
Why does the eyeball hurt?

The eyeball, because it has both pain receptors and nerve endings, is a very sensitive organ. This allows you to protect the eye from external influences: wind, cold, eyelashes.

It is very difficult to establish how and how much the eyeball hurts in humans. There can be several reasons for this condition: fatigue, eye stress (internal), etc. That is, there is a different degree of disease and various causes of its occurrence.

Our task is to identify the main reasons for pain in the eyeballs:

  1. The eye muscles are too overworked. This can occur as a result of a long focused eye position at one point, wearing incorrectly selected lenses or glasses. Wearing lenses or glasses that do not match your indicators cause a feeling of dull pain. Also, as a result of overwork, there is often a red eyeball.
  2. Perhaps the emergence of an inflammatory process as a result of inflammation of the nasal sinuses. In this case, there are paroxysmal acute pains in the field of eyeballs, in particular, the posterior part of it.
  3. The eyeball hurts also thanks to the influence of the internal factors of the body: headache, overstrain of the facial muscles.
  4. Severe pain, which is accompanied by nausea, vomiting, gleaming around the light source, can be caused by glaucoma - a disease that causes an increase in intraocular pressure, resulting in the development of blindness. Glaucoma patients say that the character of pain in this case is pressing, there is a feeling of a foreign body in the eye. The same signs are typical for acute attacks of the disease.
  5. It is possible that the eyeball hurts not under the influence of passing diseases, but as a result of direct eye diseases.
  6. When a person develops an infectious disease in which fever rises, fever, often a concomitant symptom while this is the pain in the eyeballs.
  7. Various kinds of trauma to the eyeball. So, with damage to the mucous membrane and the inner surface of the eyelid, the surface of the eyeball can become covered with blood. If a foreign body penetrates into the eyeball, scratches and wounds appear on the surface. If the cause of the pain is a cut or a puncture of the eye, treatment should be treated very seriously and quickly consult a doctor. It is possible that after the injury, retinal detachment occurs , which leads to the development of infectious diseases and possible blindness.
  8. The cause, which hurts the eyeball, can be a progressive infection of the eye. In this particular case, the penetration of bacteria is possible not only from the external environment, but also from the body as a whole (in the presence of acute or chronic diseases). There are many cases when it was very difficult to identify the focus of infection. Many seek the cause only in outside interference, and not inside the body itself.
  9. Inflammation of the vessels that feed the eyeball. In this case, there is a lack of blood supply to the eyeball and the tissues that surround it. Such a disease should be determined using a special technique, as well as in the presence of a cardiologist.
  10. Currently, due to the constant work with the computer, the operation of air conditioners and some other factors, a common disease is the "dry eye" syndrome. In this case, the eyeball receives an insufficient amount of lubrication when blinking. There are many methods of treating this ailment.

If you have this symptomatology, you just need a visit to the ophthalmologist! The sooner this happens, the better for you and your health!

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