Sports and FitnessBody-building

Thrust of the top block behind the head, possible errors in the execution

Coming to the gym, many people want to learn to pull themselves up. The most effective and effective exercise that will help in this case is the pull of the top block over the head. For those who want to strengthen the muscle corset and reduce the amount of fat, exercise is also suitable. This is a complex multi-joint exercise in which several muscle groups work.

Working muscles

The main muscles involved in the work are the broadest back muscles, the trapezium (lower part), the rhomboid, the back beam of the delta and the biceps brachium of the shoulder. In addition, the muscles of the forearm work.

How to Exercise

The thrust of the top block behind the head is quite a traumatic exercise, and it requires the right technique. The movement starts from the sitting position, the legs are fixed under the rollers at an angle of 90 degrees between the hip and lower leg, hands on the handle.

Hook options

To perform the exercise, you can use different types of grips: straight, reverse, wide, narrow.

The traction of the upper block by the head with a wide grip loads the lateral parts of the muscles of the back. By doing this, you can add back volume. If you use the curved ends of the handle, the amplitude of the stretching of the muscle will increase.

A narrow back grip in the exercise shifts the load to that part of the latissimus muscle of the back that is closer to the spine.

Thus, in order to work out the muscles located closer to the spine and increase their relief, you need to use a narrow grip.

Separately, you can disassemble a neutral grip. In it, the palms are directed towards each other - this is the average grip between the forward and backward. Neutral grip loads mainly the middle part of the broadest muscles.

Trajectory of motion

Exercise begins with the scapula. The handle moves down on exhalation, it returns on inhalation. The pull of the top block behind the head is the most traumatic version of the exercise. In addition, you can draw traction with a flat back and lower the handle to the top of the chest. And also you can deflect the body slightly back. Working muscles will remain the same, but the load will shift to the lower fascicles of the latissimus muscle.

When performing any type of traction, you need to monitor the position of the head. The neck is the extension of the spine. We try to keep the position of the head for the entire motion path fixed. The look is directed forward (if you make the draft version for the head), forward or upward (if you carry out other traction options).

The position of the elbows when performing

All repetitions must be performed with the correct technique. The elbows tend closer to the torso. In a position where the arms are straightened, do not allow the arms to be fully straightened.

Thrust of the upper block by the head, the number of repetitions

To increase the strength or volume, the best number of repetitions is 6-12 times. Gradually, the amount can be increased.

Contraindications and errors

The most common mistakes during the exercise are a round back. It is necessary to imagine what a vertebral column looks like in a natural position (standing). It is straight, with natural curves in the cervical, thoracic, lumbar spine.

When performing the exercise, you should always keep your back straight, do not allow unnecessary movements. It is important to remember that the working joints are shoulder and elbow joints.

Quite often, the thrust of the upper block sitting behind the head is performed using too much weight. This leads to unnecessary injury. The most frequent in this exercise are stretches of the shoulder and elbow joints.

If injury to the joints is already there, then this exercise at the initial stage of recovery should be avoided. Contraindications to the performance of traction of the upper block are various diseases associated with spinal injuries. In this case, it is worth to carefully approach the issue of training and gradually strengthen the muscles of the back, without the risk of injury.

Who can do the exercise?

Exercise is absolutely right for everyone. And men, and women, and the elderly, and people with excess weight. The thrust of the top block behind the head for the girls is an excellent option for strengthening the muscles of the back. Unlike men, girls in training can use more repetitions, working to strengthen the muscular corset and increase stamina.

Not everyone can pull themselves up, but very many people would like to learn. The thrust of the upper block will help to achieve the set goal in the fastest time.

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