
The drug "Furacilin". Rinse throat with sore throat

Furacilin belongs to the pharmacological group of external antiseptics. The active substance of the drug is nitrofural.

Furacil. Indications for use

The list of indications for prescribing the drug contains the following diseases:

· Dysentery (chronic and acute forms);

· Purulent otitis (chronic form);

· Bedsores, ulcers;

· Burns;

· Conjunctivitis;

· Stomatitis;

· Inflammatory processes in the nasal paranasal sinuses;

· Purulent-inflammatory process in the pleural cavity and in the joint cavities.

Furacil. Contraindications, side effects

Contraindications for the treatment of furatsilinom include a special sensitivity of the body to active nitrofural, renal failure and dermatitis of allergic genesis. During the treatment with the drug in a number of cases, side effects are observed in the form of vomiting and nausea, some patients lose their appetite and dizziness is observed. To more tangible negative symptoms include dermatitis and itchy skin. If at least one of the above actions occurs, the drug should be stopped before consulting a doctor.

Furacil. Methods of reception

With the appointment of the drug inside it is taken after a meal, accompanied by a plentiful drink.

Most often, the medicine is prescribed for external use. This is due to its ability to actively prevent the multiplication of various kinds of bacteria.

Microbes under the influence of the active substance of the drug disappear as early as 5-6 days. It is effectively used as a remedy for purulent diseases, in many cases it is considered an excellent preventive antibacterial medication. Therefore it is important to know how to dilute furacilin for rinsing.

Furacilin with angina

Angina refers to diseases requiring treatment with anti-inflammatory drugs, which have a strong wound healing and antimicrobial effect. They are prescribed in complex treatment with other antibiotics, sulfanilamide, antihistamine, anesthetics.

Such means include furatsilin. Gargle of the throat is used for all forms of the disease: catarrhal, ulcerative, follicular and lacunar angina. The solution is diluted immediately in two glasses:

1. In the first one it is necessary to dissolve the hydroperite (1 tab.) On a glass of water or replace the product with 3% hydrogen peroxide (1 tablespoon).

2. Dioxydin and furacilin are diluted in the second glass. Rinse the throat should be done by first dissolving the funds in the proportion of 1-2 ampoules by 0.5 st. respectively.

As a substitute for these drugs are also used potassium permanganate, propolis, ekteritsid, decametoxin, chlorophyllite and many others. All of them have anti-inflammatory, wound-healing and analgesic effects.

Furacilin is often confused with an antiviral agent, which is absolutely wrong. This drug is an antiseptic, only different bacteria are sensitive to it, but not fungi and viruses. The period during which practically all pathogenic bacteria leave the body is usually 5-6 days. The effect of the drug on them is so strong that it is sometimes compared to a streptocid.

Streptococcus, salmonella, staphylococcus - all these bacteria are killed under the influence of the drug "Furacilin".

Rinse throat: basic techniques

There are two ways of treating the throat with the drug.

First. First take a sip of the solution from one glass and rinse, pronouncing the letter "E" or "O", after which the liquid is spit out. Then follows a second sip, but from the second glass. Rinsing is carried out in a similar way, with the first pharynx not recommended to be retained in the oral cavity for a long time, but the subsequent portions of the solution are carried out for a longer period of time. Gradually pathogenic bacteria begin to die from the action of the active substance contained in the preparation "Furacilin".

Rinse throat, method two. It involves deeper processing of the throat. Rinsing treats the tonsils, the root of the tongue and the posterior pharyngeal walls. The procedure is similar to alternating sips from both glasses. But, having collected liquid in the mouth, the head must be thrown back and processed for a long time, trying to pronounce the syllable "GLU". A day to 5-6 rinses with a break in 2-3 hours.

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