them afraid of themselves.

Adoption of strong-willed decision

While there is no clear program regarding their actions, fear increases. Therefore, we need to decide on how to deal with the situation. After a certain course of action has appeared, fear is compressed into a ball. Of course, he waits for a while, as if the decision will be implemented accurately. But when it turns out that a person is not going to deviate from the planned plan of action, fear becomes less and less until it disappears completely.

What is fear? - only an emotion. She is able to fill herself with everything, becoming a big jellyfish. Is it really worthwhile to allow this unreasonable "object" to influence one's own life? Of course not. That's why you should turn it into a small compressed ball, which subsequently disappears.

During the decision, a person can worry about its correctness. If you look at the question from the point of view of rationality, it becomes clear: any action is always preferable to fear of the unknown. After the first steps are taken in the direction taken, the situation becomes clear. And it becomes possible to turn it in the right direction.

The worst development of events

In overcoming fear, the question of "how to overcome fear of the unknown" often helps. That is, in this case, one should reflect on the topic: what will happen if ... Usually such arguments open the veil of secrecy and it becomes clear that the outcome in principle is not dangerous. Often people think that the result will be frightening. But with the help of this exercise, it becomes clear in the illustrative example that the problem disappears.

If it turned out that the unpleasant sensations have survived, then we should think about what this inner voice tells us. Therefore, if intuition really saved from a dysfunctional event, then it's just wonderful. In such cases, you need to rejoice in your own sensitivity and thank her for saving.

Analysis of the situation

Thorough examination of what is happening without hiding from oneself unfavorable and "ugly" qualities is the best option for combating fear. The analysis helps to understand the following points:

  1. What exactly scares?
  2. What is the reason for fear?
  3. Is it worth spending your internal reserve on a negative emotion?

The list can be continued until the internal satisfaction status is obtained. The essence of the method consists in a thorough study of the "enemy". Because only knowing your fear completely, you can find out how to overcome it.

And if there are several options for eliminating fear, then you need to work out each of them. It helps to use your own imagination, because when you scroll in it the situation is very clear. The person who has overcome fear, always understood preliminary how to do it.

Someone might think that analysis is something long and boring. In fact, everything is absolutely wrong. Identify the positive and negative, without obscuring it with anything - very interesting. After all, it is not necessary for anyone to provide the information received. She's only going for herself.

Common phobia: fear of death

Very many people are afraid of death, which is considered normal. But it happens, everything becomes very serious and goes into such phobias as:

  1. Swim in the sea.
  2. Drive a car.
  3. To touch the handrails in public transport and other things.

It is worth accepting its demise as a phenomenon that is the logical outcome of every person's life. Since overcoming the fear of death is actually to understand the whole charm of the present moment. Yes, it will all end, and even Pharaoh Tutankhamun and King Solomon did not escape. That's why you need to appreciate every sigh, and make any action consciously.

And if a person is afraid to live?

It is necessary to rejoice in what is happening, to perceive it from a positive point of view. Even if the situation is unfavorable, they should be taken as a test. And it is better to treat them as lessons. After all, a person is born in order to become better, learn something.

And those individuals who are afraid to go out in the morning from home, most likely, wake up in the declining years. They will understand that their whole life passed by, but nothing was done. And in order to avoid such a turn, one should think about questions: is it worthwhile to experience the fear of life? How to overcome it?

Childbirth - it hurts

Future mothers are always very worried about childbirth. This is due to the fact whether everything is prepared for the future baby at home. Also, any woman is going through because of such questions:

  1. How to cope with the pain.
  2. Enough of power.
  3. Whether everything will go well and so on.

Since to overcome the fear of childbirth is already the key to the success of the event, it is necessary to work on this. As for the pain, one should realize that it will be very strong and take it as it is. About the physical form and health you need to take care 9 months, following the doctor's recommendations and attending special courses for expectant mothers. Concerning, whether all will pass successfully, the doctor should think. Therefore, before giving birth, you should take care of a good specialist.

The main thing is to tune in to positive things. For each of his actions should be taken as a basis for only a happy view. And in such an important matter as the birth of a new person, this rule should be considered an axiom. Everything will be fine, because there are simply no other options.

And if it's scary to get on the plane?

The mass media do not always regret the public, talking about unsuccessful flights. Often the information is accompanied by colorful photos or informative video. At the same time, impressionable citizens decide to travel long distances solely on trains.

Trains are very good, although much longer. But how to overcome the fear of flight, if you want to get to another continent? The best recommendation is to get as far as possible from what is happening. If a person sitting next to him is to communicate, then you can meet him. Communication with a fellow traveler is a pretty strong distraction. You do not need to drink coffee, because the heartbeat will become more frequent, and the excitement will increase. It is more preferable to pay attention to alcohol, which will help relieve tension.

Fear is part of life. Everyone is afraid of something. Even, for example, a very strong and formidable athlete, who respectfully nod all around, is also able to experience. Perhaps he is afraid to eat a product with an intestinal stick in it. Variants can be very diverse. And this does not mean that you need to surround yourself with a vacuum. After such an act, life becomes an existence, and its taste simply disappears. That's why you must always answer for yourself the question: "How to learn to overcome fears?" And they should be first identified and subjected to a thorough analysis.

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