Health, Diseases and Conditions
Tonsillitis - symptoms, treatment, prevention
It is unlikely that among your friends there are people who have not had tonsillitis. What is this disease? To all of us she is known by a simple name - angina. Remember, as a child, if you wet your feet or froze, your mother or grandmother must have given you hot tea and wrapped up, threatening that her throat is sore. And just about drinking cold water, coming home in the hot summer, generally keep quiet. Let's deal with this disease once and for all. Tonsillitis - symptoms, treatment, complications, myths about the disease. I will tell you all about this today.
To begin with, it should be understood that if you have a sore throat and you are painful to swallow, it is not necessarily tonsillitis. People often confuse two ailments: pharyngitis and sore throat. Pharyngitis is an inflammation of the posterior pharyngeal wall. Angina, however, strikes her first blow to the palatine tonsils. Why "first", I will explain later. Some people know little about this disease and take it lightly. And in vain! So, let's take care of everything in order.
Tonsillitis - symptoms, treatment
Tonsillitis is an infection of the upper respiratory tract, primarily affecting the palatine tonsils. The most common cause of this disease is streptococci, staphylococci, opportunistic bacteria, herpesviruses and adenoviruses.
They suffer from tonsillitis mainly in winter and spring. This is due primarily to the lack of vitamins and, as a consequence, reduced immunity. The person is infected by airborne droplets. The carrier of the disease is a patient with angina or an asymptomatic carrier (rarely). You can get infected and through the food or objects that the patient used.
If you have a sore throat, especially when swallowing, there is a high fever (often rises very quickly and hard to get knocked off), chills, pain and aches in the joints and muscles. Be sure to consult a doctor! These are the most common symptoms of tonsillitis. With proper and timely treatment, you say goodbye to angina after 5-8 days. Why do I need to see a doctor? It is the doctor who can give you an accurate diagnosis and prescribe the right treatment. If you really have tonsillitis, you will definitely get antibiotics prescribed, and if it's pharyngitis or just SARS, then there's no need for antibiotics.
Why immediately antibiotics? And what about folk medicine? The fact is that tonsillitis can be cured only with the help of antibiotics. At treatment are used: ampicillin, penicillin, erythromycin, are accessible and inexpensive preparations, but well acting on pathogens of tonsillitis. Of course, no one denies that you can, no, even necessary, gargle with furatsilinom, sodium chloride or broths of chamomile and sage. You can make compresses with honey and vodka for the night, and in the daytime wear a warm scarf or scarf. Each procedure will bring you closer to recovery.
If treatment does not begin with nevovremya, tonsillitis, the symptoms, whose treatment is now being disclosed, will cause a significant impact on the body (that's why at the beginning of the story I talked about the "first" stroke of the sore throat). Complications of tonsillitis: damage to the heart and joints - rheumatism, pyelonephritis, appendicitis, and the most dangerous - sepsis, leading to death. Therefore, do not ignore the antibiotics and doctor's prescription.
Not only adults suffer from tonsillitis, but, unfortunately, children.
Tonsillitis in children - symptoms of disease
The reason for applying to the doctor is the following symptoms: the child complains of sore throat, especially when swallowing, small children can and completely refuse to eat and drink, fever over 38 degrees, malaise, chills, may occur with tonsillitis vomiting and abdominal pain . If you have made attempts at treatment, but no improvement has occurred, you just need the help of a specialist. If necessary, the pediatrician will send you for advice to the otolaryngologist.
Acute tonsillitis - treatment
As a rule, only with a severe course of illness, patients with acute tonsillitis are hospitalized. The patient is shown a diet rich in vitamins C and B, mandatory antibacterial therapy (this, as you already know, all the same antibiotics), gargling, and also irrigation with therapeutic antiseptic drugs.
T onsillitis - symptoms, treatment, 5 myths about the disease
Myth number 1. Angina can be ill, only closely in contact with the patient, for example, through a kiss.
Myth number 2. Tonsillitis can be cured at home, just need to gargle.
Myth number 3. Now no one treats tonsillitis by an operative method (tonsillectomy - removal of tonsils).
Myth number 4. After removing tonsils, you will never get sick with tonsillitis.
Myth number 5. If you have a sore throat, then you have tonsillitis.
Remember! A good doctor will always tell you that the disease is easier to prevent than cure. Therefore, strengthen your immunity, do not contact the patient with tonsillitis, and if this is not possible, then use a special mask, follow and hygiene of the oral cavity. Be healthy!
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