Spiritual development, Astrology
Element Air: signs of the zodiac elements
Astrology fascinates with its predictions and forecasts. Many people believe that the signs of the zodiac influence their life and character. Aries or Pisces, Scorpio or Virgo, admirers of mysterious sciences, carefully read the description of the constellations and compare their successes in career, love and friendship. Each sign refers to a certain element: fire, earth, water or air. They also have an effect on a person's actions and his inner emotional state. For example, the element of air. The zodiac signs she patronizes are Gemini, Libra and Aquarius. It is about them, the same windy and weightless, and will be discussed in this article.
Element air: a general characteristic
Signs that belong to this category have a lively, cheerful character. They like to communicate very much, to be the center of attention in a huge crowd. Their thinking is clear, they always operate with logical conclusions and iron facts. They come to conclusion easily, they are able to explain any situation and justify their actions. They do not like to express their feelings openly, and if they do, there is always a sarcasm in it. AND You'll never understand if they're joking or not.
The advantages of Gemini, Libra and Aquarius are: the ability to adapt, a clear mind, objectivity, volunteer inclinations. They love freedom and love new acquaintances. Signs of the zodiac, belonging to the elements of air, also have disadvantages: duplicity, excessive self-confidence, strict calculation and coldness. Sometimes the love of freedom leads them to debauchery.
Representatives of the air sphere are better off living in the open area and enjoying its expanses. If they have settled in the metropolis, it is recommended to ventilate the rooms often, in order to gain access to such a necessary breath for them fresh air.
Gemini: character and career
Very dual sign of the zodiac. He never really knows what he really wants. "I'm thinking!" - this is the credo, which through the life of the Gemini. The sign of the zodiac, the elements of the air and other astrological influences make them dexterous and unstable. They are so fond of chatter that they are ready to sit in the company of people all day long. Such people should be the center, otherwise they will become bored and they will run away. In the literal sense of the word. After all, Twins fly and rush, but do not go. They are very mobile, restless, try to be at the same time in all places and do all the work at once.
The thirst for everything new is evident in their careers. They will never be office workers, littered with papers and yawning from routine. Only that profession, where in the foreground communication and hangout, will be to their liking. From Gemini, you get good advertising agents, real estate sellers, journalists. They are able to catch something interesting even from faded and unpleasant events, so a writer and a writer is their vocation. Their love for languages was rewarded by the elements of the air. What signs of the zodiac are able to learn new foreign words on the fly? Only Gemini. Due to this they become successful polyglot translators.
What Gemini is in love. Their health
Representatives of this sign of the zodiac have absolutely no time for sports, as they are constantly at work. Despite this, Gemini usually have good immunity and excellent health for envy of everything. Sometimes they suffer from insomnia and neuroses due to their increased workaholism. Sedentary work provokes the development of arthritis and rheumatism. They can not smoke, since the weak air has been awarded to them by the weak lungs. Signs of the zodiac of other elements are not able to sit on the diet patiently and courageously, as the Twins do. They are fans of vegetarianism and separate food.
In love they are indecisive. A man will never take the first step and make you doubt his attitude. Instead, he constantly yearns for attention. To please him, a woman should be very smart, able to talk on any topic and be able to respond wisely to his changeability and constant disappearance for a day. Usually the signs of the zodiac, belonging to the elements of the air, are not serious at all. And this quality is vividly demonstrated by the Gemini woman. If she marries in adulthood, no one is surprised. She needs a companion who can tolerate her eternal marathon for life and will make her sometimes take a break.
Restrained and moderate Libra. Their promotion on
This sign of the zodiac is very peaceful and requires the same from others. He is always ready to make peace, loves discussions and a solid environment. Libra loves freedom, movement and travel, and this is not surprising, because their element - the air. What signs of the zodiac are so fond of light in all senses of this word: in the minds of people and indoors? Only Libra. They do not tolerate poorly educated people, although they are able to find an approach even to them. They know how to charm and flatter. But no one is so hospitable and hospitable as Libra. They will always support and offer a helping hand in any situation.
The scales always fluctuate, they can not make the necessary decision, and this is manifested in the career. After graduating from the institute, they can not choose a specialty for a long time, and usually they take the life path that their parents point out to them. They do not get managers, because they do not know how to point and solve problems quickly. But they are excellent auditors, consultants, fashion designers, hairdressers, sellers and agents.
Scales: health and love
Influence on them has an element of air: the zodiac signs of this group have problems with the nervous system. Therefore, Libra is prone to stress and depression. Their skin speaks about their state of health, it allows you to determine your state of health and even your mood. The weakest place is the kidneys, so Libra needs to protect herself from alcohol. Although this sign is the most frequently drunk, as it does not know the measures either in alcohol, or in the use of salt, pepper and spices. Such people are very useful herbal teas and infusions, seafood and cereals.
Libra - rationalists, especially men. In love, they seem to accept you as you are. But then they'll just fill up with tips for improvement. All this can be tolerated, especially given the fact that they are ideal lovers. Men-Libra is always in search of an inaccessible companion of life. As for women, the representatives of this sign love the partnership. She, like no other, will be interested in the husband's hobby, take an active part in his entertainment and cooperate with him in all spheres of life.
Aquarius: his life principles and profession
If we consider the winter signs of the zodiac, the element of air here patronizes only one of them - Aquarius. In life he is very responsible, a sense of duty prevails over all others. "I know" is the life credo of Aquarius. They mastaki get into unpredictable situations and with dignity from them go out. Very curious, they want to be aware of everything in the world. Also they are versatile people, at the same time they are able to preserve their individuality and self-expression.
Character leaves an imprint on the profession. Aquarius is able to work in any field. Usually he is too absorbed in his duties, which causes the family to suffer first. Discipline and universality are two characteristics of the Aquarius-worker, which the elements of the air have endowed them with. The winter months sign represents from the standpoint of endurance and careerism. He knows how to earn money, but he is not able to accumulate capital. Despite this, an entrepreneur is a profession that is most suitable for Aquarius.
Aquarius as a lover. Weaknesses in his
This is not the strongest sign that the zodiac represents. Element air, the winter months could not give him excellent health, he often gets sick. Doctors do not like these patients, as they are unable to observe the regime of the day and follow the directions of doctors. Aquarius gets sick instantly, and many of his sickness often become chronic. Weak places: the nervous system, stomach and limbs. They can not eat semi-finished products and "stuffed" with chemicals products.
As for intimate relationships, then to like the man-Aquarius, in a woman there must be a "riddle". This sign loves extraordinary, interesting ladies. He plays with them in "cat and mouse", not revealing his feelings until the wedding. It can not be rushed. Instead, representatives of this sign, on the contrary, are too frivolous in love. They have many connections and are tired of boring traditional relationships. To win such a woman, you need to give her complete freedom and do not put pressure on her with her views on life. If we consider the winter signs of the zodiac, the element of air here extends its influence only on Aquarius, therefore, unlike Capricorn and Sagittarius, in love it is more unpredictable.
Compatibility of air signs
Light and transparent elements - air. Signs of the zodiac, she endowed with the same features of character. They never fully know who they want to be with, and how long this will last. Inside the elements, they are able to find their own pair. So, good alliances will be: man Gemini - woman Libra, man Libra - woman Aquarius, male Aquarius - woman Gemini. Although all variations of aerial signs are accepted, they are well combined due to the similarity of the characters. They will understand each other or at least try to do it. Of course, an ideal marriage can not come about because of impermanence and the desire for change, which is characteristic of aerial signs.
As for the representatives of other elements, the Gemini will be happy with the Lions, we should avoid Streltsy, Dev and Pisces. The best companions of life for Libra will be Aries, Lions and Sagittarius, there will be no mutual understanding with Taurus, Cancers and Capricorns. Aquarius is suitable Sagittarius, instead of this complex relationship should be expected from the Cancers, Dev and Aries.
Interesting Facts. Aerial signs of the zodiac
In our time, people are increasingly believing in the horoscope. Element air and its characteristics, signs of the earth and their health, water and its impact on the career of Cancers and Scorpions worry them sometimes even more than the realities of life. They read forecasts for tomorrow, for the next month and even for a year ahead. Although they never even think about where the name of the signs came from, who invented them.
The story tells us that the Twins, for example, became so because of the legend. According to her, Zeus and Leda were born twin sons Castor and Pollux. They called the constellation in the sky, and accordingly the sign of the zodiac. Libra meanwhile - the only inanimate representative of the zodiacal circle. His rule falls on the autumnal equinox. Hence the equality, which symbolizes the cups of the measuring device. As for Aquarius, in February the Nile usually spread. Hence the name of the constellation dominant in this period.
Astrology is an ancient science and is not completely unraveled. And even if you do not really believe in its truths and dogmas, it is still interesting and instructive to read them.
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